Издательство: ЦК ВЛКСМ
Год издания: 1963
Количество страниц: 80
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
В НОМЕРЕ: Плотина-парус. «Ваша смекалка, юные техники, может помочь нам в борьбе с авариями», - говорит управляющий трестом «Мосгаз» Ю.М.Белодворский. Русский реактивный самолет образца... 1867 года. Космические часы горных пород. На повестке дня - Марс. Профессор Д.Ошанин рассказывает о новой современной науке - инженерной психологии. Судьба гироскопического автомобиля Петра Шиловского. «Цех-автомат» юных конструкторов города Глазова. Научно-фантастический рассказ С.Гонсовского «Ослепление Фридея». Самодельный электро-цвето-музыкальный инструмент.
Автор: Г.П. Лучинский
Издательство: Химия
Год издания: 1971
Количество страниц: 472
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
В книге описаны химические и физические свойства элементарного титана,, его простых и комплексных соединений, сырьевые источники и способы получения, а также методы анализа титана и его соединений и сплавов, освещены вопросы применения их в народном хозяйстве. Монография рассчитана на широкий круг химиков — научных работников, инженеров, преподавателей, аспирантов, студентов старших курсов, специализирующихся по неорганической химии.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Model Aeronautical Press Ltd
Год издания: 1953
Количество страниц: 68
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Aero Modeller (or Aeromodeller) was for decades the premier magazine for flying model aircraft. The first issue was dated November 1935. At its peak during the 1950s and 1960s it progessively absorbed a number of rivals, being called 'Aero Modeller now incorporating Model Aircraft' by February 1966, and Aero Modeller incorporating the Model Aeroplane Constructor and Model Aircraft by 1968. Alongside the many features related to aeromodelling, each issue typically included one or two features on full-size aircraft. These usually centred around the famous series of scale plans for which the magazine was justly famous. Multi-part series such as 'Famous Biplanes' and 'Aircraft Described' ran across the centre pages and featured b+w photographs, detail sketches and a brief description alongside the multi-view scale drawings. In the early 1960s it also included a regular Q & A feature run by Air-Britain called 'Sign Post' which mostly concerned aircraft markings. This was later replaced by a series concentrating on aeromodelling. Some issues also included aircraft colour profiles on the inside back cover. Aeromodeller Vol.19 No.4 (April 1953): The D.H. 106 Comet.
Издательство: Де Агостини
Год издания: 2010
Количество страниц: 16
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
"Страна знаний" - прогрессивный курс обучения для детей дошкольного возраста с компакт-дисками и журналами. Диски и журналы тщательно продуманы для совместной работы, чтобы предоставить детям наиболее разнообразные учебные упражнения. Дети могут изучать компакт-диски самостоятельно, а журнал превосходно подходит для их занятий вместе со взрослыми. Каждый номер состоит из журнала и диска CD-ROM.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Model Aeronautical Press Ltd
Год издания: 1952
Количество страниц: 64
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Aero Modeller (or Aeromodeller) was for decades the premier magazine for flying model aircraft. The first issue was dated November 1935. At its peak during the 1950s and 1960s it progessively absorbed a number of rivals, being called 'Aero Modeller now incorporating Model Aircraft' by February 1966, and Aero Modeller incorporating the Model Aeroplane Constructor and Model Aircraft by 1968. Alongside the many features related to aeromodelling, each issue typically included one or two features on full-size aircraft. These usually centred around the famous series of scale plans for which the magazine was justly famous. Multi-part series such as 'Famous Biplanes' and 'Aircraft Described' ran across the centre pages and featured b+w photographs, detail sketches and a brief description alongside the multi-view scale drawings. In the early 1960s it also included a regular Q & A feature run by Air-Britain called 'Sign Post' which mostly concerned aircraft markings. This was later replaced by a series concentrating on aeromodelling. Some issues also included aircraft colour profiles on the inside back cover. Aeromodeller Vol.18 No.1 (January 1952): Aircraft Described - The Auster B.4 Ambulance / Freighter.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Model Aeronautical Press Ltd
Год издания: 1952
Количество страниц: 68
