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  An Invitation to Health: Choosing to Change
    Категория: Медицина, здравоохранение » Прочая медицинская литература
An Invitation to Health: Choosing to Change title=
Автор: Dianne Hales
Издательство: Brooks Cole
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 0538736550
Количество страниц: 704
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 29,4 Мб
Каталожный номер: 66882
Current, comprehensive, and personal, Dianne Hales's AN INVITATION TO HEALTH CHOOSING TO CHANGE integrates a comprehensive presentation of health concepts with a wealth of practical ways to apply them to your life--body, mind, and spirit. With the complete texbook program, you have an outstanding set of tools to help you understand the positive benefits of good health behaviors and master the steps that empower you to accomplish that change in your own life. Each chapter includes content and applications such as "Learn It/Live It," "Goal Setting," "Your Strategies for Change," "Your Strategies for Prevention," and "Your Life Change Coach" sections, all of which help you on your way to setting and attaining your goals for a healthier lifestyle. Because personal choice is an important component of changing for lifelong healthy living, the text also includes "Reality Check" and "Point/CounterPoint," two new features designed to sharpen your critical thinking and analytical skills--the keys to making informed choices for positive change. Along the way, AN INVITATION TO HEALTH, 2009-2010 Edition, provides relevant examples, colorful photos, figures, and new research and statistics, as well as "Student Snapshots," art, tables, and references that reflect the most current thinking on every topic. Through CengageNOW, the text also includes a wealth of powerful learning tools to help you maximize your study efforts.

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