Автор: Mark Michaelis
Издательство: Addison-Wesley
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 0-321-53392-5
Количество страниц: 875
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Essential C# 3.0 is an extremely well-written and well-organized “no-fluff” guide to C# 3.0, which will appeal to programmers at all levels of experience with C#. This fully updated edition dives deep into the new features that are revolutionizing programming, with brand new chapters covering query expressions, lambda expressions, extension methods, collection interface extensions, standard query operators, and LINQ as a whole. Author Mark Michaelis covers the C# language in depth, and each importantconstruct is illustrated with succinct, relevant code examples. (Complete code examples are available online.) Graphical “mind maps” at the beginning of each chapter show what material is covered and how each topic relates to the whole. Topics intended for beginners and advanced readers are clearly marked.
Автор: Jack Purdum
Издательство: WROX
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 978-0-470-26129-3
Количество страниц: 555
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Learn all the basics of C# 3.0 from Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, a book that presents introductory information in an intuitive format. If you have no prior programming experience but want a thorough, easy-to-understand introduction to C# and Object Oriented Programming, this book is an ideal guide. Using the tutorials and hands-on coding examples, you can discover tried and true tricks of the trade, understand design concepts, employ debugging aids, and design and write C# programs that are functional and that embody safe programming practices.
Автор: Amitabh Kumar
Издательство: Elsevier, Focal Press
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 978-0-240-81040-9
Количество страниц: 624
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Written exclusively from broadcasters perspective, Mobile Broadcasting with WiMAX will help you move ahead in the use of WiMAX technologies. Whether you are an engineer, content provider, manager, or operator and planning such services, this book helps you understand the dimensions of this new medium and integration of communication, broadcasting and Multimedia technologies. The book oulines migrating to a new generation of broadcasting which integrates the Mobile, Wireless and Fixed network domains, then gives you a complete picture on what is happening in the field.
The book is divided into five parts as follows:
PART I Gives an introduction to Broadband Wireless Technologies and Mobile WiMAX. Wi-Fi including 802.11a,b,n and g, WiMAX technologies with focus on Mobile WiMAX 802.16e, and provides a global overview of deployment of Wireless broadband networks.
PART-II is about Mobile Multimedia broadcasting and Mobile TV technologies, based on both cellular and broadband wireless.
PART III covers Resources for Mobile multimedia broadcasting and comprises of four structured chapters on Spectrum for WiMAX networks, WiMAX terrestrial broadcasting networks, client devices for WiMAX and an update of on chipsets developments.
Part IV is devoted to the Network Architectures and the integration of WiMAX with other networks, both fixed and mobile.
Part V deals with Software architectures and Applications which help the process of mobile multimedia broadcasting. Case studies of prominent networks are given with country specific examples.
*Covers mobile broadcasting using a WiMAX network
*Case studies outine successful WiMAX network implementations
*Learn how to integrate an exsisting network with WiMAX
Автор: John Sharp
Издательство: Microsoft Press
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 98052-6399
Количество страниц: 673
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Get the hands-on, step-by-step guide to learning the latest enhancements in Microsoft Visual C# 2008. Visual C#, one of the tools in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, is a modern programming language designed to deliver a productive environment for creating business frameworks and reusable object-oriented components.
Whether you re a beginning programmer or new to the Visual C# programming language, you ll learn how to use the fundamental features of Visual Studio 2008 and gain a basic understanding of the latest enhancement of the Visual C# language. You ll work at your own pace through hands-on, learn-by-doing exercises, get started creating components and working Windows applications, and build your knowledge as you start creating your first Visual C# based applications. You ll also explore how to create data management and Web-based applications. In each chapter, work through learn-by-doing exercises that demonstrate how, when, and why to use the many features of the Visual C# rapid application development environment. Includes a companion CD with code samples, data sets, and a fully searchable eBook.
Издательство: Вильямc
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 978-5-8459-1168-1
Количество страниц: 1040
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Книга известного гуру в области программирования посвящена новой версии одного из наиболее популярных и совершенных языков - Java. Построенная в виде учебного и справочного пособия, она является превосходным источником исчерпывающей информации по последней версии платформы Java, Java SE 6, и позволяет практически с нуля научиться разрабатывать приложения и аплеты производственного качества. Помимо синтаксиса самого языка и фундаментальных принципов программирования, в книге подробно рассматриваются такие сложные вопросы, как ключевые библиотеки Java API, каркас коллекций, создание аплетов и сервлетов, AWT, Swing и Java Beans. Немалое внимание уделяется вводу-выводу, работе в сети, регулярным выражениям и обработке строк. Изобилие реальных примеров, доступных также и на Web-сайте издательства, существенно упрощает усвоение материала. Книга "Полный справочник по Java SE 6" ориентирована на программистов и разработчиков различной квалификации, а также будет полезна студентам и преподавателям соответствующих специальностей.
Издательство: Microsoft
Год издания: 2008
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Windows Vista - официальный журнал. Производится при информационной поддержке компании Microsoft, но является независимым международным изданием. Выходит в Великобритании, России, США, Франции, Германии, Испании, Португалии, Нидерландах, Бельгии, Бразилии, Италии, Украине, ЮАР и Австралии.
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