Автор: Gregory Alegi
Издательство: Albatros Productions Limited
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 1902207378
Количество страниц: 39
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Originally intended as a MINI DATAFILE, author Gregory Alegi has unearthed so much new material on the M.5 'fighter boat' that only the full DATAFILE treatment can do this fascinating machine full justice. With over 100 Illustrations, the majority previously unpublished, detailed narrative and colour notes with revised GAs from Ian Stair, this fine study of the colourful Macchi M.5 is a worthy addition to our growing list of Italian subjects. Never before has this flying boat been so accurately and comprehensively documented - the sheer variety of sparkling colour schemes alone should put it at the top of every modeller's new project list.
Автор: Steve Ginter, Nick Williams
Издательство: Ginter Books
Год издания: 1987
isbn: 0942612140
Количество страниц: 114
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Another in this highly respected series which forms a comprehensive guide to fighter aircraft (and many other types) operated by the US Navy and US Marine Corps in the years since World War II. The T-29/C-131/R4Y series of aircraft was one of the military's many cost-saving examples of purchasing existing civil and commercial designs for their utility and transport needs.
Автор: Allan Brito
Издательство: Packt
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 1847197469
Количество страниц: 316
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Modeling, rendering, and animating realistic machines with Blender 3D
Walk through the complete process of building amazing machines
Model and create mechanical models and vehicles with detailed designs
Add advanced global illumination options to the renders created in Blender 3D using YafaRay and LuxRender
Create machines such as a handgun, a steam punk spacecraft, and a transforming robot
In Detail
Blender 3D provides all the features you need to create super-realistic 3D models of machines for use in artwork, movies, and computer games. Blender 3D 2.49 Incredible Machines gives you step-by-step instructions for building weapons, vehicles, robots, and more.
This book will show you how to use Blender 3D for mechanical modeling and product visualization. Through the pages of the book, you will find a step-by-step guide to create three different projects: a fantasy weapon, a spacecraft, and a giant robot. Even though these machines are not realistic, you will be able to build your own sensible and incredible machines with the techniques that you will learn in this book along with the exercises and examples.
All the three sections of this book, which cover three projects, are planned to have an increasing learning curve. The first project is about a hand weapon, and with that we can image a small-sized object with tiny details. This first part of the book will show you how to deal with these details and model them in Blender 3D.
In the second project, we will create a spacecraft, adding a bit of scale to the project, and new materials and textures as well. With this project, we will be working with metal, glass, and other elements that make the spacecraft. Along with the object, a new space environment will be created in the book too.
At the end we have a big and complex object, which is the transforming robot. This last part of the book will cover the modeling of two objects and show how you can make one transform into the other. The scale and number of objects in this project are quite big, but the same principles as in the other projects are applied here with a step-by-step guide on how to go through the workflow of the project.
Автор: Клейн Л. С.
Издательство: Евразия
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 978-5-8071-0329-1
Количество страниц: 420
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
В книжке именитого археолога Л. Клейна рассказана трехвековая история спора о роли варягов в истории Древней Руси. Сформулированы позиции двух ключевых течений в отечественной историографии — норманистов и антинорманистов — и систематизированы доводы тех и прочих. В
Написанная живым языком книжка адресована не только экспертам: историкам и археологам, но и широкой аудитории читателей, увлекающихся отечественной историей.
Автор: Л. Кондрашева
Издательство: Правда
Год издания: 1989
Количество страниц: 36
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Уникальные коллекции Оружейной палаты, тесно связанные с историей Кремля и Русского государства. Приведены сведения о художественных мастерских Московского Кремля XVI-XVII веков, о творчестве замечательных русских умельцев, чьи произведения находятся в залах музея. В популярной форме раскрываются стилистические особенности произведений русского и иностранного искусства. Книга расширяет знания в области художественной культуры и отечественной истории.
Автор: Ц. Г. Нессельштраус
Издательство: Искусство
Год издания: 1964
Количество страниц: 388
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Книга представляет собой очерки истории искусства стран Западной Европы в средние века. В ней рассказывается об архитектуре, скульптуре, монументальной живописи и миниатюре Франции, Германии, Англии, Италии, Испании и других стран.
Издание иллюстрировано.
Автор: Smith T. Roger
Издательство: London Sampdon Low
Год издания: 1884
Количество страниц: 288
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Over 84 superb b/w illustrations. A book full of fascinating information which start by looking at t he buildings of the Middle Ages, Gothic architecture in England, Western Europe, Central and Northern Europe, and Southern Europe. The Renaissance section looks at Italy, France and Northern Europe, a nd Great Britain, Spain and Portugal.
Автор: Lyon H.
Издательство: How to Books
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 1845282833
Количество страниц: 206
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
From business plan to recipes, this book will give you all the information and advice you will need to help you set up and run a coffee shop and lunch bar. In it you will find the expert advice, first hand experience, and practical information to make your new business a success. This book features: choosing the right location, creating a useful image and choosing an appropriate name, planning an attractive menu, employing and training the right staff, finding and dealing with helpful suppliers, keeping to the required health and safety regulations, and more - including popular recipes from the author's own coffee shop.