Автор: Роберт Калбертсон, Крис Браун, Гэри Кобб
Издательство: Вильямс
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 5-8459-0336-X
Количество страниц: 373
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Жесткая и серьезная конкуренция на рынке готового программного обеспечения (ПО) заставляет искать способы, целью которых является как минимизация сроков разработки новых продуктов, так и повышение их надежности. Как известно, высокое качество и надежность гарантирует адекватно выполненное тестирование. Технология быстрого тестирования находит `золотую середину` между соблюдением сроков и гарантией высокого качества. Описанию этой технологии и посвящена книга. Книга написана с учетом громадного опыта работы авторов в области тестирования ПО. Она окажет несомненную пользу всем специалистам, которые работают как в крупных, так и в небольших организациях, занимающихся созданием ПО.
Автор: Solomon H. Katz, William Woys Weaver
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2003
isbn: 0-684-80567-7
Количество страниц: 712
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The role of food in different cultures throughout time and in all parts of the world is exploded in this exceptional new three-volume culinary reference. ... Contributors include food specialists, anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, economists, and critics who provided 600 signed articles covering topics such as individual staple foods; the role of food in different holidays and festivals; nutrition and food science; food symbolism and its use in various arts; national cuisines; and biographies of individuals in food history. ... The set features 550 black-and-white photographs and illustrations, with separate eight-page inserts of color illustrations in each volume. ... Public libraries especially will find Encyclopedia of Food and Culture valuable since it does cover a broader ranger of culinary subjects and its alphabetical arrangement of entries is easier to use than the chapter structure ... For academic libraries, large public libraries, or any library with a demand for culinary information, this set is highly recommended.
Автор: Solomon H. Katz, William Woys Weaver
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2003
isbn: 0-684-80566-9
Количество страниц: 627
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The role of food in different cultures throughout time and in all parts of the world is exploded in this exceptional new three-volume culinary reference. ... Contributors include food specialists, anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, economists, and critics who provided 600 signed articles covering topics such as individual staple foods; the role of food in different holidays and festivals; nutrition and food science; food symbolism and its use in various arts; national cuisines; and biographies of individuals in food history. ... The set features 550 black-and-white photographs and illustrations, with separate eight-page inserts of color illustrations in each volume. ... Public libraries especially will find Encyclopedia of Food and Culture valuable since it does cover a broader ranger of culinary subjects and its alphabetical arrangement of entries is easier to use than the chapter structure ... For academic libraries, large public libraries, or any library with a demand for culinary information, this set is highly recommended.
Автор: Solomon H. Katz, William Woys Weaver
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2003
isbn: 0-684-80565-0
Количество страниц: 718
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The role of food in different cultures throughout time and in all parts of the world is exploded in this exceptional new three-volume culinary reference. ... Contributors include food specialists, anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, economists, and critics who provided 600 signed articles covering topics such as individual staple foods; the role of food in different holidays and festivals; nutrition and food science; food symbolism and its use in various arts; national cuisines; and biographies of individuals in food history. ... The set features 550 black-and-white photographs and illustrations, with separate eight-page inserts of color illustrations in each volume. ... Public libraries especially will find Encyclopedia of Food and Culture valuable since it does cover a broader ranger of culinary subjects and its alphabetical arrangement of entries is easier to use than the chapter structure ... For academic libraries, large public libraries, or any library with a demand for culinary information, this set is highly recommended.