Автор: Зюрняева Т.Н.
Издательство: Тимошка
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 55
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Данная книга научит вас познанию себя через цифры, чтобы сделайть свою жизнь полноценнее и счастливее. Эта книга, рассказывающая о числовой мандале, или нумерологическом гороскопе, поможет читателю лучше познать себя и окружающий мир. Это познание осуществляется через цифры, которые с момента рождения определяют многие стороны нашего "я" и нашей судьбы.
Автор: Лилия Савко
Издательство: Питер
Год издания: 2010
Количество страниц: 57
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Так обязательно ли нужно делать прививку ребенку? Проходить ли вакцинацию самому? Книга доктора Лилии Савко поможет сделать осознанный и правильный выбор. Вы узнаете о возможных последствиях прививок и навсегда расстанетесь с заблуждениями и мифами о них. Прививки до сих пор считаются лучшим средством от гриппа, дифтерии, краснухи и других опасных заболеваний. Несмотря на это, многие родители не спешат вакцинировать своих детей. В основе подобных решений лежат, как правило, слухи, мифы и распространенные заблуждения.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Model Aeronautical Press Ltd
Год издания: 1952
Количество страниц: 75
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Aero Modeller (or Aeromodeller) was for decades the premier magazine for flying model aircraft. The first issue was dated November 1935. At its peak during the 1950s and 1960s it progessively absorbed a number of rivals, being called 'Aero Modeller now incorporating Model Aircraft' by February 1966, and Aero Modeller incorporating the Model Aeroplane Constructor and Model Aircraft by 1968. Alongside the many features related to aeromodelling, each issue typically included one or two features on full-size aircraft. These usually centred around the famous series of scale plans for which the magazine was justly famous. Multi-part series such as 'Famous Biplanes' and 'Aircraft Described' ran across the centre pages and featured b+w photographs, detail sketches and a brief description alongside the multi-view scale drawings. In the early 1960s it also included a regular Q & A feature run by Air-Britain called 'Sign Post' which mostly concerned aircraft markings. This was later replaced by a series concentrating on aeromodelling. Some issues also included aircraft colour profiles on the inside back cover. Aeromodeller Vol.18 No.12 (December 1952): Aeroplanes in Outline - Gloster G.A.5 Javelin.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Model Aeronautical Press Ltd
Год издания: 1952
Количество страниц: 68
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Aero Modeller (or Aeromodeller) was for decades the premier magazine for flying model aircraft. The first issue was dated November 1935. At its peak during the 1950s and 1960s it progessively absorbed a number of rivals, being called 'Aero Modeller now incorporating Model Aircraft' by February 1966, and Aero Modeller incorporating the Model Aeroplane Constructor and Model Aircraft by 1968. Alongside the many features related to aeromodelling, each issue typically included one or two features on full-size aircraft. These usually centred around the famous series of scale plans for which the magazine was justly famous. Multi-part series such as 'Famous Biplanes' and 'Aircraft Described' ran across the centre pages and featured b+w photographs, detail sketches and a brief description alongside the multi-view scale drawings. In the early 1960s it also included a regular Q & A feature run by Air-Britain called 'Sign Post' which mostly concerned aircraft markings. This was later replaced by a series concentrating on aeromodelling. Some issues also included aircraft colour profiles on the inside back cover. Aeromodeller Vol.18 No.11 (November 1952): Aircraft Described - KZ. III.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Model Aeronautical Press Ltd
Год издания: 1952
Количество страниц: 68
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Aero Modeller (or Aeromodeller) was for decades the premier magazine for flying model aircraft. The first issue was dated November 1935. At its peak during the 1950s and 1960s it progessively absorbed a number of rivals, being called 'Aero Modeller now incorporating Model Aircraft' by February 1966, and Aero Modeller incorporating the Model Aeroplane Constructor and Model Aircraft by 1968. Alongside the many features related to aeromodelling, each issue typically included one or two features on full-size aircraft. These usually centred around the famous series of scale plans for which the magazine was justly famous. Multi-part series such as 'Famous Biplanes' and 'Aircraft Described' ran across the centre pages and featured b+w photographs, detail sketches and a brief description alongside the multi-view scale drawings. In the early 1960s it also included a regular Q & A feature run by Air-Britain called 'Sign Post' which mostly concerned aircraft markings. This was later replaced by a series concentrating on aeromodelling. Some issues also included aircraft colour profiles on the inside back cover. Aeromodeller Vol.18 No.10 (October 1952): Aeroplanes in Outline - The Avro 707's.
Автор: Kevin Siembreda
Издательство: Palladium Books
Год издания: 1992
isbn: 0916211274
Количество страниц: 113
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
The Robotech RPG Book Four implements role playing in the Robotech universe during the second generation of the Robotech saga. From page 5, Introduction: "The Southern Cross is a supplement to the original ROBOTECH RPG: Book One Macross. It is NOT a complete game in itself. Yet, like its predecessor, Southern Cross is directly adapted from the T.V. series and the notes of Carl Macek."
Автор: Р. Властелица
Издательство: Туристическая Организация Сербии
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 9788660050962
Количество страниц: 64
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF (scan)
Сербия славится не только нетронутой природой и здоровой пищей, но и своими винами. Виноделие в Сербии представлено множеством мелких производителей, вина которых зачастую трудно найти в продаже. В этом деле поможет издание "Винные дороги Сербии", которое представляет собой своеобразную карту сербских виноградников и вин и включает координаты виноделен, ресторанов, гостиниц.
Автор: R. Vlastelica
Издательство: Tourism Organization of Serbia
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 9788660050764
Количество страниц: 64
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Serbia is the capital of untouched nature, healthy food, but also the cradle of vine and wine, grape growing and winemaking. Quality of the wines of Serbia rests, among other things, on a large number of small producers. Understandably, their wine production is not so large and the sales are done in a limited number of places, but the emphasis is on quality. Since the produced quantity does not require special advertising, the potential buyer is often forced to explore a little bit in order to find them. The easiest way to reach them, and also a very pleasant one, is to follow the wine routes we suggest, which are clearly marked on the tourist map of wines and vineyards of Serbia.
Автор: Павел Аптекарь
Издательство: Яуза, Эксмо
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 5-699-08159-3
Количество страниц: 384
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF (scan)
Советско-финскую войну 1939-1940 годов можно смело назвать "белым пятном" отечественной истории. Почему об этой войне старались не вспоминать? Да и что, действительно, она значила на фоне Великой Отечественной 1941-1945 годов?
Настоящая книга Павла Аптекаря - первое серьезное исследование, посвященное советско-финской войне - "самой позорной войне в истории русского оружия". Книга полностью основана на архивных документах, поэтому она станет ценным материалом для профессиональных историков, а также всех тех, кто интересуется историей России.
Автор: Camera di Commercio di Frosinone
Издательство: Camera di Commercio di Frosinone
Год издания: 2008
Количество страниц: 125
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Province of Frosinone (Italian: Provincia di Frosinone) is a province in the Lazio region of Italy. Among the Frosinone province's wealth of excellence is, without a doubt, the prime quality of wine production. "Guide to the Wines of the Province of Frosinone" collected in a single volume the main information about the winegrowing companies in the province and about their excellent products.