Of Golden Toads and Serpents’ Roads |
Категория: Биологические науки » Биохимия. Биофизика |
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Автор: Paul Freed
Издательство: Texas A&M University Press
Год издания: 2003
isbn: 1585442712
Количество страниц: 208
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Buyers of this book will read it with remembrances and pleasure. Like most field biologists, I have “been there and done that” but failed to put it into words. Paul Freed has accomplished our task for us in a very eloquent manner. Those of us who have suffered hardships chasing critters in the pursuit of knowledge, or who have a flair for photography of wild creatures, have empathy for Paul. Who among field biologists has not contracted beefworms, dysentery, and a sundry of diseases, both tropical and nontropical, or suffered insect bites, spider bites, snake bites, vehicle breakdowns, floods, broiling sun, things stolen, bribes, and export (and import) permit problems? |
Анализ генетических данных |
Категория: Генетика, иммунология, бактериология, Биохимия. Биофизика |
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Автор: Брюс С. Вейр
Издательство: Мир
Год издания: 1995
isbn: 5-03-002795-5
Количество страниц: 400
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
В монографии известного американского ученого, написанной как учебное пособие, изложены современные методы статистического анализа дискретных популяционно-генетических данных. Эти методы получили новый импульс к развитию в связи с разработкой международной программы "Геном человека". В книге наряду с теоретическим обоснованием определенных подходов рассматриваются конкретные примеры расчетов, приводятся статистические таблицы и компьютерные программы. Для специалистов-генетиков и молекулярных биологов, студентов старших курсов и аспирантов. |
Фармацевтическая химия |
Категория: Медицина, здравоохранение, Фармакология, Биохимия. Биофизика |
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Автор: Под редакцией А. П. Арзамасцева
Издательство: ГЭОТАР-Медиа
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 978-5-9704-0744-8
Количество страниц: 640
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Учебное пособие разработано коллективом кафедры фармацевтической химии ММА им. И.М.Сеченова и полностью соответствует примерной программе и дисциплине "Фармацевтическая химия" для специальности 040500 - "Фармация". Рассмотрены общие методы оценки качества лекарственных средств, в том числе современные физико-химические (ИК- и УФ-спектография, ЯМР-спектроскопия, хроматографические методы - ФЭЖХ, ГЖХ, ТСХ и др.), а также особенности количественного анализа применительно к индивидуальным веществам и лекарственным формам. Отражены современные тенденции в развитии фармацевтического анализа.
Предназначено студентам фармацевтических вузов и фармацевтических факультетов, аспирантам и провизорам. |
Общая химия. Биофизическая химия. Химия биогенных элементов |
Категория: Биохимия. Биофизика, Химические науки |
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Автор: Ершов Ю. А.
Издательство: Высшая школа
Год издания: 2003
isbn: 5-06-003626-Х, 978-5-06-006137-6
Количество страниц: 560
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
В учебнике изложены теоретические основы и освещены вопросы применения химических и физико-химических методов к анализу явлений в биологических системах различного уровня от молекулярного до экологического. Особое внимание уделено количественной стороне рассматриваемых закономерностей. Иллюстрации и примеры носят медико-биологический характер.
Для студентов медицинских, биологических, агрономических, ветеринарных и экологических специальностей вузов.
