Historia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial Nº 0 |
Категория: Военное дело » История войн |
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Автор: Eddy Bauer
Издательство: Salvat
Год издания: 1979
isbn: 8471375923
Количество страниц: 16
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF (scan)
Язык: испанский Colección publicada por Salvat que constaba de 160 fasciculos encuadernables en 10 volúmenes. Este es el numero 0, que es la presentación de la obra y algunos antecedentes de la guerra. |
River Mechanics |
Категория: Естественные науки » Физико-математические науки » Физика |
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Автор: Pierre Y.Julien
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 0521529700
Количество страниц: 454
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
This textbook offers a thorough analysis of rivers from upland areas to oceans. It scrutinizes select methods underlining both theory and engineering applications, emphasizing the mechanics of flood wave propagation and sediment transport in rivers. The text covers fundamental principles, engineering analysis, and engineering design, with problems, examples, and case studies throughout. Channel stability and river dynamics are examined in terms of river morphology, lateral migration, aggradation, and degradation. Detailed treatments of riverbank stabilization and engineering methods are provided, while separate chapters cover physical and mathematical models. This essential text presents both the theory and design of measures to reduce flood impact and bank erosion, to improve navigation, and to increase water supply to cities and irrigation canals. Over 100 exercises and nearly twenty case studies make this book an invaluable learning tool for students, and researchers and practitioners will find it a concise resource on the mechanics of rivers. |
Maquinas de Guerra Nº 39: Hidros de canoa de la II guerra mundial |
Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Самолеты |
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Автор: La colectividad
Издательство: Planeta-Agostini
Год издания: 1984
isbn: 8475512925
Количество страниц: 23
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF (scan)
Язык: испанский Enciclopedia de las Armas del Siglo XX. Esta obra de Planeta-Agostini consta de 120 fasciculos encuadernables en 10 volúmenes. En esta numero: Hidros de canoa de la II guerra mundial. Durante los primeros años de la segunda guerra mundial, los hidrocanoas tuvieron una importancia crucial por su capacidad de efectuar patrullas marítimas de largo alcance. Sin embargo, con la introducción de aviones de gran autonomía basados en tierra, que tenían mayor flexibilidad operacional y podían actuar desde aeródromos ordinarios, los hidrocanoas perdieron su importancia inicial. |
Swimming Pools, 4th edition |
Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство |
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Автор: Philip H.Perkins
Издательство: E & FN Spon + Taylor & Francis
Год издания: 2000
isbn: 0419235906
Количество страниц: 234
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Since the third edition of this book was published in 1988 there have been no startling changes in the materials used for the construction of swimming pools. A similar comment can be made about the design of reinforced concrete swimming pool shells. The number of swimming pools has continued to increase both in the public and private sectors. This is particularly so with private club leisure centres which offer a wide range of activities. There has been significant developments in the field of National Specifications and Code of Practice relating to construction due to the intensive work on the preparation of Euro Standards and Codes and the issue of Directives from the EEC. The latter set out minimum quality standards for a wide range of constructional materials, and establish the responsibility of suppliers and designers. |
Maquinas de Guerra Nº 30: Cruceros modernos |
Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Корабли, подводные лодки |
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Автор: La colectividad
Издательство: Planeta-Agostini
isbn: 8475512925
Количество страниц: 23
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF (scan)
Язык: испанский Enciclopedia de las Armas del Siglo XX. Esta obra de Planeta-Agostini consta de 120 fasciculos encuadernables en 10 volúmenes. En esta numero: Cruceros modernos. El crucero moderno, de coste muy elevado, es actualmente un articulo de lujo para todas las armadas del mundo y solo las dos superpotencias pueden construirlos. Suprimido o drasticamente reducido, el armamento artillero convencional ha sido sustituido por los potentes sistemas de armas de misiles superficie-superficie y superficie-aire. |