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  The Farmer's Wife Canning and Preserving Cookbook: Over 250 Blue-Ribbon
    Категория: Домоводство, досуг » Кулинария, пища
The Farmer's Wife Canning and Preserving Cookbook: Over 250 Blue-Ribbon title=
Автор: : Lela Nargi
Издательство: Voyageur Press
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 0760335257
Количество страниц: 224
Язык: english
Размер: 19 Мб
Каталожный номер: 88668
Формат: epub
The spiced peaches and icebox pickles, dilly beans and tomatoes in every shape and form, the blackberry jam and hot pepper jelly--it’s summer, and a whole world of summers past, in a jar. Pack the pantry the way Grandma did, and put away the sweetest fruits and preserves, the most tender savory vegetables, the taste of the sunny day and the scent of the crisp harvest air, with more than 250 blue-ribbon canning and preserving recipes culled from The Farmer’s Wife magazine. A reliable resource for the farm wife, the new mother, the suburban transplant, the magazine shared recipes that made the kitchen sing and the family sigh with contentment. Along with instructions for canning and preserving fruits and vegetables from your garden or the farmer’s market, this wonderful cookbook, like an old family friend, offers recipes for using the tomato sauce, raspberry jam, peaches, and other tasty fruits and vegetables that you’ve “put by.”

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