Издательство: GeraNova Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH
Количество страниц: 84
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Flugzeug Classic ist das Magazin fur alle luftfahrthistorisch Interessierten. Monat fur Monat Neuigkeiten, Reportagen und Infos aus der Oldtimerflugszene. Немецкий журнал о классической военной авиации
Автор: Ron MacKay
Издательство: Squadron/Signal Publications
Год издания: 1995
isbn: 089747368X
Количество страниц: 80
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
The USAAF entered the Second World War with its sights set on using its heavy bombers to strike military targets in daylight. The parallel development of fighters to provide cover to and from any target, no matter how deep into the enemy hinterland, was constantly lagging far behind. The heavy armament borne by the B-17 and B-24 probably influenced the commanders to rely on this as the primary defense of the bombers, in the hopes that it would keep bomber losses at an acceptable minimum. The P-47 Thunderbolt was in operational service by 1943. but they could not escort the bomber formations deep into central Europe, even with the belated provision for drop tanks. The first P-38 group to arrive in England was the 20th Fighter Group, its arrival gave General Eaker (commander, 8th Bomber Command) a degree of hope that at last his bombers might have a escort worthy of the name. If not. then the entire bomber offensive was in grave danger. The 20th Fighter Group's lineage went back to November of 1930. but the history of one of its three squadrons, the 79th Fighter Squadron, extended back to 1918. Originally created on 22 February 1918. as the 79th Aero Service Squadron at Waco. Texas, it was soon demobilized at Taliaferro Field. Texas in November. Reactivated (in an inactive status) as the 79th Observation Squadron on 1 October 1927. the unit was renamed the 79th Pursuit Squadron on 8 May 1929. The unit was called to active status on I April 1933. In contrast, the 55th Fighter Squadron was created as the 55th Pursuit Squadron (inactive) on 15 November 1930. The third squadron, the 77th Fighter Squadron, was created as the 77th Observation Squadron during 1927. It redesignated as the 77th Pursuit Squadron in 1929. The 20th Pursuit Group was activated on 15 November 1930 at Mather Field, flying P-12s. Between 1932 and 1939, the Group was based at Barksdale. LA. with the P-I2s being replaced by P-26s and later P-36s. A move to California, where it moved from base to base ended on 14 February 1942. when the Group moved back to Wilmington. Delaware, flying P-40s. Although reportedly scheduled for duty with the 8th Air Force, the 20th had a long road to travel before reporting for action. During 1942. its personnel moved no less than four times before the unit learned that they were to transition into the P-38. On I January 1943. the unit began to transition.
Автор: О.В. Растренин
Издательство: Эксмо, Яуза
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 978-5-699-26291-5
Количество страниц: 592
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF (scan)
Появление над полем боя штурмовиков "Ил-2" наводило ужас на немецких солдат, прозвавших эту машину "Черной смертью". А наши бойцы сразу окрестили ее "летающим танком". Легендарный самолет С.В.Ильюшина по праву считается воплощением советского конструкторского гения, непревзойденным образцом отечественной военной мощи, одним из главных символов Великой Победы. Гораздо меньше известно о других проектах советских штурмовиков, работа над которыми велась с 20-х годов, некоторые из них мало в чем уступали прославленному "Ил-2", а один - даже превосходил его по всем статьям, но так и не был запущен в серию. Новая книга известного историка военной авиации Олега Растренина - лучшее на сегодняшний день исследование истории советской штурмовой авиации, увлекательный рассказ о малоизвестных страницах отечественного авиастроения.
Автор: Роджер Форд
Издательство: Эксмо
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 978-5-699-22906-2
Количество страниц: 96
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF (scan)
Книга "Танк "Шерман"" представляет собой глубокое исследование истории одного из самых известных танков ХХ столетия. Богато иллюстрированное издание содержит подробный рассказ о создании и боевом применении этой боевой машины, детальное описание особенностей его конструкции, черно-белые и цветные фотографии и рисунки, а также подробные тактико-технические данные и информацию для сравнения с подобными машинами союзников и врагов.
