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  Small Unit Actions
    Категория: Военное дело » История войн
Small Unit Actions title=
Автор: War Department, Historical Division
Издательство: Center of Military History United States Army
Год издания: 1991
Количество страниц: 227
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 36 Мб
Каталожный номер: 64769
American Forces in Action Series.
The actions chosen for this publication illustrate widely varying tactical problems and methods. Only one (Pointe du Hoe) represents a highly specialized form of action; the others are typical of scores of battles in their respective theaters of operations. All are in the sense that they are not "success" stories, but cross sections of a war which involved reverses as well as victories. This fact will be obscured in histories of campainges and maior balttlcs, for, in these, U.S. forces were almost uniformly successful. But the larger successes were won by actions like those recorded here; in every phase of the war battalions and companies went through a daily fare of experience that was never uniform, that nearly always included some measure of trial and even defeat as part of the fuller pattern which, over a longer period, added up to victory. The interviews for, and preparation of, the four narrative's should be credited as fullows: Point du Hoe, Historical Section, European Theater of Operations; The Fight on Tanapag Plain, 1st Information and Historical Service; Santa Maria Infante, 7th Information and Historical Service (Fifth Army); Singling, 3d In formation and Historical Service (Third Army). Small Unit Actiom is based on the best military records available. As far as possible, names and ranks of personnel were checked with records in The Adjutant General's Office. Roster of the enlisted men who participated in the Santa Maria Infante Operation and The Fight on Tanapag Plain were not accessible. It was impossible to obtain full names of all men mentioned in the operations and to check last names, so it is expected that some errors occur in spelling of names and in grade designations.

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