Автор: В.В. Рагозин
Издательство: Физкультура и спорт
Год издания: 1951
Количество страниц: 462
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
В 1947-1949 гг. советская шахматная школа закрепила свое ведущее положение в мире и внесла огромный вклад в развитие шахматного искусства, в 1948 году М.Ботвинник одержал знаменательную победу, стал чемпионом мира.
В настоящем издании отражена шахматная жизнь в этот период. Сборник состоит из разделов:
1. Соревнования, партии и окончания.
2. История и анализ.
3. Композиция.
4. Приложения.
Автор: David Levinson, Karen Christensen
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 0-684-80617-7
Количество страниц: 551
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
In more than 2,600 articles, this encyclopedia covers the breadth of Asia, largely during the 20th century, from Turkey to Southeast Asia... Articles about countries typically include an overall profile (geography, the people, language, history, politics, economy) and more focused topical articles (economic system, education system, history, political system), giving readers the option of a summary approach or more detailed coverage. Many other topics appear by subject, with separate articles by country or region (e.g., Literature-Central Asia, Literature-China). Given the varying ways in which topics are presented, effective use of the encyclopedia is greatly enhanced by a lengthy Reader's Guide, repeated in each volume, and a subject index. Typical of good encyclopedias, all the articles are signed (the preface notes the participation of more than eight hundred scholars and experts from around the world), include references to related articles, and conclude with Further Reading bibliographies. Other features include nearly 1,400 black-and-white maps (a section of regional maps is repeated in each volume), photographs, tables, chronologies, sidebars (many quoting source documents), and a roster of contributors... Articles vary in depth, with many too superficial for more than quick reference or undergraduate background information. Nevertheless, the encyclopedia will be a unique resource appropriate for most reference collections. Summing Up: Essential. General and academic collections.
Автор: David Levinson, Karen Christensen
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 0-684-80617-7
Количество страниц: 613
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
In more than 2,600 articles, this encyclopedia covers the breadth of Asia, largely during the 20th century, from Turkey to Southeast Asia... Articles about countries typically include an overall profile (geography, the people, language, history, politics, economy) and more focused topical articles (economic system, education system, history, political system), giving readers the option of a summary approach or more detailed coverage. Many other topics appear by subject, with separate articles by country or region (e.g., Literature-Central Asia, Literature-China). Given the varying ways in which topics are presented, effective use of the encyclopedia is greatly enhanced by a lengthy Reader's Guide, repeated in each volume, and a subject index. Typical of good encyclopedias, all the articles are signed (the preface notes the participation of more than eight hundred scholars and experts from around the world), include references to related articles, and conclude with Further Reading bibliographies. Other features include nearly 1,400 black-and-white maps (a section of regional maps is repeated in each volume), photographs, tables, chronologies, sidebars (many quoting source documents), and a roster of contributors... Articles vary in depth, with many too superficial for more than quick reference or undergraduate background information. Nevertheless, the encyclopedia will be a unique resource appropriate for most reference collections. Summing Up: Essential. General and academic collections.
Автор: David Levinson, Karen Christensen
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 0-684-80617-7
Количество страниц: 599
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
In more than 2,600 articles, this encyclopedia covers the breadth of Asia, largely during the 20th century, from Turkey to Southeast Asia... Articles about countries typically include an overall profile (geography, the people, language, history, politics, economy) and more focused topical articles (economic system, education system, history, political system), giving readers the option of a summary approach or more detailed coverage. Many other topics appear by subject, with separate articles by country or region (e.g., Literature-Central Asia, Literature-China). Given the varying ways in which topics are presented, effective use of the encyclopedia is greatly enhanced by a lengthy Reader's Guide, repeated in each volume, and a subject index. Typical of good encyclopedias, all the articles are signed (the preface notes the participation of more than eight hundred scholars and experts from around the world), include references to related articles, and conclude with Further Reading bibliographies. Other features include nearly 1,400 black-and-white maps (a section of regional maps is repeated in each volume), photographs, tables, chronologies, sidebars (many quoting source documents), and a roster of contributors... Articles vary in depth, with many too superficial for more than quick reference or undergraduate background information. Nevertheless, the encyclopedia will be a unique resource appropriate for most reference collections. Summing Up: Essential. General and academic collections.
