Автор: Л. Маккиннон
Издательство: Музыка
Год издания: 1967
Количество страниц: 144
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF (scan)
Практическое руководство английской пианистки и педагога Лилиас Маккиннон предназначено любому исполнителю — даже тому, кто уверен в своей памяти. "Игра наизусть" по Маккиннон начинается... с самого начала работы над произведением, а заканчивается аплодисментами слушателей. На страницах своей книги автор представляет универсальную методику запоминания для исполнителей любого профиля; вместе с тем в книге есть специальные советы пианистам, певцам, органистам, а также педагогам, работающим с детьми.
Автор: Marylin Rhie, Robert Thurman, John Bigelow Taylor
Издательство: Overlook Hardcover
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 1590203100
Количество страниц: 336
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Marilyn Rhie and Robert Thurman have provided an exciting book which organizes Tibetan History and the Tibetan bronze statues through identification of historical period and stylistic development. The examples of bronzes that have been selected and the explanation of the Boddhisatva's, Buddhas and Historical Rinpoche not only gives the reader an education through the wonderful descriptions, but also through looking at the superb photography of John Bigelow Taylor. This is definitely a great book for connoiseurs who want to study the evolution of the sculpture via geographical differences. The Alice Kandell Collection is certainly a wondeful bronze collection of unusual and rare examples of Tibetan Sculpture. It certainly provides the peace and tranquility we would all like to attain through the experiences she must have felt in selecting and collecting each individual piece.This is definitely a book that I would recommend for anyone interested in Tibetan culture.
Автор: Ци Бай ши
Издательство: "Изящных искусств" пров. Хунань
Год издания: 1996
Количество страниц: 141
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Собрания работ великого художника и графика Ци Бай ши, изданного в КНР в 1996 году. Собрание освещает все виды деятельности автора - это каллиграфия в разных стилях, живопись разных жанров ("цветы и птицы", "горы и воды" и т.п.), особо следует отметить печати и пластический матерал - резьбу по камню и дереву. Qi Baishi (Ch'i Pai Shih) is one of the greatest Chinese painters. Chinese tradition places essences, character, and spirit above the simple faithfulness to appearances. Qi Baishi's paintings well represent the Chinese tradition, but in an innovative form and style. Though the art of Qi Baishi was originated from nature, which one can learn from his paintings of animals, insects, and flowers, he painted them in a way nobody else had achieved before. He once said, "The excellence of a painting lies in its being alike, yet unlike. Too much likeness flatters the vulgar taste; too much unlikeness deceives the world." Qi Baishi had developed his style over his life-long learning, studying, and innovation. His paintings were not matured until his late life Язык: Китайский
Автор: Составители В.К.Черепко, Д.Э. Герасимович
Издательство: "Беларусь"
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 987-985-01-0737-04
Количество страниц: 177
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Мастацкая творчасць Напалеона Орды (1807–1883) прысвечана архітэктурнаму пейзажу і ўвекавечанню помнікаў гісторыі і культуры славянскіх земляў. У яго малюнках, на якіх адлюстраваны храмы, палацы, замкі, сядзібы, забудова гарадоў, мястэчак, вёсак, спалучаюцца дакладнасць гістарычнага дакумента і вобразнасць паэтычнага твора. Вядомасць Н. Орду прынеслі альбомы літаграфій яго малюнкаў. Серыя-4 уключае 31 літаграфію на асобных лістах, 12 з якіх прадстаўляюць віды беларускіх гарадоў і мястэчак. Наполеон Орда (11.02.1807—26.04.1883) занимает особое место среди выдающихся деятелей культуры Беларуси. Н. Орда является неординарной личностью, его деятельность многогранна. В этом человеке сочеталось несколько талантов: художник, музыкант, пианист, композитор, писатель, педагог, архитектор, публицист, ученый. Как художник наиболее известен своими зарисовками архитектурных памятников и местностей, связанных с жизнью и деятельностью знаменитых людей на территории Беларуси, Украины, Литвы и Польши , на которых изображены не только усадьбы знакомых нам белорусских мест, но и архитектурные памятники других стран: дворцы и замки Украины, Литвы, Польши, Франции и др. Благодаря наследию Наполеона Орды мы можем увидеть и оценить запечатленные им шедевры зодчества, которых на земле уже давно нет. Язык: Белорусский / Английский
Автор: Ци Бай ши
Издательство: \
Год издания: 1996
Количество страниц: 380
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Собрания работ великого художника и графика Ци Бай ши, изданного в КНР в 1996 году. Собрание освещает все виды деятельности автора - это каллиграфия в разных стилях, живопись разных жанров ("цветы и птицы", "горы и воды" и т.п.), особо следует отметить печати и пластический матерал - резьбу по камню и дереву. Qi Baishi (Ch'i Pai Shih) is one of the greatest Chinese painters. Chinese tradition places essences, character, and spirit above the simple faithfulness to appearances. Qi Baishi's paintings well represent the Chinese tradition, but in an innovative form and style. Though the art of Qi Baishi was originated from nature, which one can learn from his paintings of animals, insects, and flowers, he painted them in a way nobody else had achieved before. He once said, "The excellence of a painting lies in its being alike, yet unlike. Too much likeness flatters the vulgar taste; too much unlikeness deceives the world." Qi Baishi had developed his style over his life-long learning, studying, and innovation. His paintings were not matured until his late life. Язык: Китайский
Автор: Ци Бай ши
Издательство: "Изящных искусств" пров. Хунань
Год издания: 1996
Количество страниц: 444
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Собрания работ великого художника и графика Ци Бай ши, изданного в КНР в 1996 году. Собрание освещает все виды деятельности автора - это каллиграфия в разных стилях, живопись разных жанров ("цветы и птицы", "горы и воды" и т.п.), особо следует отметить печати и пластический матерал - резьбу по камню и дереву. Qi Baishi (Ch'i Pai Shih) is one of the greatest Chinese painters. Chinese tradition places essences, character, and spirit above the simple faithfulness to appearances. Qi Baishi's paintings well represent the Chinese tradition, but in an innovative form and style. Though the art of Qi Baishi was originated from nature, which one can learn from his paintings of animals, insects, and flowers, he painted them in a way nobody else had achieved before. He once said, "The excellence of a painting lies in its being alike, yet unlike. Too much likeness flatters the vulgar taste; too much unlikeness deceives the world." Qi Baishi had developed his style over his life-long learning, studying, and innovation. His paintings were not matured until his late life.