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Aero Modeller (or Aeromodeller) was for decades the premier magazine for flying model aircraft. The first issue was dated November 1935. At its peak during the 1950s and 1960s it progessively absorbed a number of rivals, being called 'Aero Modeller now incorporating Model Aircraft' by February 1966, and Aero Modeller incorporating the Model Aeroplane Constructor and Model Aircraft by 1968. Alongside the many features related to aeromodelling, each issue typically included one or two features on full-size aircraft. These usually centred around the famous series of scale plans for which the magazine was justly famous. Multi-part series such as 'Famous Biplanes' and 'Aircraft Described' ran across the centre pages and featured b+w photographs, detail sketches and a brief description alongside the multi-view scale drawings. In the early 1960s it also included a regular Q & A feature run by Air-Britain called 'Sign Post' which mostly concerned aircraft markings. This was later replaced by a series concentrating on aeromodelling. Some issues also included aircraft colour profiles on the inside back cover. Aeromodeller Vol.18 No.1 (January 1952): Aircraft Described: The Hawker Woodcock.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Model Aeronautical Press Ltd
Год издания: 1953
Количество страниц: 66
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Aero Modeller (or Aeromodeller) was for decades the premier magazine for flying model aircraft. The first issue was dated November 1935. At its peak during the 1950s and 1960s it progessively absorbed a number of rivals, being called 'Aero Modeller now incorporating Model Aircraft' by February 1966, and Aero Modeller incorporating the Model Aeroplane Constructor and Model Aircraft by 1968. Alongside the many features related to aeromodelling, each issue typically included one or two features on full-size aircraft. These usually centred around the famous series of scale plans for which the magazine was justly famous. Multi-part series such as 'Famous Biplanes' and 'Aircraft Described' ran across the centre pages and featured b+w photographs, detail sketches and a brief description alongside the multi-view scale drawings. In the early 1960s it also included a regular Q & A feature run by Air-Britain called 'Sign Post' which mostly concerned aircraft markings. This was later replaced by a series concentrating on aeromodelling. Some issues also included aircraft colour profiles on the inside back cover. Aeromodeller Vol.19 No.6 (June 1953): Aeroplanes in Outline - Brisol Britannia.
Автор: К. Маккей
Издательство: Мир
Год издания: 1968
Количество страниц: 244
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Книга представляет собой теоретическое введение в современную химию гидридов. Она написана на высоком теоретическом уровне: в ней много обобщений, свойства соединений рассматриваются на основе современных представлений о строении молекул и результатов изучения новейшими экспериментальными методами. Обилие прекрасно составленных" таблиц, экспериментальных данных и тщательно подобранная литература делают эту книгу ценным справочным пособием для химиков-неоргаников как научных работников, так и инженеров, заинтересованных в практическом применении гидридных соединений в различных областях новой техники.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Model Aeronautical Press Ltd
Год издания: 1953
Количество страниц: 68
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Aero Modeller (or Aeromodeller) was for decades the premier magazine for flying model aircraft. The first issue was dated November 1935. At its peak during the 1950s and 1960s it progessively absorbed a number of rivals, being called 'Aero Modeller now incorporating Model Aircraft' by February 1966, and Aero Modeller incorporating the Model Aeroplane Constructor and Model Aircraft by 1968. Alongside the many features related to aeromodelling, each issue typically included one or two features on full-size aircraft. These usually centred around the famous series of scale plans for which the magazine was justly famous. Multi-part series such as 'Famous Biplanes' and 'Aircraft Described' ran across the centre pages and featured b+w photographs, detail sketches and a brief description alongside the multi-view scale drawings. In the early 1960s it also included a regular Q & A feature run by Air-Britain called 'Sign Post' which mostly concerned aircraft markings. This was later replaced by a series concentrating on aeromodelling. Some issues also included aircraft colour profiles on the inside back cover. Aeromodeller Vol.19 No.2 (Febuary 1953): Aircraft Described (53): The Delta Wing; Aeroplanes in outline: Supermarine 508.
Автор: Плаксин Р.Ю.
Издательство: Лениздат
Год издания: 1987
Количество страниц: 208
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Книга рассказывает об истории православной церкви в период Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции и гражданской войны. В то время церковь была не такой мирной, как в наши дни. Она активно боролась против революции и благословляла всех тех, кто с оружием в руках выступал против Советской власти. Автор, используя документальный материал, показывает антинародную деятельность церкви того периода, вскрывает причины перехода церковников на позиции лояльного отношения к Советской власти. Большое внимание в книге уделяется разоблачению буржуазноклерикальной фальсификации взаимоотношений Советского государства и церкви в рассматриваемый период. Книга рассчитана на массового читателя, а также на пропагандистов научного атеизма и организаторов атеистического воспитания.