Автор: Сасс Казнс
Издательство: АО БММ
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 9663431393
Количество страниц: 132
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Для автора этого практического пособия вязание является образом жизни, способом дарить радость своим семьям и друзьям, а главное – себе. Вы найдете здесь множество моделей на все случаи жизни: шарфы, яркие женские сумочки, разноцветные бикини, веселые свитера. А кроме того – замечательные идеи буквально для всех членов вашей семьи: симпатичные пинетки для малышей, платье и гетры для детей постарше, забавные шапочки для тинейджеров, свитер для дедушки и даже костюмчик для куклы и попона для собаки! Все модели просты в изготовлении и соответствуют тенденциям моды.
Автор: Чистяков В.Д.
Издательство: Минобразования
Год издания: 1962
Количество страниц: 204
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Сборник старинных задач, включающий задачи Вавилона, Египта, Греции, Китая, Индии, арабские и русские задачи, а также задачи Западной Европы. Состоит из двух частей: первая - тексты задач, вторая - исторические экскурсы, решения и указания.
Автор: Kristine M. Krapp
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0-7876-6543-6
Количество страниц: 559
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The purpose of Psychologists and Their Theories
for Students is to provide readers with in-depth information
on major psychological theories, past and
present, as well as the people who developed them.
Psychologists explains each psychologist's theories in
detail, then analyzes the historical context and critical
reaction to the theories. Biographical information is
also included. Psychologists is designed to meet the
needs of high school and college students in the first
two years of study.
Psychologists contains entries on 20 of the most
frequently studied or most pertinent psychologists in
history. Each entry is accompanied by sidebars
containing information on related theories or other
psychologists who were close to the subject of the
entry, either through proximity or ideology. Photos
and charts are included. Entries follow a standard
structure and include a personal chronology, list of the
subject's principal publications, sources, and bibliographic
information on materials for a student's
further exploration of the subject. The entries are
accompanied by a historical overview of the science
of psychology, chronology, glossary of terms used in
the book, and a general index.
Автор: Richard M. Stapleton
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 0-02-865702-0
Количество страниц: 435
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Grade 8 Up–These 250 signed entries offer solid scientific and historical background, thorough descriptions, and, often, specific recent examples. Beyond the expected subject areas, coverage includes less obvious topics, such as "Information, Access to," that affect pollution in significant ways. Article length varies from one or two paragraphs on a specific topic such as the air pollution disaster at Donora, PA, to fairly comprehensive overviews. For example, a nine-page entry on "Lifestyle" examines the connection between pollution and a consumer lifestyle and "eco-apartheid," the costs of material growth paid by the urban poor. The clear writing is formal in tone; the vocabulary is fairly sophisticated. Statistical information is easy to access from within the narrative and from charts and tables. Valuable historical perspective combines with current information on timely articles such as "Arctic National Wildlife Refuge," which mentions the defeated 2002 legislation regarding oil exploration. Though there is an erroneous reference to "the first Bush administration" with regard to the 2001 opposition of the Kyoto Protocol, facts and dates are accurate. Bibliographies for each article include print and/or Internet sources. Cross-references encourage readers to investigate the relationships among topics. A useful "Topical Outline" groups articles into more than 30 broad categories. Wide margins; orange headings; and scattered color photos, charts, and diagrams make for an attractive layout. Reference works on general environmental areas are available, but many collections will benefit from this focused set that covers a timely topic in a thorough and accessible manner.
Автор: Richard M. Stapleton
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 0-02-865701-2
Количество страниц: 398
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Grade 8 Up–These 250 signed entries offer solid scientific and historical background, thorough descriptions, and, often, specific recent examples. Beyond the expected subject areas, coverage includes less obvious topics, such as "Information, Access to," that affect pollution in significant ways. Article length varies from one or two paragraphs on a specific topic such as the air pollution disaster at Donora, PA, to fairly comprehensive overviews. For example, a nine-page entry on "Lifestyle" examines the connection between pollution and a consumer lifestyle and "eco-apartheid," the costs of material growth paid by the urban poor. The clear writing is formal in tone; the vocabulary is fairly sophisticated. Statistical information is easy to access from within the narrative and from charts and tables. Valuable historical perspective combines with current information on timely articles such as "Arctic National Wildlife Refuge," which mentions the defeated 2002 legislation regarding oil exploration. Though there is an erroneous reference to "the first Bush administration" with regard to the 2001 opposition of the Kyoto Protocol, facts and dates are accurate. Bibliographies for each article include print and/or Internet sources. Cross-references encourage readers to investigate the relationships among topics. A useful "Topical Outline" groups articles into more than 30 broad categories. Wide margins; orange headings; and scattered color photos, charts, and diagrams make for an attractive layout. Reference works on general environmental areas are available, but many collections will benefit from this focused set that covers a timely topic in a thorough and accessible manner.
Автор: Вайнберг М.М.
Издательство: Просвещение
Год издания: 1979
Количество страниц: 128
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Учебное пособие по программе физико-математических факультетов педагогических институтов представляет собой введение в функциональный анализ. В книге нашли отражение не только основные понятия и результаты (теоремы Хана—Банаха, Штенгауза и т. д.), но и приложения функционального анализа.
Автор: Бурбаки Н.
Издательство: Наука
Год издания: 1966
Количество страниц: 554
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Группа французских математиков, объединенных под псевдонимом 'Бурбаки', поставила перед
собой цель — написать под общим заглавием 'Элементы математики' полный трактат по современной математике. Многие выпуски этого трактата уже вышли во Франции, вызвав
большой интерес математиков всего мира. В русском переводе вышли 'Топологические векторные пространства' (ИЛ, 1959), 'Очерки по истории математики' (ИЛ, 1963), два выпуска 'Общей топологии' (Физматгиз, 1958, 1959), один выпуск 'Алгебры' (Физматгиз, 1962).
Настоящая книга является третьим выпуском 'Алгебры'.
Книга рассчитана на математиков — научных работников, аспирантов и студентов старших курсов университетов и пединститутов.