Environmental Pollution and Control |
Категория: Биологические науки » Экология. Окружающая среда |
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Автор: Peirce J.J. Vesilind P.A. Weiner R.
Издательство: Elsevier
Год издания: 1997
isbn: 0750698993
Количество страниц: 392
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Complex environmental problems are often reduced to an inappropriate level of simplicity. While this book does not seek to present a comprehensive scientific and technical coverage of all aspects of the subject matter, it makes the issues, ideas, and language of environmental engineering accessible and understandable to the nontechnical reader. Improvements introduced in the fourth edition include a complete rewrite of the chapters dealing with risk assessment and ethics, the introduction of new theories of radiation damage, inclusion of environmental disasters like Chernobyl and Bhopal, and general updating of all the content, specifically that on radioactive waste. Since this book was first published in 1972, several generations of students have become environmentally aware and conscious of their responsibilities to the planet earth. Many of these environmental pioneers are now teaching in colleges and universities, and have in their classes students with the same sense of dedication and resolve that they themselves brought to the discipline. In those days, it was sometimes difficult to explain what indeed environmental science or engineering was, and why the development of these fields was so important to the future of the earth and to human civilization. Today there is no question that the human species has the capability of destroying its collective home, and that we have indeed taken major steps toward doing exactly that. |
Luzon 15 December 1944 - 4 July 1945 |
Категория: Военное дело » История войн |
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Автор: Dale Andradé
Издательство: Center of Military History United States Army
Год издания: 1996
isbn: 0160451159
Количество страниц: 32
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II. World War II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind. However, the half century that now separates us from that conflict has exacted its toll on our collective knowledge. While World War II continues to absorb the interest of military scholars and historians, as well as its veterans, a generation of Americans has grown to maturity largely unaware of the political, social, and military implications of a war that, more than any other, united us as a people with a common purpose. Highly relevant today, World War II has much to teach us, not only about the profession of arms, but also about military preparedness, global strategy, and combined operations in the coalition war against fascism. During the next several years, the U.S. Army will participate in the nation’s 50th anniversary commemoration of World War II. The commemoration will include the publication of various materials to help educate Americans about that war. The works produced will provide great opportunities to learn about and renew pride in an Army that fought so magnificently in what has been called “the mighty endeavor.” World War II was waged on land, on sea, and in the air over several diverse theaters of operation for approximately six years. The following essay is one of a series of campaign studies highlighting those struggles that, with their accompanying suggestions for further reading, are designed to introduce you to one of the Army’s significant military feats from that war. This brochure was prepared in the U.S. Army Center of Military History by Dale Andradé. I hope this absorbing account of that period will enhance your appreciation of American achievements during World War II. Gordon R. Sullivan, General, United States Army Chief of Staff. |
Теория вероятностей и случайных процессов |
Категория: Естественные науки » Физико-математические науки » Математика, геометрия, статистика |
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Автор: Тутубалин В.Н.
Издательство: МГУ
Год издания: 1992
isbn: 5-211-02264-5
Количество страниц: 400
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
В учебном пособии рассматриваются основы теории вероятностей и понятия статистической проверки гипотез. Обсуждаются теория стационарных случайных процессов, теория марковских цепей и процессов, включая центральную предельную теорему для цепей Маркова и предельный переход от динамической системы к диффузионному процессу. Обобщен опыт различных конкретных применений теории вероятностей. Рассмотрены вопросы приложений теории случайных процессов, включающие, в частности, проблему прогноза с использованием вероятностных моделей и методов. Для студентов физико-математических и физико-технических специальностей вузов. |
India - Burma 2 April 1942 - 28 January 1945 |
Категория: Военное дело » История войн |
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Автор: David W. Hogan
Издательство: Center of Military History United States Army
Год издания: 1992
Количество страниц: 28
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II. World War II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind. However, the half century that now separates us from that conflict has exacted its toll on our collective knowledge. While World War II continues to absorb the interest of military scholars and historians, as well as its veterans, a generation of Americans has grown to maturity largely unaware of the political, social, and military implications of a war that, more than any other, united us as a people with a common purpose. Highly relevant today, World War II has much to teach us, not only about the profession of arms, but also about military preparedness, global strategy, and combined operations in the coalition war against fascism. During the next several years, the U.S. Army will participate in the nation’s 50th anniversary commemoration of World War II. The commemoration will include the publication of various materials to help educate Americans about that war. The works produced will provide great opportunities to learn about and renew pride in an Army that fought so magnificently in what has been called “the mighty endeavor.” World War II was waged on land, on sea, and in the air over several diverse theaters of operation for approximately six years. The following essay is one of a series of campaign studies highlighting those struggles that, with their accompanying suggestions for further reading, are designed to introduce you to one of the Army’s significant military feats from that war. This brochure was prepared in the U.S. Army Center of Military History by David W. Hogan. I hope this absorbing account of that period will enhance your appreciation of American achievements during World War II. M. P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army. |
Радиолокационные сигналы и их применение |
Категория: Технические науки » Электроника, радиотехника, связь |
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Автор: Трухачев А.А.
