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  3-D Designs (Dover Pictorial Archives)
 Категория: Детский уголок » Раскраски
3-D Designs (Dover Pictorial Archives)
Автор: Wil Stegenga
Издательство: Dover Publications
Год издания: 1998
isbn: 0486403637
Количество страниц: 32
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)

An intriguing assortment of 30 complex 3-dimensional designs, this volume will appeal to colorists of all ages. Patterns range from closely interwoven squares, stars, and rectangles with sharp, angular forms, to flowing interlacements of circles, ovals, hearts, and other rounded shapes. The hypnotic images, some of which feature optical illusions, are absolutely fascinating.
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Опубликовал: oleksandr74 | 19-07-2011, 04:17 | Просмотров: 683  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Three-dimensional electromagnetics
 Категория: Естественные науки » Физико-математические науки » Физика
Three-dimensional electromagnetics
Автор: Michael S.Zhdanov, Philip E.Wannamaker
Издательство: Elsevier
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 044450429X
Количество страниц: 304
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

The Second International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics was held at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, in 1999. This symposium honors the memory of Gerald W. Hohmann, late Professor of Geophysics at the University of Utah, and follows the highly successful First Symposium held in Ridgefield, CT, organized in 1995 by Schlumberger-Doll Research (M. Oristaglio and B. Spies, Eds.). Nearly 25 years ago, Jerry published a seminal paper on EM scattering from 3-D structures in the earth due to diverse sources using the integral equation method 1. This achievement and the considerable body of subsequent work largely inspired by it, have shown how unique the behavior of fully 3-D structures can be. Very sadly, Jerry died May 23, 1992, at the age of 51 from complications of a cancer. His career history is described further in the citation for Honorary Membership in the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
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Опубликовал: toksoft | 19-07-2011, 04:16 | Просмотров: 440  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Data Analysis in Vegetation Ecology
 Категория: Биологические науки » Экология. Окружающая среда
Data Analysis in Vegetation Ecology
Автор: Wildi O.
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 0-470-66102-X
Количество страниц: 538
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

Evolving from years of teaching experience by one of the top experts in vegetation ecology, Data Analysis in Vegetation Ecology aims to explain the background and basics of mathematical (mainly multivariate) analysis of vegetation data.
The book lays out the basic operations involved in the analysis, the underlying hypotheses, aims and points of views. It conveys the message that each step in the calculations has a specific, straightforward meaning and that patterns and processes known by ecologists often find their counterpart in mathematical operations and functions. The first chapters introduce the elementary concepts and operations and relate them to real-world phenomena and problems. Later chapters concentrate on combinations of methods to reveal surprising features in data sets. Showing how to find patterns in time series, how to generate simple dynamic models, how to reveal spatial patterns and related occurrence probability maps.
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Опубликовал: johnbob | 19-07-2011, 04:14 | Просмотров: 686  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Wonderful World of Horses Coloring Book (Dover Pictorial Archives)
 Категория: Детский уголок » Раскраски
Wonderful World of Horses Coloring Book (Dover Pictorial Archives)
Автор: John Green
Издательство: Dover Publications
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0486444651
Количество страниц: 31
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)

Thirty handsome illustrations capture the legendary grace and beauty of the horse. Depictions of mounted riders; horses racing across fields; mares with their colts; horses walking, galloping, trotting; a stallion rearing up on its hind legs; and more. Captions supplement an impressive panorama of the world's best-loved and most highly prized animals.
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Опубликовал: oleksandr74 | 19-07-2011, 03:59 | Просмотров: 706  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Vitamins and Minerals Demystified
 Категория: Естественные науки » Химические науки
Vitamins and Minerals Demystified
Автор: Steve Blake
Издательство: McGraw-Hill Professional
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 0071489010
Количество страниц: 342
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

Written by a holistic health doctor, this essential guide explains the crucial role vitamins and minerals play in nutrition and physiology. You'll find details on the type and amount required for survival and for increased disease resistance. The book outlines the food sources of different vitamins and minerals and covers the benefits and pitfalls of both natural and synthetic vitamins. Featuring end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam, this book will fortify your knowledge of vitamins and minerals.
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Опубликовал: toksoft | 19-07-2011, 03:58 | Просмотров: 936  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Теория и методы расчета океанических течений
 Категория: Естественные науки » Науки о Земле » Геофизика, метеорология, океанология
Теория и методы расчета океанических течений
Автор: Кочергин В.П.
Издательство: Наука
Год издания: 1978
Количество страниц: 128
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF (scan)

