Автор: Jose S.
Издательство: Springer
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 0387296557
Количество страниц: 438
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The longleaf pine ecosystem, once one of the most extensive ecosystems in North America, is now among the most threatened. Over the past few centuries, land clearing, logging, fire suppression, and the encroachment of more aggressive plants have led to an overwhelming decrease in the ecosystem’s size, to approximately 2.2% of its original coverage. Despite this devastation, the range of the longleaf still extends from Virginia to Texas. Through the combined efforts of organizations such as the USDA Forest Service, the Longleaf Alliance, and the Nature Conservancy, extensive programs to conserve, restore, and manage the ecosystem are currently underway. The longleaf pine ecosystem is valued not only for its aesthetic appeal, but also for its outstanding biodiversity, habitat value, and for the quality of the longleaf pine lumber. It has a natural resistance to fire and insects, and supports more than thirty threatened or endangered plant and animal species, including the red-cockaded woodpecker and the gopher tortoise.
Автор: Кондратов А.М.
Издательство: Гидрометеоиздат, Ленинград
Год издания: 1984
Количество страниц: 144
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF (scan)
Неослабевающий интерес к таинственным обитателям океана, таким, как Несси из шотландского озера Лох-Несс, сообщения о которых время от времени поступают из Канады и Африки, Якутии и Швеции, побудил автора написать эту книгу, из которой читатель узнает о сенсациях подлинных и мнимых, о том, что освоение океанских вод сулит еще немало открытий.
Первая часть книги повествует о фактах океанологии, палеонтологии, геологии, зоологии и других наук, изучающих Землю и жизнь на ней, Во второй части, как правило, текстуально, приводятся рассказы очевидцев о встречах с загадочными существами, подобными динозаврам, вымершим много десятков миллионов лет назад. А третья часть дает читателям возможность самим судить о том, насколько велики с позиций современной науки шансы дожить до наших дней чудовищным рептилиям в болотах, озерах, реках, морях и океанах нешей планеты.
Краткое содержание: Динозавры и сородичи (Триумф и гибель динозавров; Живие ископаемые; Открытия ХХ столетия); В поисках дракона (Кто ты, Несси?; Неодинозавры?; Динозавры в СССР?); Шанс для динозавров (Правила игры; Драконы моря; Кто ты, змей морской?)
Автор: Lerche I. Glaesser W.
Издательство: Springer
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 3540262490
Количество страниц: 343
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
This book deals with environmental and human risk problems caused by contamination from the perspective of real world applications with quantitative procedures. It includes risk methods for the discussion of environmental problems where data are sparse or fuzzy, as well as incorporating political, social and economic considerations in determining directions of remediation solutions for environmental contaminant problems. Furthermore, it highlights the impact of contaminants on human health, in some cases ultimately leading to death, as well as the anthropogenic exacerbation of natural processes.
Автор: Ralf Heselhaus, Matthias Schmidt
Издательство: TFH Publications
Год издания: 1996
isbn: 0793802865
Количество страниц: 64
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The tropical Caribbean is home to a multitude of colorful, active anoles, but little has been written on their care. This book by two noted German hobbyists is the first to give specifics on keeping and breeding many of the more interesting species and subspecies. Fully illustrated in color, it is filled with, practical tips and first-hand experiences that are sure to make this a useful, practical guide for all lizard hobbyists.
Автор: indrich Kazda, Ivo Pavlik, Joseph O. Falkinham III, Karel Hruska
Издательство: Springer
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 1402094124
Количество страниц: 522
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Ecology of Mycobacteria principally emphasizes the ecological characteristics of the environmental mycobacteria. It is now well understood that the incidence and prevalence of potentially pathogenic mycobacteria is increasing in humans and animals. Further, proof that mycobacteria are normal inhabitants of drinking water distribution systems and household water systems, indicates that humans and animals are surrounded by mycobacteria and thus at risk. It is anticipated that the emphasis on ecology and routes of infection will result in a text of widespread use for clinicians and for research scientists in medicine, academia, and industry. In addition to identifying habitats and thereby sources of mycobacteria infecting humans and animals, the text identifies those mycobacterial characteristics that determine its range of habitats. Additionally, the text comments critically on the available methods to identify those protocols with values in mycobacterial research. In that manner, although there are no chapters specifically devoted to methods, superior methods for mycobacteria will be identified.