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 5-203-01972-X
Количество страниц: 320
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Рассматриваются прямоугольный импульс без внутриимпульсной модуляции, ФКМ импульс, ЛЧМ импульс и квазинепрерывный сигнал. Анализируются автокорреляционные и взаимно корреляционные функции. Исследуется весовая обработка сигналов. Оцениваются энергетические потери при обнаружении сигналов. Проведена оценка интенсивности пассивных помех для различных условий применения сигналов. Для квазинепрерывных сигналов исследованы алгоритмы устранения неоднозначности измерений. Рассмотрены применения сигналов при радиолокационном обзоре и при обнаружении целей. Для научных работников и радиоинженеров, занимающихся проектированием радиолокационных станций, а также для аспирантов и студентов соответствующих специальностей. |
Покоренный электрон |
Категория: Естественные науки » Химические науки |
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Автор: Ивановский М.
Издательство: Молодая гвардия
Год издания: 1952
Количество страниц: 430
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ: Глава первая. Электрон заявляет о своем существовании (3). Глава вторая. Ученые догадываются о существовании электрона (35). Глава третья. Электрон перестает быть незнакомцем (82). Глава четвертая. Пленники невидимой крепости (127). Глава пятая. Служба свободных электронов (149). Глава шестая. Самый быстрый вестник (170). Глава седьмая. Электрон открывает невидимый мир (235). Глава восьмая. Электрон в разреженном газе (269). Глава девятая. Борьба за короткие волны (297). Глава десятая. Современный «Золотой петушок» (314). Глава одиннадцатая. Свет и ток (333). Глава двенадцатая. В заводских цехах (388). Глава тринадцатая. Впереди еще много открытий (412). |
Eastern Mandates 31 January - 14 June 1944 |
Категория: Военное дело » История войн |
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Автор: Burton Wright III
Издательство: Center of Military History United States Army
Год издания: 1990
Количество страниц: 28
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II. World War II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind. However, the half century that now separates us from that conflict has exacted its toll on our collective knowledge. While World War II continues to absorb the interest of military scholars and historians, as well as its veterans, a generation of Americans has grown to maturity largely unaware of the political, social, and military implications of a war that, more than any other, united us as a people with a common purpose. Highly relevant today, World War II has much to teach us, not only about the profession of arms, but also about military preparedness, global strategy, and combined operations in the coalition war against fascism. During the next several years, the U.S. Army will participate in the nation’s 50th anniversary commemoration of World War II. The commemoration will include the publication of various materials to help educate Americans about that war. The works produced will provide great opportunities to learn about and renew pride in an Army that fought so magnificently in what has been called “the mighty endeavor.” World War II was waged on land, on sea, and in the air over several diverse theaters of operation for approximately six years. The following essay is one of a series of campaign studies highlighting those struggles that, with their accompanying suggestions for further reading, are designed to introduce you to one of the Army’s significant military feats from that war. This brochure was prepared in the U.S. Army Center of Military History by Burton Wright III. I hope this absorbing account of that period will enhance your appreciation of American achievements during World War II. Gordon R. Sullivan, General, United States Army Chief of Staff. |
Могильные древности Северянской Черниговщины |
Категория: Гуманитарные науки » Исторические науки » Археология |
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Автор: Самоквасов Д. Я.
Издательство: Москва. Синодальная типография
Год издания: 1916
Количество страниц: 102
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Книга "Могильные древности Северянской Черниговщины" является дополнением к изданию "Северяне и Северянская земля по городищам и могилам" и к тому отделу издания "Могилы Русской Земли", в котором описаны устройство и содержание Северянских могил. В книге представлены изображения курганных предметов, найденных археологом Самоквасовым Д. Я. в конце XIX века в ходе археологических раскопок курганов на территории Черниговской губернии (оружие, украшения, керамика, бытовые предметы и др.). |
Playboy (2010 No.08) Philippines |
Категория: Домоводство, досуг » Любовь, эротика |
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Издательство: Playboy
Год издания: 2010
Количество страниц: 122
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Playboy (2010 No.08) Philippines |