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  The New American Navy. V.2
    Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Корабли, подводные лодки
The New American Navy. V.2 title=
Автор: J.D. Long
Издательство: The Outlook Co.
Год издания: 1903
Количество страниц: 238
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 13 Мб
Каталожный номер: 26448
SINCE the war with Spain our navy has steadily strengthened the hold which it already had on popular sentiment. Its brilliant record at that time, its substantial consummation of the war by the unprecedented thoroughness of its victories at Manila and Santiago, the clean and creditable conduct of its commissioned and civilian officials in charge of its business affaire, and the necessity of its expanded equipment and service by reason of our added insular possessions, have stimulated the feeling of national interest in it and dependence on it. These have also led to most generous appropriations by successive congresses for its continued increase in officers and men, in ships, and in all the facilities of naval construction. The object of this volume is to give information as to the start and progress of this increase, the development into what is now called the New Navy, as well as to tell of its recent exploits…

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  • The United States Navy. A Handbook
  • US Cruisers 1883-1904: The Birth of the Steel Navy
  • The British Navy. The Navy vigilant
  • The New American Navy. V.1

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