Автор: Campbell Loughmiller, Lynn Loughmiller
Издательство: University of Texas Press
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 0292712863
Количество страниц: 304
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
For two decades and counting, Texans have relied on Texas Wildflowers to identify the common and rare flowers we see along the roadsides and in the pastures, fields, and forests of our state. Compiled by naturalists Campbell and Lynn Loughmiller, with the technical assistance of Lynn Sherrod, Texas Wildflowers is an authoritative field guide with a personal touch in the many notes the Loughmillers included about the plants they described and photographed. This new edition of Texas Wildflowers retains the charm of the Loughmillers' book while emphasizing 61 additional species and bringing the plant taxonomy and nomenclature up to date. Like its predecessor, it includes all the features you need to identify the wildflowers of Texas: • 381 full-color, close-up photos that show every wildflower in the book, including over 200 photos that are new to this edition. • 370 species accounts that include the plant's scientific and common names, a description of its appearance, and its range, habitat, and blooming season. • Descriptions of 73 wildflower families, from Acanthaceae to Zygophyllaceae. • Indexes to help you identify flowers by their Latin name and common name. • A guide to taxonomic updates in this edition. • A map, glossary, illustrated glossary, and bibliography for further reading. Lady Bird Johnson, author of the first edition's foreword, says of this new edition of Texas Wildflowers, "How delighted I am the University of Texas Press and the Wildflower Center are preserving Campbell and Lynn Loughmiller's legacy by revising and updating this beautiful and invaluable book about Texas wildflowers! Not only does it contain a wealth of knowledge, it also awakens our awareness of the splendor of nature and joyous lift of spirit it brings."
Автор: Laurel K. Anderton, Mary E. Barkworth
Издательство: Utah State University Press
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 0874217652
Количество страниц: 572
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Grasses of the Intermountain Region is a modification of the two grass volumes of the Flora of North America (FNA). It is designed for identifying members of the Poaceae in the region between the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains, and is intended for use by botanists working with the grasses in this intermountain region of North America. The reduction in number of taxa included from FNA has reduced the length of the keys and made it possible to include, in a single volume, descriptions and illustrations for all taxa treated as well as provide distribution maps for species that are established in the area. Another difference from the FNA volumes is that the maps in this volume show only records from IMR and adjacent areas rather than the full North America range of the taxa.
Автор: 3иганшин M.H.
Издательство: Экопресс ЗМ
Год издания: 1998
isbn: 5-8177-0004-2
Количество страниц: 505
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Пособие по проектированию. Приведены физико-химические характеристики выбросов различных производственных процессов. Рассмотрены конструкции пыле- и газоочистных устройств и методы их расчета, дана оценка эффективности их работы. Приведены характеристики ряда аппаратов, полученные при их наладке и эксплуатации в производственных условиях. Пособие предназначено для студентов высших технических учебных заведений и может быть полезно нженерно-техническим работникам, занимающимся проектированием, эксплуатацией и контролем работы пылегазоочистных сооружений.
Автор: Philip W. Rundel, Alan P. Smith, F. C. Meinzer
Издательство: 052142089X
Год издания: 1994
isbn: Cambridge University Press
Количество страниц: 392
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Tropical alpine environments (at altitudes above the closed canopy forest and below the limit of plant life) present an unusual set of complex stresses for plant species. Unlike temperate alpine environments, where there are distinct seasons of favorable and unfavorable conditions for growth, tropical alpine habitats present summer conditions every day and winter conditions every night. As a consequence, tropical alpine plant species have evolved unique forms for coping with such a hostile environment. Using examples from all over the tropics, this fascinating account reviews the unique form and functional relationships of tropical alpine plants, examining both their physiological ecology and population biology.
Автор: George P. Malanson
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 1993
isbn: 0521384311
Количество страниц: 308
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Riparian Landscapes examines the ecological systems of streamside and floodplain areas from the perspective of landscape ecology. The author describes the specific spatial pattern of riparian vegetation as a result of, and a control on, the ecological, geomorphological, and hydrological processes that operate along rivers. He also discusses the role of the riparian zone in controlling species distribution and abundance and highlights the intelligent management of these valuable ecological resources. Finally, Malanson explores the potential for linking hydrological, geomorphological and ecological simulation models.