Sulphate-reducing Bacteria: Environmental and Engineered Systems |
Категория: Биологические науки » Биохимия. Биофизика |
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Автор: Larry L.Barton, W.Allan Hamilton
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 0521854857
Количество страниц: 558
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Recognition of the biological nature of sulphate reduction in natural environments, and identification of the bacterial species involved dates to the latter part of the nineteenth century, and the seminal work of such giants of the early days of microbiology as Beijerinck andWinogradsky. The central role of environmental studies in highlighting the issues to be addressed and the problems to be solved, has remained to this day a constant theme in microbiological analyses of the sulphate reducers. The modern era of such analyses, however, can be said to date from the period around 1960 when the demonstrations by Postgate and Peck, respectively, of the presence of cytochromes and of phosphorylation linked to anaerobic respiration in sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB), fundamentally altered our view of the biochemical nature of these organisms and, in particular, of their mechanisms of energy conservation. |
Plant Food Allergens |
Категория: Биологические науки » Биохимия. Биофизика |
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Автор: E.N.Clare Mills
Издательство: Blackwell Science
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 0632059826
Количество страниц: 240
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
This book is concerned with a paradox of immense, potentially life-threatening significance to about 1 in 100 adults and nearly 1 in 10 children, within the European Union. The paradox is that certain nutritious proteins from wholesome foods can act as if they were harmful, sometimes deadly, poisons to otherwise normal people unfortunate enough to possess a food allergy. And, although immunologists have been occupied with the whole problem of allergy throughout the twentieth century, we enter the twenty-first century with a vast number of questions still unanswered. Whilst the lives of food-allergic patients have certainly been improved through the understanding gained so far, an allergic individual is still haunted by the ever-present threat of inadvertent exposure to the allergen – an event that could have devastating consequences. The impact of this constant fear on the lives of caring parents with a food-allergic child, for example, is immense, and can only be appreciated by those who have experienced at first hand the torment involved. There can be no doubt that food allergy is a major, unsolved problem of great economic, social and personal significance. And the problem is getting even worse, because of the current trend in the developed world for an increasing diversity of foods to be routinely available, with an ever-increasing variety of complex recipes and formulations. |
Genetics Databases |
Категория: Биологические науки » Биохимия. Биофизика |
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Автор: Martin J.Bishop
Издательство: Academic Press
Год издания: 1999
isbn: 0121016250
Количество страниц: 311
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
We are living in the middle of an information revolution that is changing all our lives. This revolution is more fundamental than the agricultural and industrial revolutions. The ability to sit in our homes and go shopping anywhere in the world, to browse the range of offerings, and to have items delivered to us is becoming commonplace. But this revolution also deals with information about ourselves, how we differ from others in minute detail, and how the cells that constitute our bodies are able to process the information that enables us to live our lives. This book represents a fragment of the biological information revolution as we struggle to gather the large number of facts that are required as a prerequisite to understanding life. We are not too far away from this understanding for simple life forms, perhaps ten years will suffice. It is fascinating to be living during this period. The authors of the various chapters have attempted to make some of the methodology accessible so that the techniques may be applied by others to enhance our knowledge. |
Ecotoxicology of Explosives |
Категория: Биологические науки » Биохимия. Биофизика |
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Автор: G.I.Sunahara, G.Lotufo, R.G.Kuperman, J.Hawari
Издательство: CRC
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 084932839X
Количество страниц: 336
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
An international meeting of defense ministries and department representatives from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States was held in Edinburgh, Australia, on February 23–25, 2004, under the auspices of The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP). At this meeting, the Conventional Weapons Group (WPN) Technical Panel 4 (TP-4) for Energetic Materials and Propulsion agreed that a project “Development of Environmental Threshold Values for Defense Sites Contaminated with Energetic Materials” be conducted to promote the data acquisition and sharing of ecotoxicological information to address environmental problems related to energetic materials (EMs). The first objective of this international collaboration involved the development of environmental threshold concentrations for explosives and propellants. These criteria were needed for the ecological risk assessment (ERA) of sites contaminated with EMs, that is, to know “how clean is clean.” Although the choice of approach and the use of ERA tools may differ from country to country, the assurance of quality and direction of ecotoxicological research were recognized as key concerns shared by the scientific community. |
Biosynthesis of Tetrapyrroles |
Категория: Биологические науки » Биохимия. Биофизика |
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Автор: P.M.Jordan
Издательство: Elsevier
Год издания: 1991
isbn: 0444892850
Количество страниц: 323
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The study of the structure and function of tetrapyrrolic compounds has excited the interests of organic chemists, biochemists, botanists and other biologists for more than a hundred years. The structures of most naturally occurring porphyrins were first elucidated by the efforts of Hans Fischer, and great progress was made in our knowledge of chlorophyll by Stoll and Willstatter by applying the best current methods of organic chemistry. The next major advance was made by biochemists who used newly available isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to tackle the formation of porphyrins in biological systems. This was started by the discovery by Shemin and Rittenberg that, of all the amino acids, glycine specifically supplied the nitrogen atoms of protoporphyrin IX. This led to the elucidation of one of the major pathways for the synthesis of 5-aminolaevulinic acid, and ultimately to the origin of all the atoms in protoporphyrin IX. During this period conclusive evidence was also produced that chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll are formed in a series of reactions in which protoporphyrin IX is anessential intermediate. |
Биохимические основы микробиологических производств |
Категория: Биологические науки » Биохимия. Биофизика |
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Автор: Никитин Г.А.
Издательство: Вища Школа
Год издания: 1992
Количество страниц: 319
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Приведены обобщенные сведения по технологии производств, связанных с применением микроорганизмов. Даны представления о форме, размерах, внутреннем строении и качественном составе клеток микроорганизмов, приведены основные данные о культивировании микроорганизмов, генетические принципы, лежащие в основе получения полезных форм промышленных микроорганизмов. Освещены вопросы биохимии метанового брожения, энергосберегающей технологии и биохимической очистки сточных вод. |