Издательство: Air&Cosmos SAS
Количество страниц: 60
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Le salon de Dubai s'impose parmi les lea... Egalement au sommaire : Russie; Defense; transport aerien Avec Air&Cosmos, retrouvez chaque vendredi toute l'actualite aerospatiale mondiale. Vous pourrez ainsi mieux comprendre et bien mesurer les enjeux des grandes mutations technologiques et industrielles du moment.
In GoodHomes you’ll find everything you need to keep up to date with new decorating trends and discover the latest products on the high street. You’ll also get the best practical advice from leading experts to help you make the most of your home.
Автор: Christine Powell, Zoe Allen
Издательство: Elsevier
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 0750686197
Количество страниц: 349
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
This visually stunning and technically detailed book is an in-depth analysis of the materials and techniques used on thirty eight of the V&A's Renaissance frames. The book will teach the reader to recognise frame style, structure and surface decoration of the period, as well as additions and alterations and later frames in the style. * First detailed technical analysis of the V&A's most important Renaissance frames * Highly illustrated with 100 + colour photos of front back and details, digital reconstructions, section profiles, and illustrations of frame types, joints and mouldings. * Provides a comparative reference for Renaissance frames in other publications
Издательство: Verlag E. S. Mittler & Sohn
Количество страниц: 47
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Die Hefte sind voller technischer Bild-Text-Informationen anhand authentischer Unterlagen uber aktuelle und technikgeschichtliche Probleme der Luftfahrt und ihrer Nebengebiete, alle Hefte sind reich bebildert mit Fotos, Rissen, technischen Detailzeichnungen, Graphiken, Reproduktionen von Originaldokumenten zu historischen Flugzeugen, hier werden Bilder z.T. erstmals veroffentlicht.