Автор: David Levinson, Karen Christensen
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 0-684-80617-7
Количество страниц: 601
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
In more than 2,600 articles, this encyclopedia covers the breadth of Asia, largely during the 20th century, from Turkey to Southeast Asia... Articles about countries typically include an overall profile (geography, the people, language, history, politics, economy) and more focused topical articles (economic system, education system, history, political system), giving readers the option of a summary approach or more detailed coverage. Many other topics appear by subject, with separate articles by country or region (e.g., Literature-Central Asia, Literature-China). Given the varying ways in which topics are presented, effective use of the encyclopedia is greatly enhanced by a lengthy Reader's Guide, repeated in each volume, and a subject index. Typical of good encyclopedias, all the articles are signed (the preface notes the participation of more than eight hundred scholars and experts from around the world), include references to related articles, and conclude with Further Reading bibliographies. Other features include nearly 1,400 black-and-white maps (a section of regional maps is repeated in each volume), photographs, tables, chronologies, sidebars (many quoting source documents), and a roster of contributors... Articles vary in depth, with many too superficial for more than quick reference or undergraduate background information. Nevertheless, the encyclopedia will be a unique resource appropriate for most reference collections. Summing Up: Essential. General and academic collections.
Автор: David Levinson, Karen Christensen
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 0-684-80617-7
Количество страниц: 619
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
In more than 2,600 articles, this encyclopedia covers the breadth of Asia, largely during the 20th century, from Turkey to Southeast Asia... Articles about countries typically include an overall profile (geography, the people, language, history, politics, economy) and more focused topical articles (economic system, education system, history, political system), giving readers the option of a summary approach or more detailed coverage. Many other topics appear by subject, with separate articles by country or region (e.g., Literature-Central Asia, Literature-China). Given the varying ways in which topics are presented, effective use of the encyclopedia is greatly enhanced by a lengthy Reader's Guide, repeated in each volume, and a subject index. Typical of good encyclopedias, all the articles are signed (the preface notes the participation of more than eight hundred scholars and experts from around the world), include references to related articles, and conclude with Further Reading bibliographies. Other features include nearly 1,400 black-and-white maps (a section of regional maps is repeated in each volume), photographs, tables, chronologies, sidebars (many quoting source documents), and a roster of contributors... Articles vary in depth, with many too superficial for more than quick reference or undergraduate background information. Nevertheless, the encyclopedia will be a unique resource appropriate for most reference collections. Summing Up: Essential. General and academic collections.
Автор: А. В. Белов
Издательство: Наука и техника
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 978-5-94387-364-3
Количество страниц: 307
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Данная книга представляет собой практическое пособие по разработке электронных схем с применением микроконтроллеров и управляющих программ к ним. Основа книги - это ряд практических примеров, которые от простого к сложному раскрывают принципы построения схем и написания программ для микроконтроллеров. Специально разработанные примеры вводят читателя в мир программирования с самых азов, пройти по всем этапам усложнения задачи и заканчиваются описанием нескольких интересных конструкций имеющих определенную практическую ценность.
После урока по программированию и схемотехники читатель получает подробные сведения о том, как происходит написание трансляция и отладка программ, познакомится с программными средствами, облегчающими редактирование и отладку программ. В заключении вы познакомитесь с принципами построения программаторов для прошивки оттранслированных программ в микросхему микроконтроллера, рассмотрите конкретную схему программатора и научитесь работать с программой, управляющей этим программатором.
Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей. Она будет полезна разработчикам электронных устройств, радиолюбителям и студентам технических ВУЗов.
Автор: Боуман Дж.С., Эмерсон С.Л., Дарновски М.
Издательство: Вильямс
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 5-8459-0229-0
Количество страниц: 322
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
В книге рассматривается много вопросов, ответы на которые можно не найти в других изданиях о базах данных. Сила этой книги заключена в том, что в ней изложение ведется с точки зрения преподавателя, практически обучающего студентов тому, что должен уметь каждый. Книга не похожа на инструкцию по применению отдельных средств языка, она передает начинающим опыт экспертов, хорошо знающих, как использовать эти средства. Книга "Практическое руководство по SQL" хорошо структурирована, материал изложен простым и понятным языком. С ее помощью вы научитесь получать от SQL все, что он может дать. Эта книга - отличное пособие для новичков и мощный источник великолепных примеров и советов для опытных разработчиков. Книга будет полезна любому пользователю, работающему с SQL.