Автор: Селезнёв Михаил
Издательство: FreeScience Group
Год издания: 2010
Количество страниц: 55, ил
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
В данной книге собраны самые невероятные факты, о хорошо знакомых нам продуктах питания. Придаются огласке секреты производства, составы и нормы хранения продуктов. Гистологический анализ дал возможность заглянуть внутрь продукта и сравнить с раннее имеющимися гостами. Приведены многие научные исследования до 2010г. включительно. Данная книга будет интересна людям, которые следят за своим здоровьем и тщательно выбирают свой рацион.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: МИКС
Количество страниц: 111
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Данное издание дает выборку советов, важных в домашних делах, на садовом участке, в техническом любительстве, которые были опубликованы в различные годы на страничках журнала «Наука и жизнь».
Автор: Семенов С.П.
Издательство: СПб. Исток
Количество страниц: 74
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Книга рассчитана на лиц, намеренных пройти, либо прошедших акупунктурное программирование (АП) по поводу остеоходроза, но будет также полезной всем, у кого есть это заболевание.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: РИПОЛ классик
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 194
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
С помощью этого практического руководства вы сможете и порадовать юбиляра искренними, теплыми словами, и развлечь гостей, и, конечно же, сделать так, чтобы празднование круглой даты оказалось поистине незабываемым. Поздравить родного человека, близкого друга, коллегу с юбилеем не так уж просто. И уж тем более нелегко организовать торжество по всем правилам. Ведь сколько всего нужно продумать, сколько всего не упустить – и сервировку праздничного стола, и поздравительные речи, и оригинальные тосты, и развлечения для гостей.
Автор: Frederick E.Grine, John G.Fleagle, Richard E.Leakey
Издательство: Springer
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 1402099797
Количество страниц: 212
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
There are some issues in human paleontology that seem to be timeless. Most deal with the origin and early evolution of our own genus – something about which we should care. Some of these issues pertain to taxonomy and systematics. How many species of Homo were there in the Pliocene and Pleistocene? How do we identify the earliest members the genus Homo? If there is more than one Plio-Pleistocene species, how do they relate to one another, and where and when did they evolve? Other issues relate to questions about body size, proportions and the functional adaptations of the locomotor skeleton. When did the human postcranial “Bauplan” evolve, and for what reasons? What behaviors (and what behavioral limitations) can be inferred from the postcranial bones that have been attributed to Homo habilis and Homo erectus? Still other issues relate to growth, development and life history strategies, and the biological and archeological evidence for diet and behavior in early Homo. It is often argued that dietary change played an important role in the origin and early evolution of our genus, with stone tools opening up scavenging and hunting opportunities that would have added meat protein to the diet of Homo. Still other issues relate to the environmental and climatic context in which this genus evolved.
Автор: H.Knoetel
Издательство: Fandango
Год издания: 2010
Количество страниц: 118
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Herbert Knotel was the mid-twentieth century's acknowledged master painter of military costume. His father, the celebrated Richard Knotel (1857-1914), was both a successful military artist and the world's -greatest authority on military dress and equipment, being the first to carry through a scientific study of the entire history of that subject. His working library contained over 9,000 books and endless files of methodically screened and arranged reference material. Trained as his successor, young Herbert Knotel assisted him in the preparation of his famous Grosse Uniformkunde" a series of 1,060 colored plates with accompanying texts, covering the armies of most of the civilized world from the seventeenth century until 1914. In 1914 Herbert Knotel came to full manhood, serving as a squad leader and being wounded during the Tannenberg campaign. Subsequently commissioned, he fought through World War I as a cavalry officer on the eastern front, learning the true aspect of fighting men of many nations. Ever afterwards he could give his paintings a realistic edge of dust, sweat, mud,sun glare, and danger, and depict horses and horsemen with a skill few other military artists have possessed. Through the years between the two world wars he carried forward and expanded his father's work, updating and enlarging his 1896 Handbuch der Uniformkunde, extending the Grosse Uniformkunde series, producing the well-known DeutscheUniformen cigarette card books, and taking an important part in the management of the Berlin Zeughaus Museum.His reference library survived British and American bombing raids on Berlin, only to be destroyed by Russian artillery fire durina the Battle of Berlin. Cramming his most valuable books into suitcases, he and his wife managed to escape. Afterward, his publishing career shattered, he slowly built up a new career as an artist.
