Автор: Авдонькин Ф.Н.
Издательство: Транспорт
Год издания: 1978
Количество страниц: 269
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
В книге изложены рекомендации по увеличению срока службы агрегатов до замены деталей в реальных условиях эксплуатации, практические приемы оценки изменения технического состояния агрегатов автомобиля и советы по высококачественному ремонту агрегатов с минимальными затратами и простоем автомобилей в ремонте. Особое внимание уделено условиям, обеспечивающим большие пробеги автомобиля до замены деталей. Книга предназначена инженерно-техническим работникам автотранспортных предприятий.
Автор: Н.Ф. Мелащенко
Издательство: Беларусь
Год издания: 1987
Количество страниц: 176
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Приведены данные по выполнению всех операции технологических процессов получения покрытий: методика приготовления растворов и электролитов, их составы, режимы обработки в них, корректирования и эксплуатации, основные неполадки, возможные при процессах нанесения покрытий, их причины и способы устранения. Описаны классификация, свойства и область применения гальванических покрытий на диэлектриках. Для ИТР, мастеров и квалифицированных рабочих гальванических цехов.
Автор: Howard J. Langer
Издательство: Greenwood
Год издания: 1996
isbn: 0313291217
Количество страниц: 288
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The first book of American Indian quotations, this volume offers 800 quotations covering more than four centuries of American life. Arranged chronologically, the quotations include the words of warriors, poets, politicians, doctors, lawyers, athletes, and others. Putting real people into the tragedy that has been the story of Indian life, the book includes quotes not only about historic incidents, but also of Indian views on education, values, ecology, family, and religion. The book provides brief biographical information about those quoted, including both historical and contemporary figures, and cross-references the material through subject, author, and tribal indexes.
Автор: Eileen Lebow
Издательство: Praeger
Год издания: 1998
isbn: 0275962555
Количество страниц: 240
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The little-known American Balloon Service worked in combat to help direct artillery fire more accurately and provide essential intelligence on enemy troop movements during World War I. German use of observation balloons to direct artillery strikes on enemy positions during August of 1914 forced the Allies to develop a similar force. By the U.S. entry to the war in 1917, the balloon service evolved into an effective, disciplined fighting unit, whose achievements are unfortunately overshadowed by those of the flying aces. Reminiscences from balloon veterans form the basis of this book, the first to picture life as a "gasbagger" in the three major American engagements of the war.
Автор: Lawrence Burr, Ian Palmer, John White
Издательство: Osprey Publishing
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 1846032679
Количество страниц: 48
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
At the end of the Civil War the US Navy was the most technologically advanced navy in the world, but after the war this spirit of innovation faded and America's naval might dwindled. However, in the 1880s a "New Navy" was born and at the forefront of its fleet were the mighty cruisers. Lawrence Burr details how it was these cruisers that allowed America to once again display its power on the world's oceans. Exploring how the birth of this "Steel Navy" required the development of new shipbuilding, motive power, ordnance, and armour-plate production capability, he details the design and development of these ships. Intricate colour artwork illuminates the technicalities of the design, especially their internal workings through a cutaway of the USS Olympia, which has been restored and is now on public display. This title also places these technological advances in context, through vivid accounts of how US cruisers were fundamental to the Spanish-American War of 1898, destroying the Spanish fleet at the battles of Manila Bay and Santiago. It was their performance at these engagements that marked the emergence of the US Navy as a major naval power, and America as a world power.
Автор: Hans-Joachim Mau
Издательство: Transpress
Год издания: 1987
isbn: 3-344-00121-3
Количество страниц: 194
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Schon kurze Zeit nach der Proklamation der Tschechoslowakischen Republik (CSR) im Herbst 1918 entstand in Praha aus dem ehemaligen Flugzeugarsenal das erste Flugzeugwerk des jungen Staates. Der Betrieb sollte zuntichst vorwiegend Militarflugzeuge bauen, denn die damalige Regierung war bestrebt, schnell eine technisch gut ausgerustete Armee zu schaffen. Einige Jahre danach begann in der Tschechoslowakei auch der zivile Luftverkehr, der die groBen Stadte des Landes schneller erreichbar machte und seine volkerverbindende Funktion wahrnehmen konnte. Flugbegeisterte Tschechen pflegten die Traditionen des 1913 gegrundeten Aviation Clubs, konstruierten und bauten Flugzeuge, legten Flugplatze an und forderten so durch ihr Tun den Luftfahrtgedanken in der Bevolkerung. GroBe Erfolge errangen tschechoslowakische Piloten in aller Welt mit ihren meist kunstflugtauglichen Leichtflugzeugen aus einheimischer Produktion. Sie begriindeten somit im Flugsport die inter¬national fuhrende Rolle der tschechoslowakischen Luftfahrtindustrie. Das Produktionsprogramm des Flugzeugbaus in dem nun selbstandigen und wirtschaftlich rasch aufbluhenden Land wuchs — zum Zellenbau kam die Fertigung von Flugtriebwerken und Propellern -; es umfaBt heute auch den weiten Bereich von Bordinstrumenten bis zu Radaranlagen, der sich bescheiden hinterdem Begriff «Zubehor» verbirgt. Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen kurzen historischen AbriB uber die tschechoslowakische Luftfahrt von 1918 bis zur Gegenwart und stellt die wichtigsten Flugzeuge in Wort, Bild und DreiseitenriBzeichnung vor. Verfasser und Verlag danken alien, die zum Gelingen dieses Typenbuches beigetragen haben. Besonderer Dank gilt meinen Freunden Ingenieur Jan Krumbach (f), Jaroslov Dobias und Dr. Frantisek Kupka, Ladislav Zazvonil, aus dessen Archiv viele interessante Fotos stammen, sowie den Grafikern Miroslav Balous fur die farbigen Zeichnungen und Klaus Huhndorf fur die informativen Dreiseitenrisse.
Автор: Gordon Rottman, Peter Dennis
Издательство: Osprey Publishing
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 1846036925
Количество страниц: 64
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Little has been published on US armored infantry units and tactics over the years despite their key role in World War II. There were a total of 57 armored infantry battalions and two regiments that served throughout the war and in all theaters. Equipped with halftracks, they fought as part of combined arms teams and combat commands alongside tanks, tank destroyers and artillery battalions. Significantly, they were not simply standard infantry battalions provided with halftracks. Their company and platoon organization was very different from the standard infantry unit and these highly mobile, heavily armed battalions fought in an entirely different manner. Using period training manuals and combat reports this book provides an exclusive look at the unique tactics developed by US armored infantry units including movement formations and battle drills