Автор: Ed Bott, Carl Siechert, Craig Stinson
Издательство: Microsoft
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0-73562-044-X
Количество страниц: 1307
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Take your Windows XP knowledge to the next level! Designed for advanced home and office users, this thoroughly updated second edition delivers in-depth information on core and advanced Windows XP topics, including all-new coverage of Windows XP Service Pack 2, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows Media Series 9, and Windows Movie Maker 2. The award-winning Inside Out format makes it easy to find the timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds you needand it features new Reality Check sidebars, which offer the straight scoop on popular wisdom about Windows XP.
Автор: John Paul Mueller
Издательство: Sybex
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0-7821-4387-3
Количество страниц: 398
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Want a Faster and More Powerful PC? It's There on Your Desk. Eventually, it will be time to buy a new PC or put money into an upgrade, but Microsoft Windows XP Power Optimization shows you how to get the most out of your current equipment right now, simply by tuning your Windows setup. These professional techniques range from the basic to the advanced, and they can be used to achieve both targeted improvement and better overall system performance. In every area, the gains can be immense, and the time it takes is minimal. Coverage includes: * Enhancing performance by removing unneeded items * Making smart tradeoffs * Safely removing unneeded registry entries * Using command-line utilities * Keeping Internet Explorer under control * Making simple but effective system tweaks * Creating a comprehensive archival system * Monitoring your system for performance concerns * Keeping your system in peak operating condition * Understanding the connection between user activity and system performance * Automating cleanup and maintenance tasks * Keeping your PC safe from viruses and human intruders * Catching and correcting mistakes System Optimized--What's Next? Once you've helped your system live up to its potential, help yourself by turning to Microsoft Windows XP Power Productivity, also from Sybex. You'll find expert instruction on harnessing native Windows functionality and third-party utilities to work faster and smarter.
Автор: Jim Boyce
Издательство: Sybex
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0-7821-4388-1
Количество страниц: 654
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Keys to Your Productivity Are Right There, Inside Windows Windows XP is packed with utilities and other features that can help you work smarter and faster. The trick is knowing what they are and how and when to use them. Microsoft Windows XP Power Productivity teaches you how to leverage these tools to automate, customize, and troubleshoot your system, and to harness its power most effectively. This is a must-read book for power users and system administrators; it also offers a path that ambitious beginners can follow to achieve expertise. Coverage includes: * Performing network, automated, and unattended installations * Controlling Windows XP startup and shutdown * Managing printing * Auditing the system * Adding and removing OS components * Understanding and managing the Registry * Working with Device Manager * Setting up and troubleshooting incoming and outgoing connections * Hosting FTP sites * Performing backups and recovering from disasters * Managing users and groups * Setting up, monitoring, and managing remote access * Configuring and optimizing TCP/IP * Managing certificates * Configuring VPN connections * Encrypting your files Is Your PC Holding You Back? Don't settle for making yourself more productive; do the same for your PC. Microsoft Windows XP Power Optimization, also from Sybex, shows you how to get more speed and power out of your current equipment, simply by tuning your Windows setup.
Автор: Джеффри Рихтер
Издательство: Microsoft Press, Русская Редакция
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 1-57231-996-8, 5-272-00384-5
Количество страниц: 749
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Это издание - практически новая книга, посвященная программированию серьезных приложений на Microsoft Visual C++ в операционных системах Windows 2000 (32- и 64- разрядных версиях) и Windows 98 с использованием функций Windows API. Состоит из 27 глав, двух приложений и предметного указателя. Гораздо глубже, чем в предыдущих изданиях, рассматриваются такие темы, как взаимодействие с операционной системой, библиотеки C/C++, программирование DLL и оптимизация кода, описываются новые механизмы и функции, появившиеся в Windows 2000, и приводится информация, специфическая для 64-разрядной Windows 2000. В этом издании автор, перейдя с языка С на C++, переработал все программы-примеры и представил ряд новых приложений, например ProcessInfo и LISWatch. Также появились совершенно новые материалы: выравнивание данных, привязка потоков к процессорам, кэш-линии процессоров, архитектура NUMA, перехват API-вызовов и др. Книга предназначена профессиональным программистам, владеющим языком C/C++ и имеющим опыт разработки Windows- приложений. Прилагаемый компакт-диск содержит все программы из книги (исходный код и исполняемые файлы для процессоров х86, IA-64 и Alpha).
Автор: Axo, Альфред, В., Хопкрофт
Издательство: Wiley, Вильямс
Год издания: 2003
isbn: 0-201-00023-7, 5-8459-0122-7
Количество страниц: 382
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
В этой книге подробно рассмотрены структуры данных и алгоритмы, которые являются фундаментом современной методологии разработки программ. Показаны разнообразные реализации абстрактных типов данных, начиная от стандартных списков, стеков, очередей и заканчивая множествами и отображениями, которые используются для неформального описания и реализации алгоритмов. Две главы книги посвящены методам анализа и построения алгоритмов; приведено и исследовано множество различных алгоритмов для работы с графами, внутренней и внешней сортировки, управления памятью. Книга не требует от читателя специальной подготовки, только предполагает его знакомство с какими-либо языками программирования высокого уровня, такими как Pascal. Вместе с тем она будет полезна специалистам по разработке программ и алгоритмов и может быть использована как учебное пособие для студентов и аспирантов, специализирующихся в области компьютерных наук.