Автор: Francisco J.Yndurain
Издательство: Springer
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 354033209X
Количество страниц: 484
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
As in former editions of this book, I have expanded the present one to contain new sections on subjects beyond those found in the previous editions, thereby filling some of the existing gaps. Thus, we now have a section on heavy quark effective theories, one of the more powerful methods devised to take advantage of the existence a large scale (the mass of the heavy quark) for observables involving at least a heavy quark; a new section on lattice QCD, a method of calculation that is already giving reasonably reliable results for a number of observables; and several sections with a detailed discussion of chiral perturbation theory. There is little doubt that, at least at the one loop level, chiral perturbation theory has led to an important insight into pion physics in a region where methods derived from ordinary perturbation theory are not at applicable, which justifies this substantial addition. Besides this, I have corrected errors in the previous edition and improved, here and there, the material on several among the various topics; in particular, including more information on experiment, and on comparison of theory with experiment. The values of the basic QCD parameters have also been completely updated.
Автор: Люсьен Руселло
Издательство: Fandango
Год издания: 2010
Количество страниц: 30
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Сборник планшетов известного французского графика-баталиста Люсьена Руселло представляет чинов армии Бурбонов, сменивших Наполеона Бонапарта после знаменитых Ста дней. На цветных планшетах изображены мундиры и элементы амуниции, вооружения солдат и офицеров пехоты, кавалерии, артиллерии. Любители истории получают очень детализированную информацию для своих штудий в области униформологии Франции середины 19-го столетия. Сюита графических листов Руселло по армии Реставрации – один из лучших, ставших уже классическим, трудов по униформологии в 20-м веке.
Автор: D.A.J.Rand, P.T.Moseley, J.Garche, C.D.Parker
Издательство: Elsevier
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 0444507469
Количество страниц: 606
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
For over a hundred years from its conception, the lead–acid cell was normally operated with unrestricted access between the surface of its electrolyte and the external atmosphere so that, during periods of overcharge, hydrogen and oxygen were lost from the cell via electrolysis. As a result, periodic additions of distilled water were necessary. Since about 1970, an alternative to the traditional ‘flooded’ cell has been available —one that avoids the need for water maintenance. Moreover, acid is immobilized in the new design and this endows the cell with the additional advantages of being ‘spill-proof’ and able to operate in any orientation (upright, on its side, or even upside down). The change to the so-called ‘valve-regulated lead–acid’ (VRLA) technology has not, however, been accomplished without some difficulty. Experience has demonstrated forcibly the fundamental differences between the two systems, and the lead– acid battery manufacturing industry has faced major challenges in investing the VRLA version with a performance to match that of its flooded predecessor. Nevertheless, research into understanding the electrochemisty, producing improved cell components and optimizing charge strategies has resulted in VRLA batteries becoming well-established and reliable devices. Operators now take advantage of the particular properties of these batteries for the storage of electrical energy in a wide variety of stationary applications.
Автор: коллектив
Издательство: Spiegel
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 487
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Пруссия начала свое превращение из мелкого германского княжества в державу в конце разрушительной Тридцатилетней войны. Основой могущества Пруссии была отлаженная военная машина. Она продемонстрировала свою мощь на европейском театре военных действий в эпоху Семилетней войны. Фридрих Великий стал главным идеологом будущего прусского величия. О том, как происходило становление прусской военной системы и государства, как росла и мужала прусская армия, говорится в этой книге.