Автор: Richard G. Davis
Издательство: Center for Air Force History
Год издания: 1993
isbn: 0912799757, 0912799773
Количество страниц: 831
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Traces Spaatz's career from WW I when he was a young pilot through WW II where he was the senior USAAF officer in Europe. Photos, Maps, Numerous Charts, Notes, Bibliography, Index.
Автор: James Roeder
Издательство: Squadron/Signal Publications
Год издания: 2000
isbn: 0897473809
Количество страниц: 66
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
The 357th Fighter Group (FG) downed 595 enemy aircraft during World War II, ranking this unit third in victories among US Army Air Forces (USAAF) fighter groups in the European Theater of Operations (ETO). The 9th Air Force's 354th FG - the first P-51 Mustang unit in the ETO - led in air victories over Europe with 701. The 56th FG led 8th Air Force fighter groups with 664.5 kills, followed by the 357th's 595, the 4th FG's 550, and the 352nd FG's 504.5. The 357th FG led the 8th Air Force in the number of fighter aces scoring most or all of their victories while flying with one group with 42. The 56th FG was second with 41 aces and the 4th FG was third with 39. The 357th was in combat for just over one year - far less time than cither the 4th or the 56th Fighter Groups - yet their pilots shot down more enemy aircraft in one day (55.5 on 14 January 1945) than any other ETO fighter unit. The 18.5 Me 262s downed by the 357th were also the largest number of these German jet fighters shot down by fighter groups in the ETO. The 106.5 enemy aircraft destroyed on the ground brought the 357th's total score to 701.5 - fourth highest in the 8th Air Force. Unless otherwise noted, the pilots' accounts of air-to-air combat are quoted from their individual Encounter Reports filed after their missions.
Автор: Thomas E. Doll
Издательство: Squadron/Signal Publications
Год издания: 1996
isbn: 0897473698
Количество страниц: 69
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
On 28 May, a company of parachutists was formed at Quantico. Marine parachutists had been training on the parachute tower at Lakehurst, New Jersey, since the previous October. As the troops became qualified in the new technique, usually within two weeks, they transferred to Quantico for additional training and conditioning. This was followed by actual jump training from an aircraft. By August, the First Parachute Battalion had been formed. Marine Fighting Squadron One-Twenty-One had it's formal beginning on Tuesday, 24 June 1941 at Quantico, Virginia. All the squadrons of MAG-1 were assembled outside the main hangars with the new squadron in the center. The ranking officer present was Major General Holland M. Smith. Also present, among others, was Lieutenant Colonel Louis E. Woods. VMF-121's Commanding Officer was Major Samuel Sloan Jack. He had been born 9 August 1905, had been appointed from Arizona to the U. S. Naval Academy, graduating in 1927. Jack, a veteran of the Marine Corps Nicaraguan campaign, accepted and read the orders giving him command of the new squadron. He was then congratulated by General Smith. Major Jack then thanked the assembled group and left the platform as all hands marched off with a feeling of pride in their new squadron. At the time of commissioning, VMF-121 had been training with three Grumman F3F-2s borrowed from VMF-1. Their own Grumman F4F-3s were not scheduled for delivery until July. These F4Fs would be among a number of new Grummans (BuNos 3970-4057) that were delivered to VMF-221, VMF-211, VMF-121, as well as VF-3 and VF-5 during the period July to September of 1941. Most of these later saw combat. By the time the squadron started taking delivery of their new aircraft the First Marine Aircraft Wing had come into existance, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Woods. The new wing was composed of a Headquarters Squadron and Marine Air Group-1. This occurred at the same time that all Marine, squadrons were redesignated on 1 July.
Автор: Collective
Издательство: Concord Publications Co. Серия: Special Ops Journal #27 (5527)
Год издания: 2003
isbn: 962-361-067-X
Количество страниц: 65
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Color photos Informative text 64 color pages Multiple articles Well researched The title tells it all. This series of journals takes close-up look at elite military and law enforcement forces from around the world. Explore these elite units and their missions with atmospheric photos of their equipment and personnel. The 64 page format features color photos throughout, plus an informative text. Each journal has between and independent articles contributed by leading authorities.