Автор: Ци Бай ши
Издательство: "Изящных искусств" пров. Хунань
Год издания: 1996
Количество страниц: 399
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Собрания работ великого художника и графика Ци Бай ши, изданного в КНР в 1996 году. Собрание освещает все виды деятельности автора - это каллиграфия в разных стилях, живопись разных жанров ("цветы и птицы", "горы и воды" и т.п.), особо следует отметить печати и пластический матерал - резьбу по камню и дереву. Qi Baishi (Ch'i Pai Shih) is one of the greatest Chinese painters. Chinese tradition places essences, character, and spirit above the simple faithfulness to appearances. Qi Baishi's paintings well represent the Chinese tradition, but in an innovative form and style. Though the art of Qi Baishi was originated from nature, which one can learn from his paintings of animals, insects, and flowers, he painted them in a way nobody else had achieved before. He once said, "The excellence of a painting lies in its being alike, yet unlike. Too much likeness flatters the vulgar taste; too much unlikeness deceives the world." Qi Baishi had developed his style over his life-long learning, studying, and innovation. His paintings were not matured until his late life. Язык: Китайский
Автор: Ци Бай ши
Издательство: "Изящных искусств" пров. Хунань
Год издания: 996
Количество страниц: 410
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Собрания работ великого художника и графика Ци Бай ши, изданного в КНР в 1996 году. Собрание освещает все виды деятельности автора - это каллиграфия в разных стилях, живопись разных жанров ("цветы и птицы", "горы и воды" и т.п.), особо следует отметить печати и пластический матерал - резьбу по камню и дереву. Qi Baishi (Ch'i Pai Shih) is one of the greatest Chinese painters. Chinese tradition places essences, character, and spirit above the simple faithfulness to appearances. Qi Baishi's paintings well represent the Chinese tradition, but in an innovative form and style. Though the art of Qi Baishi was originated from nature, which one can learn from his paintings of animals, insects, and flowers, he painted them in a way nobody else had achieved before. He once said, "The excellence of a painting lies in its being alike, yet unlike. Too much likeness flatters the vulgar taste; too much unlikeness deceives the world." Qi Baishi had developed his style over his life-long learning, studying, and innovation. His paintings were not matured until his late life. Язык: Китайский
Автор: Ци Бай ши
Издательство: "Изящных искусств" пров. Хунань
Год издания: 1996
Количество страниц: 364
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Собрания работ великого художника и графика Ци Бай ши, изданного в КНР в 1996 году. Собрание освещает все виды деятельности автора - это каллиграфия в разных стилях, живопись разных жанров ("цветы и птицы", "горы и воды" и т.п.), особо следует отметить печати и пластический матерал - резьбу по камню и дереву. Qi Baishi (Ch'i Pai Shih) is one of the greatest Chinese painters. Chinese tradition places essences, character, and spirit above the simple faithfulness to appearances. Qi Baishi's paintings well represent the Chinese tradition, but in an innovative form and style. Though the art of Qi Baishi was originated from nature, which one can learn from his paintings of animals, insects, and flowers, he painted them in a way nobody else had achieved before. He once said, "The excellence of a painting lies in its being alike, yet unlike. Too much likeness flatters the vulgar taste; too much unlikeness deceives the world." Qi Baishi had developed his style over his life-long learning, studying, and innovation. His paintings were not matured until his late life. Язык: Китайский
Автор: Ци Бай ши
Издательство: "Изящных искусств" пров. Хунань
Год издания: 1996
Количество страниц: 404
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Собрания работ великого художника и графика Ци Бай ши, изданного в КНР в 1996 году. Собрание освещает все виды деятельности автора - это каллиграфия в разных стилях, живопись разных жанров ("цветы и птицы", "горы и воды" и т.п.), особо следует отметить печати и пластический матерал - резьбу по камню и дереву. Qi Baishi (Ch'i Pai Shih) is one of the greatest Chinese painters. Chinese tradition places essences, character, and spirit above the simple faithfulness to appearances. Qi Baishi's paintings well represent the Chinese tradition, but in an innovative form and style. Though the art of Qi Baishi was originated from nature, which one can learn from his paintings of animals, insects, and flowers, he painted them in a way nobody else had achieved before. He once said, "The excellence of a painting lies in its being alike, yet unlike. Too much likeness flatters the vulgar taste; too much unlikeness deceives the world." Qi Baishi had developed his style over his life-long learning, studying, and innovation. His paintings were not matured until his late life. Язык: Китайский