Книга посвящена исследованию динамики океанических течений. Разработаны численные модели динамики крупномасштабных течений, проведено математическое и физическое исследование построенных уравнений с учетом глубинных противотечений океана. Рассмотрены турбулентные модели и решена задача о формировании экмановского турбулентного слоя в океане.
Основные уравнения течений в океане Аналитические модели океанических циркуляций
Численные методы решения уравнений эллиптического типа с малым параметром при старших производных Численные модели течений баротропного океана
Модели течений бароклинного океана Математическое моделирование вертикальной океанической турбулентности
Книга рассчитана на специалистов по вычислительной математике и физике океана.
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Опубликовал: johnbob | 19-07-2011, 03:57 | Просмотров: 738  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Humanism in Business
 Категория: Экономика. Бизнес. Управление » Прочая экономическая литература
Humanism in Business
Автор: Heiko Spitzeck, Michael Pirson, Wolfgang Amann, Shiban Khan, Ernst von Kimakowitz
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 0521898935
Количество страниц: 473
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

In the Aristotelian concept of the economic system, the economy served political goals. As far as these political goals were democratically legitimized, the economy directly served the people. The humanist credo of “man as the measure of all things” (Protagoras) led us to a free, liberal, and democratic world. However, the current global economic system more often than not treats humans as instruments for profits or GDP growth, ignoring the democratic rights and liberties they enjoy within their nation-states. The effects are injustice, environmental degradation, and unhappiness – even for those who currently profit from the existing system. To counter these inhumane effects, Humanistic Management Network creates and disseminates actionable knowledge that puts humans first and supports the creation of a life-serving economic system.
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Опубликовал: toksoft | 19-07-2011, 03:43 | Просмотров: 591  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Aeromodeller Vol.24 No.09 (September 1958)
 Категория: Военное дело » Военные журналы
Aeromodeller Vol.24 No.09 (September 1958)
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Model Aeronautical Press Ltd
Год издания: 1958
Количество страниц: 50
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)

'Aero Modeller' (or Aeromodeller) was for decades the premier magazine for flying model aircraft. The first issue was dated November 1935. At its peak during the 1950s and 1960s it progessively absorbed a number of rivals, being called 'Aero Modeller now incorporating Model Aircraft' by February 1966, and 'Aero Modeller incorporating the Model Aeroplane Constructor and Model Aircraft' by 1968.
Alongside the many features related to aeromodelling, each issue typically included one or two features on full-size aircraft. These usually centred around the famous series of scale plans for which the magazine was justly famous. Multi-part series such as 'Famous Biplanes' and 'Aircraft Described' ran across the centre pages and featured b+w photographs, detail sketches and a brief description alongside the multi-view scale drawings. In the early 1960s it also included a regular Q & A feature run by Air-Britain called 'Sign Post' which mostly concerned aircraft markings. This was later replaced by a series concentrating on aeromodelling. Some issues also included aircraft colour profiles on the inside back cover. During the 1960s the magazine averaged 38-44 pages per issue, with many b+w photos and line drawings and sketches.
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Опубликовал: oleksandr74 | 19-07-2011, 03:42 | Просмотров: 481  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Playboy (2010 No.08) Croatia
 Категория: Домоводство, досуг » Любовь, эротика
Playboy (2010 No.08) Croatia
Издательство: Playboy
Год издания: 2010
Количество страниц: 122
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF

Playboy (2010 No.08) Croatia
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Опубликовал: johnbob | 19-07-2011, 03:27 | Просмотров: 610  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
 Категория: Биографии, ЖЗЛ, Отечественная история
Автор: Сергей Куличкин
Издательство: Молодая гвардия
Год издания: 1989
isbn: 5-235-01008-6
Количество страниц: 288
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU

Если можно говорить о подвижничестве применительно к военному человеку, то Роман Исидорович Кондратенко - герой обороны Порт-Артура - и был безукоризненным образцом воина-подвижника. Такими людьми на протяжении веков питался высокий боевой дух, патриотический потенциал русской армии. Такие, как он, неустанно формировали, проводили в жизнь незыблемые понятия о чести, мужестве, благородстве, находчивости русского солдата, офицера, полководца.
Содержит фотоиллюстрации.
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Опубликовал: djin_ | 19-07-2011, 01:32 | Просмотров: 473  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
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