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  Шизофрения: опыт юнгианского анализа. Клинико-историогенетический метод исследования
 Категория: Неврология, нервная система, Психология
Шизофрения: опыт юнгианского анализа. Клинико-историогенетический метод исследования
Автор: Зайцева-Пушкаш И.А.
Издательство: Издательский дом Видар-М
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 978-5-88429-137-9
Количество страниц: 520
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU

Монография посвящена актуальной и неизученной проблеме - пониманию структуры и содержания мышления при шизофрении. Шизофреническое мышление является самой большой тайной психиатрии и психологии. Оно включает в себя иное видение мира, становится причиной странной и необычной судьбы, немотивированной агрессии, гениальности, пророческого предвидения и одновременно регресса, патологического одиночества. Автор книги, продолжая традицию сравнительно-культурологического исследования психических феноменов, заложенную швейцарским аналитиком К.Г.Юнгом, а также аппелируя к другим наукам, предлагает оригинальный метод для анализа и понимания переживаний, порождаемых данной болезнью. Применение историогенетического анализа позволило найти достоверные аналогии между шизофреническим бредом и мифологическим мышлением.
Монография богато иллюстрирована клиническими примерами, позволяющими подтвердить позицию автора.
Книга предназначена не только для психиатров, психотерапевтов и психологов, но и для широкого круга читателей.
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Опубликовал: SH Group | 9-09-2011, 08:15 | Просмотров: 759  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Leyte 17 October 1944 - 1 July 1945
 Категория: Военное дело » История войн
Leyte 17 October 1944 - 1 July 1945
Автор: Charles R. Anderson
Издательство: Center of Military History United States Army
Год издания: 1994
isbn: 0160451140
Количество страниц: 36
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)

The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II.
World War II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind. However, the half century that now separates us from that conflict has exacted its toll on our collective knowledge. While World War II continues to absorb the interest of military scholars and historians, as well as its veterans, a generation of Americans has grown to maturity largely unaware of the political, social, and military implications of a war that, more than any other, united us as a people with a common purpose. Highly relevant today, World War II has much to teach us, not only about the profession of arms, but also about military preparedness, global strategy, and combined operations in the coalition war against fascism. During the next several years, the U.S. Army will participate in the nation’s 50th anniversary commemoration of World War II. The commemoration will include the publication of various materials to help educate Americans about that war. The works produced will provide great opportunities to learn about and renew pride in an Army that fought so magnificently in what has been called “the mighty endeavor.” World War II was waged on land, on sea, and in the air over several diverse theaters of operation for approximately six years. The following essay is one of a series of campaign studies highlighting those struggles that, with their accompanying suggestions for further reading, are designed to introduce you to one of the Army’s significant military feats from that war. This brochure was prepared in the U.S. Army Center of Military History by Charles R. Anderson. I hope this absorbing account of that period will enhance your appreciation of American achievements during World War II.
Gordon R. Sullivan, General, United States Army Chief of Staff.
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Опубликовал: oleksandr74 | 9-09-2011, 08:13 | Просмотров: 611  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Cosmopolitan (2011 No.05) Ukrain
 Категория: Домоводство, досуг » Женские журналы
Cosmopolitan (2011 No.05) Ukrain
Издательство: Cosmopolitan
Год издания: 2011
Количество страниц: 164
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF (scan)

Cosmopolitan (2011 No.05) Ukrain
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Опубликовал: johnbob | 9-09-2011, 08:01 | Просмотров: 585  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Ardennes - Alsace 16 December 1944 - 25 January 1945
 Категория: Военное дело » История войн
Ardennes - Alsace 16 December 1944 - 25 January 1945
Автор: Roger Cirillo
Издательство: Center of Military History United States Army
Год издания: 1995
Количество страниц: 56
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)

The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II.
World War II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind. However, the half century that now separates us from that conflict has exacted its toll on our collective knowledge. While World War II continues to absorb the interest of military scholars and historians, as well as its veterans, a generation of Americans has grown to maturity largely unaware of the political, social, and military implications of a war that, more than any other, united us as a people with a common purpose. Highly relevant today, World War II has much to teach us, not only about the profession of arms, but also about military preparedness, global strategy, and combined operations in the coalition war against fascism. During the next several years, the U.S. Army will participate in the nation’s 50th anniversary commemoration of World War II. The commemoration will include the publication of various materials to help educate Americans about that war. The works produced will provide great opportunities to learn about and renew pride in an Army that fought so magnificently in what has been called “the mighty endeavor.” World War II was waged on land, on sea, and in the air over several diverse theaters of operation for approximately six years. The following essay is one of a series of campaign studies highlighting those struggles that, with their accompanying suggestions for further reading, are designed to introduce you to one of the Army’s significant military feats from that war. This brochure was prepared in the U.S. Army Center of Military History by Roger Cirillo. I hope this absorbing account of that period will enhance your appreciation of American achievements during World War II.
Gordon R. Sullivan, General, United States Army Chief of Staff.
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Опубликовал: oleksandr74 | 9-09-2011, 07:25 | Просмотров: 479  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Чакры. Мистическая спираль
 Категория: Гуманитарные науки » Религия и другие духовные практики » Эзотерика, оккультизм, фэн-шуй, йога
Чакры. Мистическая спираль
Автор: Лидбитер Ч., Пёрс Д.
Издательство: Золотой Век
Год издания: 1997
isbn: 5-900206-33-5
Количество страниц: 300
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU

В книге представлены работы двух авторов посвященных теме чакр.
От издателя: Когда человек начинает развивать свои чувства и получает возможность увидеть немного больше, чем обычно, перед ним открывается новый, удивительный мир, в котором его взгляд прежде всего останавливается на чакрах. Окружающие предстают перед таким человеком в новом обличии; мысли и чувства людей воспринимаются как имеющие цвет и форму. Своими яркими цветами быстрым безостановочным вращением чакры сразу же притягивают внимание человека, и совершенно естественно, что он задается вопросом, что представляют эти сверкающие круги света, каково их назначение. Ответу на этот вопрос и посвящена эта книга.
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Опубликовал: humm | 9-09-2011, 07:24 | Просмотров: 670  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Мама и Я (2011 No.03)
 Категория: Домоводство, досуг » Женские журналы
Мама и Я (2011 No.03)
Издательство: Эдипресс-Конлига
Год издания: 2011
Количество страниц: 57
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF (scan)

Журнал "МАМА и Я" - домашний помощник по здоровью и УХОДУ за детьми до 2 лет. Каждый номер журнала содержит практические советы и рекомендации специалистов в вопросах беременности, родов, развития и ухода за НОВОРОЖДЕННЫМИ. Журнал "Мама и Я" поможет тебе быть лучшей мамой в мире!
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Опубликовал: johnbob | 9-09-2011, 07:17 | Просмотров: 661  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Algeria - French Morocco 8 November 1942 - 11 November 1942
 Категория: Военное дело » История войн
Algeria - French Morocco 8 November 1942 - 11 November 1942
Автор: Charles A. Anderson
Издательство: Center of Military History United States Army
Год издания: 1993
isbn: 0160381053
Количество страниц: 32
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)

The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II.
World War II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind. However, the half century that now separates us from that conflict has exacted its toll on our collective knowledge. While World War II continues to absorb the interest of military scholars and historians, as well as its veterans, a generation of Americans has grown to maturity largely unaware of the political, social, and military implications of a war that, more than any other, united us as a people with a common purpose. Highly relevant today, World War II has much to teach us, not only about the profession of arms, but also about military preparedness, global strategy, and combined operations in the coalition war against fascism. During the next several years, the U.S. Army will participate in the nation’s 50th anniversary commemoration of World War II. The commemoration will include the publication of various materials to help educate Americans about that war. The works produced will provide great opportunities to learn about and renew pride in an Army that fought so magnificently in what has been called “the mighty endeavor.” World War II was waged on land, on sea, and in the air over several diverse theaters of operation for approximately six years. The following essay is one of a series of campaign studies highlighting those struggles that, with their accompanying suggestions for further reading, are designed to introduce you to one of the Army’s significant military feats from that war. This brochure was prepared in the U.S. Army Center of Military History by Charles A. Anderson. I hope this absorbing account of that period will enhance your appreciation of American achievements during World War II.
M. P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army.
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Опубликовал: oleksandr74 | 9-09-2011, 07:07 | Просмотров: 512  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Консервация без уксуса
 Категория: Домоводство, досуг » Кулинария, пища
Консервация без уксуса
Автор: Киреевский И.Р.
Издательство: Слово
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 978-966-334-303-7
Количество страниц: 34
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF

Если вы заботитесь о своем здоровье, и любите маринованные овощи, попробуйте новые идеи приготовления, национальных солений! В настоящей брошюре специально подобраны рецепты заготовок овощей без уксуса, по вкусовым качествам ничуть не уступают любимым народом овощам в уксусном маринаде. Приятного Вам аппетита!
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Опубликовал: humm | 9-09-2011, 07:06 | Просмотров: 641  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Ravers Vol.01 No.06
 Категория: Домоводство, досуг » Любовь, эротика
Ravers Vol.01 No.06
Издательство: Ravers
Год издания: 1995
Количество страниц: 93
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)

Ravers Vol.01 No.06
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Опубликовал: johnbob | 9-09-2011, 06:54 | Просмотров: 451  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Aleutian Islands 3 June 1942 - 24 August 1943
 Категория: Военное дело » История войн
Aleutian Islands 3 June 1942 - 24 August 1943
Автор: George L. MacGarrigle
Издательство: Center of Military History United States Army
Год издания: 1992
Количество страниц: 28
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)

The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II.
World War II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind. However, the half century that now separates us from that conflict has exacted its toll on our collective knowledge. While World War II continues to absorb the interest of military scholars and historians, as well as its veterans, a generation of Americans has grown to maturity largely unaware of the political, social, and military implications of a war that, more than any other, united us as a people with a common purpose. Highly relevant today, World War II has much to teach us, not only about the profession of arms, but also about military preparedness, global strategy, and combined operations in the coalition war against fascism. During the next several years, the U.S. Army will participate in the nation’s 50th anniversary commemoration of World War II. The commemoration will include the publication of various materials to help educate Americans about that war. The works produced will provide great opportunities to learn about and renew pride in an Army that fought so magnificently in what has been called “the mighty endeavor.” World War II was waged on land, on sea, and in the air over several diverse theaters of operation for approximately six years. The following essay is one of a series of campaign studies highlighting those struggles that, with their accompanying suggestions for further reading, are designed to introduce you to one of the Army’s significant military feats from that war. This brochure was prepared in the U.S. Army Center of Military History by George L. MacGarrigle. I hope this absorbing account of that period will enhance your appreciation of American achievements during World War II.
M. P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army.
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Опубликовал: oleksandr74 | 9-09-2011, 06:31 | Просмотров: 514  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
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