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  Monty's Meatgrinder: The Battle for Caen, Normandy, June-August 1944 (Flames of War)
 Категория: Военное дело » История войн
Monty's Meatgrinder: The Battle for Caen, Normandy, June-August 1944 (Flames of War)
Автор: Peter Simunovich, John-Paul Brisigotti
Издательство: Battlefront Miniatures Ltd.
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 0958275556
Количество страниц: 76
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)

Inside you will find: hisotry of the battles for Caen, History and complete organisation of the German 21. Panzerdivision, largely equipped with modified French half-tracks and home-made self-propelled guns based on old French tanks, Options to field Panzer, StuG, Panzergrenadier, Panzerpionier or Aufklarungs companies, History and complete organisation of the 3rd 'Iron' Division and the 3rd Canadian Division. Plus new warriors, scenarios, uniform guides and colour photographs.
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Опубликовал: oleksandr74 | 28-02-2014, 05:55 | Просмотров: 636  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Труды Центрального Военно-Морского Музея
 Категория: Отечественная история, Корабли, подводные лодки, История войн
Труды Центрального Военно-Морского Музея
Автор: Collective
Издательство: Галея Принт
Год издания: 1999
isbn: 5-8172-0009-0
Количество страниц: 128
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF

Специальный выпуск сборника посвящён 290-летию одного из старейших музеев России и крупнейшего морского музея мира - Центрального военно-морского музея. В статьях сотрудников ЦВММ, специалистов-историков рассказывается об этапах истории музея, о наиболее значительных экспонатах, являющихся национальными реликвиями, в частности, о предметах, относящихся к основателю музея - Петру Великому. Публикуются материалы по истории Российского флота, о связанных с ним людях.
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Опубликовал: Gerza | 27-02-2014, 17:49 | Просмотров: 749  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Hadrian's Wall: A Souvenir Guide to the Roman Wall
 Категория: Всемирная история, древний мир, История войн
Hadrian's Wall: A Souvenir Guide to the Roman Wall
Автор: David J. Breeze
Издательство: English Heritage
Год издания: 1994
isbn: 1850742529
Количество страниц: 52
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

Stretching for 73 miles across northern England, Hadrian's Wall is the most important monument of Roman Britain, and the best-known frontier of the entire Roman empire. It was built on the orders of the emperor Hadrian after he visited Britain in AD 122 and took ten years to complete. This new guidebook provides maps, plans and tours of the important sites, as well as a history of the Wall and its associated forts. It is illustrated throughout with colour reconstructions and photographs.
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Опубликовал: Gerza | 27-02-2014, 16:08 | Просмотров: 676  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  The United States at War (Magill's Choice Series)
 Категория: Военное дело » История войн
The United States at War (Magill's Choice Series)
Автор: John C. Super
Издательство: Salem Press
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 1587652366
Количество страниц: 862
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)

A chronological examination of U.S. involvement in wars from Revolutionary times through the post-Cold War conflicts (including Iraq). Essays have been gleaned from nine other Salem resources and new material has been added. The set is arranged chronologically and each section covering a specific conflict begins with ready reference information listing combatants and noting what was at stake, the location, the major figures involved, and the outcome. Each segment ends with a time line and a list for further reading. In between is a collection of clear and concise articles (39 essays in all for World War II alone) on specific battles, weapons, womens roles, and censorship during the conflict and concludes with a cumulative subject index as well as a name index, a complete time line of U.S. wars and battles, and brief biographies. Scattered throughout are average-quality, black-and-white captioned photos and reproductions; a number lack adequate contrast. There are also some small, simple maps. Information is easy to find, easy to read, and organized to help students make connections. Useful for reports as well as general interest.
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Опубликовал: oleksandr74 | 26-02-2014, 07:03 | Просмотров: 478  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Patton's Pawns: The 94th US Infantry Division at the Siegfried Line
 Категория: Военное дело » История войн
Patton's Pawns: The 94th US Infantry Division at the Siegfried Line
Автор: Tony Le Tissier
Издательство: University of Alabama Press
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 0817315578
Количество страниц: 378
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)

