Автор: Марианис А.
Издательство: Эксмо
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 978-5-699-42626-3
Количество страниц: 192
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Эта книга ответит на самые актуальные для всех нас вопросы истории: что ждет Россию после судьбоносного 2012 года? Какими будут Москва и Санкт-Петербург? Что будет происходить в России накануне Апокалипсиса и после него? Что ждет Россию в далеком будущем? На эти вопросы ответили самые выдающиеся пророки России и всего мира: Нострадамус, Ванга, Авель, Реньо Неро, Василий Немчин, Елена Рерих и многие другие.
Автор: Peter Singer
Издательство: Cambridge Uiversity Press
Год издания: 1993
isbn: 0521433630
Количество страниц: 412
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Practical ethics covers a wide area. We can find ethical ramifications in most of our choices, if we look hard enough. This book does not attempt to cover this whole area. The problems it deals with have been selected on two grounds: their relevance, and the extent to which philosophical reasoning can contribute to a discussion of them. I regard an ethical issue as relevant if it is one that any thinking person must face. Some of the issues discussed in this book confront us daily: what are our personal responsibilities towards the poor? Are we justified in treating animals as nothing more than machines producing flesh for us to eat? Should we be using paper that is not recycled? And why should we bother about acting in accordance with moral principles anyway? Other problems, like abortion and euthanasia, fortunately are not everyday decisions for most of us; but they are issues that can arise at some time in our lives. They are also issues of current concern about which any active participant in our society's decision-making process needs to reflect. The extent to which an issue can usefully be discussed philosophically depends on the kind of issue it is. Some issues are controversial largely because there are facts in dispute. For example, whether the release of new organisms created by the use of recombinant DNA ought to be permitted seems to hang largely on whether the organisms pose a serious risk to the environment.
Автор: Antonio Moreno-Mumoz
Издательство: Springer
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 1846287715
Количество страниц: 438
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Electrical energy is one of the main elements for the economical development of society. The just aspirations of modern societies to economical growth have forced us to secure more continual energy resources. On the other hand, climate change and international treaties aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have prompted all of us to be increasingly concerned about energy efficiency and conservation. With the rapid growth of the information-based economy, widespread expansion of electronic devices has become a prevalent phenomenon in both the public and private sectors. Their suitability to perform various functions such as storage, management, processing and exchange of digital data and information, are essential support for information and communication technology (ICT). Although the consumption of energy may increase, influenced by the increase in the necessary communications infrastructure, the use of renewable energy may contribute to a more rational consumption of energy, reducing the impact on the environment.
Автор: Ray Kiely
Издательство: Koninklijke Brill NV
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 9004143181
Количество страниц: 336
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
From the 1990s onwards, globalisation became the key concept, both in academic debate and in mainstream political discourse. In the Western world, it came to be closely associated with the Third- Way political project, which proposed a radical centre ground that transcended statist socialism (in its Stalinist and social-democratic forms) and neo-liberal market fundamentalism. Globalisation was a term commonly used by Bill Clinton and Tony Blair in particular, and, in Britain at least, academic debate and political project embraced, through the work of Anthony Giddens. In the advanced capitalist countries, the idea of a new economy was championed, in which the old boombust cycles of industrial capitalism were replaced by ongoing economic growth boosted by the information-led, ‘new economy’. At the same time, it was claimed that the developing world could get in on the act too, through the adoption of liberal policies that would attract investment, boost trade, and promote long-term growth.
Автор: Reza Sadeghbeigi
Издательство: Butterworth-Heinemann
Год издания: 2000
isbn: 0884152898
Количество страниц: 385
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The first edition of this book was published nearly five years ago. The book was well received and the positive reviews were overwhelming. My main objective of writing this second edition is to provide a practical "transfer of experience" to the readers of the knowledge that I have gained in more than 20 years of dealing with various aspects of the cat cracking process. This second edition fulfills my goal of discussing issues related to the FCC process and provides practical and proven recommendations to improve the performance and reliability of the FCCU operations.
Автор: Робертс Джейн
Издательство: Весь
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 978-5-9573-1472-1
Количество страниц: 196
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Такие явления, как телепатия, ясновидение и предсказание будущего, долгое время не вызывали доверия. На сегодняшний день ситуация изменилась, в ходе научных экспериментов были получены данные, подтверждающие существование экстраординарных способностей у человека. Автор книги уверен, что у каждого из нас есть интуиция, шестое чувство и дар предвидения. В книге рассказывается, как выявить и развить в себе эти способности. Следуя советам и процессам, описанным в книге, вы поймете, почему наши мысли так часто совпадают с мыслями других людей. Узнаете о взаимосвязи снов с реальностью, научитесь их правильно интерпретировать, а значит, прогнозировать события.