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  Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions for Army Models B-17F and G, British Model Fortress II
    Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Самолеты
Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions for Army Models B-17F and G, British Model Fortress II title=
Автор: US Air Force
Издательство: US Air Force
Год издания: 1943
Количество страниц: 109
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 5 Мб
Каталожный номер: 65290
AN 01-20EF-1.
Model B-17F and G bombardment airplanes are four-engine-midwing monoplanes. The approximate over-all dimensions are: length, 74 feet 9 inches; height, taxying position, 19 feet 1 inch; span, 103 feet 9 inches.
Electrically operated landing gear, tail gear, wing flaps, bomb bay doors, and hydraulically operated brakes and cowl flaps are provided.
The crew includes pilot, copilot, navigator, bombardier, upper turret gunner, lower turret gunner, radiooperator, side gunner(s), and tail gunner. The airplane can be entered either through the main entrance door on the right side of the airplane justforward of the horizontal stabilizer, or through the front hatch in the bottom of the fuselage below the pilot's compartment.
Defensive armament of the B-17F consists of three turrets, each mounting two .50 calibre machine guns, and five single fiexibly mounted .50 mounted .50 calibre machine guns. The B-17G has an additional power turret just below the nose of the airplane and controlled from the bombardier's compartment.
Provisions are made for loading 2000-pound or smaller bombs on racks within the bomb bay, and one bomb, up to 4000 pounds may be carried under each wing.
Automatic flight control equipment is provided.

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