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  Squadron/Signal Publications 1606: H-13 Sioux (Mini in Action Number 6)
    Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Самолеты
Squadron/Signal Publications 1606: H-13 Sioux (Mini in Action Number 6) title=
Автор: Wayne Mutza, Randle Toepfer
Издательство: Squadron/Signal Publications
Год издания: 1995
isbn: 0897473450
Количество страниц: 47
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 16 Мб
Каталожный номер: 109675
The events that led to the monumental achievements of the Bell Model 47 began during 1930, when an inventor named Arthur Young began private helicopter research. During the fifteen years he devoted to creat­ing the Bell Model 47, Young experimented with a variety of scale Hying models. After learning from Igor Sikorsky that a tail rotor would counter torque, Young concentrated on improving stability. After numerous experi­ments, he invented a stabilizer bar which was linked directly to the rotor to function as a flywheel. This kept the action of the rotor blades independent from fuselage movement. The stabilizer bar solved the stability problem and became a traditional fixture on thousands of future Bell helicopters.

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