Автор: Шереметьев В.Д.
Издательство: Издатель
Год издания: 1991
isbn: 5-7707-1504-9
Количество страниц: 49
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Многовековой опыт лечения травами свидетельствует о неограниченных возможностях фитотерапии. С ее помощью излечим и один из самых травмирующих психику человека недугов — импотенция. В брошюре описаны лекарственные травы, даны рекомендации по приготовлению препаратов из них, заметно активизирующих половую функцию организма, улучшающих общее самочувствие и работоспособность.
Автор: Лавренов В. К.
Издательство: Паломникъ
Год издания: 2004
Количество страниц: 112
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Книга известного врача-фитотерапевта Владимира Калистратовича Лавренова посвящена лечению и профилактике раковых заболеваний природными средствами. В книге приведены рецепты профилактики и лечения рака с помощью природных средств, описаны собственные клинические наблюдения больных. Описываются случаи исцеления и улучшения самочувствия при разных заболеваниях, несмотря на приговор официальной медицины. Книга расчитана на широкий круг читателей, как желающих уберечься от страшного диагноза, так и столкнувшихся с проблемами онкологии лично.
Автор: Jacqueline L. Longe
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0-7876-7425-7
Количество страниц: 602
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine is a medical reference product designed to inform and educate readers about a wide variety of complementary therapies and herbal remedies and treatments for prevalent conditions and diseases. Thomson Gale believes the product to be comprehensive, but not necessarily definitive. It is intended to supplement, not replace, consultation with a physician or other healthcare practitioner. While Thomson Gale has made substantial efforts to provide information that is accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date, Thomson Gale makes no representations or warranties of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, comprehensiveness, or timeliness of the information contained in this product. Readers should be aware that the universe of complementary medical knowledge is constantly growing and changing, and that differences of medical opinion exist among authorities. They are also advised to seek professional diagnosis and treatment for any medical condition, and to discuss information obtained from this book with their healthcare provider.
Автор: Jacqueline L. Longe
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0-7876-7426-5
Количество страниц: 599
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine is a medical reference product designed to inform and educate readers about a wide variety of complementary therapies and herbal remedies and treatments for prevalent conditions and diseases. Thomson Gale believes the product to be comprehensive, but not necessarily definitive. It is intended to supplement, not replace, consultation with a physician or other healthcare practitioner. While Thomson Gale has made substantial efforts to provide information that is accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date, Thomson Gale makes no representations or warranties of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, comprehensiveness, or timeliness of the information contained in this product. Readers should be aware that the universe of complementary medical knowledge is constantly growing and changing, and that differences of medical opinion exist among authorities. They are also advised to seek professional diagnosis and treatment for any medical condition, and to discuss information obtained from this book with their healthcare provider.
Автор: Jacqueline L. Longe
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0-7876-7427-3
Количество страниц: 615
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine is a medical reference product designed to inform and educate readers about a wide variety of complementary therapies and herbal remedies and treatments for prevalent conditions and diseases. Thomson Gale believes the product to be comprehensive, but not necessarily definitive. It is intended to supplement, not replace, consultation with a physician or other healthcare practitioner. While Thomson Gale has made substantial efforts to provide information that is accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date, Thomson Gale makes no representations or warranties of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, comprehensiveness, or timeliness of the information contained in this product. Readers should be aware that the universe of complementary medical knowledge is constantly growing and changing, and that differences of medical opinion exist among authorities. They are also advised to seek professional diagnosis and treatment for any medical condition, and to discuss information obtained from this book with their healthcare provider.
Автор: Jacqueline L. Longe
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0-7876-7428-1
Количество страниц: 667
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine is a medical reference product designed to inform and educate readers about a wide variety of complementary therapies and herbal remedies and treatments for prevalent conditions and diseases. Thomson Gale believes the product to be comprehensive, but not necessarily definitive. It is intended to supplement, not replace, consultation with a physician or other healthcare practitioner. While Thomson Gale has made substantial efforts to provide information that is accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date, Thomson Gale makes no representations or warranties of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, comprehensiveness, or timeliness of the information contained in this product. Readers should be aware that the universe of complementary medical knowledge is constantly growing and changing, and that differences of medical opinion exist among authorities. They are also advised to seek professional diagnosis and treatment for any medical condition, and to discuss information obtained from this book with their healthcare provider.