Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Эдипресс-Конлига
Год издания: 2008
Количество страниц: 32
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Изящные мини-панно крестиком (на обложке). Чехол для табуретки в стиле старинной вышивки (шов палестрина) и с мальорской вышивкой. Вязаное спицами ажурное покрывало 145х240 см. Летняя скатерть с ягодным узором 140х140. Скатерть в стиле пэчворк - льняные квадраты соединенные между собой вязаными крючком полосами. Покрывало на кровать 257х250 крестиком "Бабочки в камышах". Идеи мережек для полотенец. Скатерть с вышитыми розами 170х250 см. Чехол на подушку с отделкой бисером. Картина с кошками - "На прогулке с мамой". Разноцветное ришелье. Старинный крестик (19 век) - рушники. Картина крючком "Летний букет". Полтавская гладь на чехле на подушку. Подушки и гамак 200х160 см вязаные на спицах и крючком. Большая вышивка "Корзина с цветами" размером 43.5 х 61.5 см.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Аэрохобби
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 48
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
В номере:
Истребитель МиГ-21 (монография и чертежи); Авиаконструктор К.А.Калинин; Боевой вертолет RAH-66 Comanche; Многоцелевой истребитель МиГ-35; Советская авиация над Киркенесом и другие материалы.
Автор: Wilfried Andra, Hannes Nowak
Издательство: Wiley-VCH
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 978-3-527-40558-9
Количество страниц: 655
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Product Description:
Progress in medicine has often been initiated by discoveries and results from various disciplines of natural science. One of the most famous examples is the X-ray. In this case, its importance with respect to medical applications was immediately recognized and its development was propelled by fruitful cooperation between physicians and physicists. In other cases, e.g. that of NMR, the period between discovery and subsequent application in medicine was longer. Sometimes, a method has become established in clinical practice only after having passed through a long period of in vitro investigations and preclinical trials, while there are also applications that could only be seriously developed once crucial parts had been invented.
Such cooperation between physicians, scientists, and engineers has proven effective and is certainly also a prerequisite for the continuing development of new methods or more sophisticated techniques and instruments. This is of particular concern for the application of magnetism in medicine.
This second, completely updated and extended edition of the only reference work in this growing field of medical physics focuses on biomagnetic instrumentation as well as applications in cardiology and neurology. New chapters have been added on fetal magnetography and magnetic field therapy, as well as the safety aspects of magnetic fields. Following an introductory section, the well-known specialist authors from Germany, USA, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands and Scandinavia go on to cover biomagnetism, magnetic resonances, as well as magnetic substances and externally applied magnetic fields, before rounding the text off with a set of conclusions.
The result is a manual for researchers in this field as well as for those who apply modern methods based on magnetism in medical practice. It equally provides a detailed overview for newcomers to the field as well as for experts familiar with only one part of the area.
Автор: Chessbase Company
Издательство: Chessbase Company
Год издания: 2008
isbn: N/A
Количество страниц: 4000
Язык: english
The Opening Encyclopaedia 2008 gives you a comprehensive survey of all playable openings up to the year 2008. It reaches from ECO A00 (Sokolsky) opening via B01 (Scandinavian), C02 (French), D00 (London System) to E04 (Catalan). Overall there are 4300 opening surveys which means that besides the main branches there are lots of variations to each of the ECO-Numbers. All variations are proven to you with many games.
Note: Some of the games are commented partly in german.