The 94th US Infantry Division was an organization formed late in the Second World War, made up largely of draft-deferred university students as enlisted men and an officer corps pulled together from various domestic postings with unfortunate consequences for mutual trust and respect. Initially used as part of the force blockading the Brittany ports after D-Day, in December of 1944, the division was incorporated into General Patton’s Third Army south of the Moselle-Saar Triangle, the base of which was a portion of the Siegfried Line known as the Orscholz Switch. Its first combat experience came in battalion-sized attacks during that terrible winter while the Battle of the Bulge raged to the north, and the Division suffered heavy casualties, many due to the ferocity of the winter weather. Patton, with characteristic zeal, excoriated the division’s officers and senior NCOs for the rate of non-combat casualties. Thereafter, the division was ordered forward on an all-out assault to break through the Siegfried Line. After horrific fighting against entrenched defenders, with ice turning to mud as spring approached, on February 19, 1945, the 94th broke through to open the roads to Trier and the Rhine. This book is the most comprehensive study to date of the fierce fighting between the 94th U.S. Infantry Division and their German counterparts during that spring of 1945. It sheds new light on the achievements of the outnumbered division in penetrating Germany’s Westwall. With characteristic verve and detail, Tony Le Tissier narrates the action and illuminates the tribulations and sacrifices of American soldiers who won their laurels at great cost.
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Опубликовал: oleksandr74 | 24-02-2014, 06:39 | Просмотров: 507  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Воздушные силы в итало-абиссинской войне
 Категория: Самолеты, История войн
Воздушные силы в итало-абиссинской войне
Автор: Е. Татарченко
Издательство: Калитва
Год издания: 2014
Количество страниц: 245
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF

Автор на примере второй итало-абиссинской войны раскрывает возрастающую роль ВВС в будущих локальных и глобальных войнах. Книга является описанием действий и роли ВВС в военном поражении и оккупации Абиссинии. Написана перед самым началом Второй мировой войны и рассчитана на начальствующий состав РККА.
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Опубликовал: Gerza | 23-02-2014, 21:45 | Просмотров: 652  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Armored Victory 1945: U.S. Army Tank Combat in the European Theater from the Battle of the Bulge to Germany's Surrender
 Категория: Танки, БТР, История войн
Armored Victory 1945: U.S. Army Tank Combat in the European Theater from the Battle of the Bulge to Germany's Surrender
Автор: Steven Zaloga
Издательство: Stackpole Books
Год издания: 2012
isbn: 0811707717
Количество страниц: 512
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

Beautifully illustrated with more than 1,200 photos of American tanks and armored vehicles and includes all varieties of American armor, from Shermans to Hellcats, plus many photos of German tanks. This volume completes Zaloga's two-volume photo history of American armor in Europe, covering the Battle of the Bulge, the Rhine crossings, and the final battles inside Germany. Perfect for modelers and World War II enthusiasts alike. Companion to Armored Attack 1944.
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Опубликовал: Gerza | 23-02-2014, 20:57 | Просмотров: 697  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Focus Storia Wars 2014-03 (89)
 Категория: Всемирная история, древний мир, История войн
Focus Storia Wars 2014-03 (89)
Издательство: Gruner+Jahr / Mondadori S.p.A.
Количество страниц: 84
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF

Gli “uomini con le ali” che presero la fortezza della Sogdiana per Alessandro Magno sono gli antenati dei nostri Alpini che, non molto lontano da lì, sono stati impiegati in Afghanistan. E gli Skiløper di Carlo XII, re di Svezia, sono i precursori degli “skiatori” con la penna nera che presero l’Adamello nel 1916. In questo numero ripercorriamo dunque la storia della guerra in montagna, esaminando gli uomini, le tattiche e l’equipaggiamento che nei secoli hanno caratterizzato questo particolare teatro bellico. Come scoprirono infatti a loro spese gli Alleati in Italia nel 1943, combattere in montagna richiede degli specialisti. Non per niente la 10th Mountain Division della US Army, oggi in Afghanistan, ebbe il suo battesimo del fuoco proprio sugli Appennini, dopo il massacro di Cassino.
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Опубликовал: Gerza | 20-02-2014, 10:23 | Просмотров: 619  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  The Atlas of Military History: An Around-the-World Survey of Warfare Through the Ages
 Категория: Военное дело » История войн
The Atlas of Military History: An Around-the-World Survey of Warfare Through the Ages
Автор: Amanda Lomazoff, Aaron Ralby
Издательство: Thunder Bay Press
Год издания: 2013
isbn: 1607105675
Количество страниц: 320
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

Aggression. Disruption. Violence. Mortality. The components of war are familiar to us all, but it's often hard to understand how these battles throughout history continue to affect us today. The story of our world, from its earliest beginnings thousands of years BCE to today, is the often the story of our conflicts.
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Опубликовал: Gerza | 19-02-2014, 21:15 | Просмотров: 547  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Focus Storia No.89 - Marzo 2014
 Категория: Всемирная история, древний мир, История войн
Focus Storia No.89 - Marzo 2014
Издательство: Gruner+Jahr / Mondadori S.p.A.
Количество страниц: 112
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF

Focus Storia: la rivista interamente dedicata alle vicende, ai personaggi, alle curiosità che hanno caratterizzato i secoli passati. Ogni mese un numero speciale da conservare, con i grandi temi approfonditi alla maniera di Focus, per entrare nella Storia in modo diverso e avvincente. Quello di Focus Storia, che racconta le curiosità del passato in modo divertente, intrigante e mai noioso: il racconto del passato per capire sempre meglio il presente.
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Опубликовал: Gerza | 19-02-2014, 05:36 | Просмотров: 530  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
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