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  Arthroscopic Management of Distal Radius Fractures
    Категория: Медицина, здравоохранение » Хирургия, травматология
Arthroscopic Management of Distal Radius Fractures title=
Автор: Francisco Piñal, Riccardo Luchetti, Christophe Mathoulin
Издательство: Springer
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 364205353X
Количество страниц: 294
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 25 Мб
Каталожный номер: 35154
The management of distal radius fracture has changed considerably over the past 15 years, particularly with the introduction of wrist arthroscopy and the volar locking plates. The most difficult group of fractures is those where the joint has also been involved, and for those arthroscopy plays an important role. "Arthroscopic Management of Distal Radius Fractures" will be the first one-point reference to comprehensively cover this subject.
Instructively illustrated with line drawings, X-rays and clinical photos this hands-on guide depicts novel techniques in general and arthroscopic techniques in particular. The book includes chapters for beginners (e.g. anatomy of portals), as well as the step-by-step descriptions of sophisticated techniques like arthroscopic ulnar reattachment. It helps surgeons explore the possibilities of arthroscopy as well as pick up tricks, in order to master the technique. Additionally, there are chapters discussing the important findings that can only be made with the help of arthroscopy, and which bear prognostic implications and relevance.
Ключевые теги: Arthroscopic

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