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  Introduction to GPS. The Global Positioning System
    Категория: Компьютерная литература » Телекоммуникационные технологии » Телефония, сотовая связь, мобильные телефоны
Introduction to GPS. The Global Positioning System title=
Автор: Ahmed El-Rabbany
Издательство: Artech House
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 1580531830
Количество страниц: 194
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 3 Мб
Каталожный номер: 6971
If you're looking for an up-to-date, easy-to-understand treatment of the GPS (Global Positioning System), this one-of-a-kind resource offers you the knowledge you need for your work, without bogging you down with advanced mathematics. It addresses all aspects of the GPS, emphasizes GPS applications, examines the GPS signal structure, and covers the key types of measurement being utilized in the field today. You get an in-depth discussion on the errors and biases that affect GPS measurements, along with guidance on how to overcome them. Moreover, the book shows how the GPS can be used for a number of different accuracy levels. Datums, coordinate systems, and map projections are discussed in a simple manner, offering you a clear understanding of this widely misunderstood area. This unique reference also examines the integration of the GPS with other systems, and looks at future GPS modernization. Over 75 illustrations help clarify major topics throughout the book

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