Автор: Richard H. Kessin
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 0521583640
Количество страниц: 308
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Dictyostelia are soil amoebae capable of extraordinary feats of survival, motility, chemotaxis, and development. Known as the "social amoebae," these organisms have been the subjects of serious study since the 1930s. Research in this area has been instrumental in shaping general views of differentiation, morphogenesis, and communication. Beginning with the history of Dictyostelids, this book considers the problems of the evolution of this multicellular organism. Characterized by its ability to transform from a single-celled organism into an elaborate assemblage of thousands of synchronously-moving cells, each stage of its development is treated in a separate chapter. The special properties of the Dictyostelid genome are rigorously analyzed, and the methods available to manipulate genes are presented in detail. Research techniques that enable many cell biology problems to be approached in studying the organism are also presented. Throughout, the emphasis is on combining classical experiments with modern molecular findings.
Автор: Marten A. Hemminga, Carlos M. Duarte
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 0521661846
Количество страниц: 312
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Seagrasses occur in coastal zones throughout the world in the areas of marine habitats that are most heavily influenced by humans. Despite a growing awareness of the importance of these plants, a full appreciation of their role in coastal ecosystems has yet to be reached. This book provides an entry point for those wishing to learn about seagrass ecology and provides a broad overview of the present state of knowledge. The volume discusses the recent progress in research and current research foci, complemented by extensive literature references to guide the reader to more detailed studies. This book will be valuable to students of marine biology wishing to specialize in this area and to established researchers wanting to enter the field. In addition, it will provide an excellent reference for those involved in the management and conservation of coastal areas that harbor seagrasses.
Автор: Peter W. Stahl
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 0521027381
Количество страниц: 332
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The lowland American tropics have posed great challenges for archaeologists. Working in awkward terrain, in humid conditions where preservation is difficult, modern scholars pioneered new methods that increasingly influence archaeological practice internationally. The contributors to this volume all have substantial experience in the region. Their essays explore problems including site discovery, excavation, the preservation of artifacts, and methods of analysis. This book will be welcomed by all archaeologists, ecologists and paleontologists working in the tropics
Автор: Perez Zagorin
Издательство: Princeton University Press
Год издания: 1999
isbn: 069100966X
Количество страниц: 312
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), commonly regarded as one of the founders of the Scientific Revolution, exerted a powerful influence on the intellectual development of the modern world. He also led a remarkably varied and dramatic life as a philosopher, writer, lawyer, courtier, and statesman. Although there has been much recent scholarship on individual aspects of Bacon's career, Perez Zagorin's is the first work in many years to present a comprehensive account of the entire sweep of his thought and its enduring influence. Combining keen scholarly and psychological insights, Zagorin reveals Bacon as a man of genius, deep paradoxes, and pronounced flaws. The book begins by sketching Bacon's complex personality and troubled public career. Zagorin shows that, despite his idealistic philosophy and rare intellectual gifts, Bacon's political life was marked by continual careerism in his efforts to achieve advancement. He follows Bacon's rise at court and describes his removal from his office as England's highest judge for taking bribes. Zagorin then examines Bacon's philosophy and theory of science in connection with his project for the promotion of scientific progress, which he called "The Great Instauration." He shows how Bacon's critical empiricism and attempt to develop a new method of discovery made a seminal contribution to the growth of science. He demonstrates Bacon's historic importance as a prophetic thinker, who, at the edge of the modern era, predicted that science would be used to prolong life, cure diseases, invent new materials, and create new weapons of destruction. Finally, the book examines Bacon's writings on such subjects as morals, politics, language, rhetoric, law, and history. Zagorin shows that Bacon was one of the great legal theorists of his day, an influential philosopher of language, and a penetrating historian.
Автор: Еременко Т.
Издательство: Малыш
Год издания: 1985
Количество страниц: 19
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Дорогие девочки и мальчики! Хочется познакомить вас с интересным видом рукоделия, в котором соединяются вязание крючком и вышивка. Не огорчайтесь, если пока не умеете вязать и вышивать. Вы легко и быстро этому научитесь, если будете внимательными и усидчивыми. Альбом по вязанию крючком. Для младшего школьного возраста.
Автор: Гаврина С.Е., Кутявина Л.Н., Топоркова И.Г., Щербинина С.В.
Издательство: РОСМЭН
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 5-8451-0584-6
Количество страниц: 80
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Книга представляет собой сборник тестов, которые часто используются при тестировании детей перед поступлением в школу. С помощью этих тестов родители смогут проверить, готов ли их ребёнок к овладению письмом, хорошо ли он читает, достаточно ли развиты у него математические представления, память, внимание, мышление, речь и воображение. Книга также поможет родителям определить объём знаний ребёнка об окружающем мире и широту общей эрудиции дошкольника.
Автор: Э.В. Вашкевич
Издательство: Питер Пресс
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 978-5-91180-796-2
Количество страниц: 240
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Сегодня, когда практически все делопроизводство перешло с бумажных рельсов на электронные, искусство создавать электронные презентации приобрело очень важное значение. Уже никого не впечатлят кипы бумаг, графиков и документов, иллюстрирующих успешность вашей компании. Сегодня в цене время — и с помощью этой книги вы научитесь его экономить! Прочитав ее, вы узнаете о том, как правильно спланировать презентацию, в каком порядке и виде представлять данные, как в максимально доступной и понятной другим людям форме преподнести даже самую сложную информацию. Кроме того, вы научитесь реализовывать все полученные знания на практике с помощью последней версии программы PowerPoint. С этой книгой ваш бизнес станет еще более успешным!
Год издания: 1945
Количество страниц: 111
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Изображения: черно-белые фото, рисунки This Manual is the text for your training as a P-47N pilot and airplane commander. The Air Forces1 most experienced training and supervisor/ personnel have collaborated to make it a complete exposition of what your pilot duties are, how each duty will be performed, and why it must be performed in the manner described. The techniques and procedures described In this book are standard and mandatory. In this respect the manual serves the dual purpose of a training checklist and a working handbook. Use it to make sure that you learn everything described herein. Use it to study and review the essential facts concerning everything taught. Such additional self-study and review will not only advance your training, but will alleviate the burden of your already overburdened Instructors. This training manual does not replace the Technical Orders for the airplane, which will always be your primary source of information concerning the P-47N so long as you fly it. This Is essentially the textbook of the P-47N. Used properly, It will enable you to utilize the pertinent Technical Orders to even greater advantage.