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  The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Japan
    Категория: Военное дело » История войн
The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Japan title=
Автор: Karl C. Dod
Издательство: Center of Military History United States Army
Год издания: 1987
Количество страниц: 776
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 25 Мб
Каталожный номер: 53028
United States Army in World War II. The Technical Services.
Contributions of the Corps of Engineers to victory in war, and to our country's peacetime history, are well known and appreciated. The skill and versatility of this talented body of soldiers met a supreme test in operations against the Japanese, many of which were conducted in the most primitive and undeveloped regions of the world. Engineers built the Alaska Highway, Canol, and the Ledo Road in Burma. They cleared the jungles to build airfields for heavy bombers and supervised the work of Filipinos, Chinese, and Melanesians as they built runways by hand. They built ports, roads, and docks where none had existed. Indeed, one of the most familiar recollections of the U.S. veteran of the war against Japan is the ubiquitous engineer operating a bulldozer. Dr. Dod's subject is vast and varied, and he has worked hard and capably to fit it into the confines of a single volume. He has made an original contribution to knowledge in the highly technical areas of Engineer problems, organization, equipment, supply, administration, and operations.
HAL C. PATTISON, Brigadier General, USA, Chief of Military History.

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