Автор: Ивьен Б., Берес Д.
Издательство: Hungry Minds, Диалектика
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 0-7645-4826-3, 5-8459-0395-5
Количество страниц: 1024
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Visual Basic .NET — результат самых решительных изменений, когда-либо сделанных в популярном языке Visual Basic. Эта книга, написанная командой экспертов Visual Basic .NET, поможет вам овладеть всеми нюансами платформы .NET, будь вы ветеран Visual Basic 6 или разработчик на ASP, или даже просто новичок в программировании. Начав с обзора новых объектно-ориентированных свойств, авторы познакомят вас с основами языка Visual Basic, со средой разработки Visual Studio .NET, технологиями ADO.NET и XML и объяснят на примерах, как создавать формы Windows, приложения ASP.NET и Web-сервисы.
Автор: Simon Cozens, Peter Wainwright
Издательство: Wrox
Год издания: 2000
isbn: 1-861003-14-5
Количество страниц: 672
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Perl is an immensely popular scripting language that combines the best features of C, key UNIX utilities and a powerful use of regular expressions. It has a wide range of uses beyond simple text processing and is commonly used for web programming - creating and parsing CGI forms, validating HTML syntax and hyperlinks - as well as e-mail and Usenet news filtering. Perl is increasingly the system administrator's scripting language of choice and is used for file and directory manipulation, database access and a whole range of daily system operator chores.
Автор: Arie Jones, Ryan K. Stephens, Ronald R. Plew
Издательство: Wrox
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0-7645-6901-5
Количество страниц: 795
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
SQL Functions SQL functions are special commands for manipulating data. The international SQL standard defines many functions implemented by all major RDBMS vendors. This comprehensive SQL functions reference enables you to quickly master SQL function data manipulation in any database. First, the book presents the basics you need to use standard SQL functions with any database. Then the expert authors take you into the core reference material for built-in and user-defined SQL functions in each major RDBMS product. Packed with examples, you'll immediately learn to apply standard functions and extend your power with functions you define. You'll learn all of this from a core author team from Perpetual Technologies, Inc. These experts have extensive experience with Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, and MySQL, database design and management for some of the world's largest corporations and government agencies. What you will learn from this book How to cross-reference different SQL implementations and integrate data from different vendor products Ways to create custom functions using vendors' procedural extensions Numerous SQL implementations, such as ANSI SQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, MySQL, IBMDB2, and PostgreSQL How the internationally standardized SQL 99 functions are implemented in various vendor-specific products User-defined functions built with proprietary procedural extensions Expert guidance on moving from one RDBMS to another Who this book is for This book is for the SQL programmer or software developer of any level who needs to effectively retrieve data from a relational database or integrate applications with RDBMS implementations. Wrox Programmer's References are designed to give the experienced developer straight facts on a new technology, without hype or unnecessary explanations. They deliver hard information with plenty of practical examples to help you apply new tools to your development projects today.
Автор: Lonnon R. Foster, Glenn Bachmann
Издательство: Wrox
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0-7645-7373-X
Количество страниц: 961
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Professional Palm OS Programming Palm OS has defined the standard for handheld and mobile devices for nearly a decade, thanks to its convenience, power, and ease of use. As the popularity of these devices continues to grow, so does the demand for programmers to build original applications. This book guides both aspiring and experienced programmers through the ins and outs of creating software for Palm OS. Covering nearly every aspect of Palm OS development, this useful resource gets you started with the fundamentals, such as how Palm OS works and the available development tools. You'll then quickly move on to new aspects of Palm OS, including the new Palm OS Cobalt, the next generation operating system. Packed with hands-on instructions, lots of code, and insider advice, this book will help you make your applications work seamlessly. What you will learn from this book The various multimedia functionalities for audio and video recording and playback How to create applications that make use of TCP/IP communications options New and updated coverage of Palm OS development tools, including Metrowerks CodeWarrior ;9.3 and the new PODS from PalmSource Methods of programming system elements, graphics, and alarms Techniques for storing, manipulating, and retrieving data An understanding of the very complex topic of conduit programming and why it uses different tools Who this book is for This book is for experienced C programmers who are looking to either start developing applications in Palm OS or who would like to take their Palm OS skills to the next level. Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.
Автор: Ларс Кландер
Издательство: Попурри
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 1-884133-55-X, 985-438-725-9
Количество страниц: 688
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
В исчерпывающей и доступной форме, с большим количеством иллюстраций разъясняются все вопросы, касающиеся сохранности и защищенности данных в персональных компьютерах (ПК), работающих в локальных и разветвленных сетях. Для широкого круга пользователей ПК.