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  The World's Warships
    Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Корабли, подводные лодки
The World's Warships title=
Автор: Raymond V.B. Blackma
Издательство: Macdonald & Co. Ltd. (3-d and comletly revised ed.)
Год издания: 1963
isbn: No
Количество страниц: 260
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 43 Мб
Каталожный номер: 88206
This is the 3-rd edition of a concise and authoritative survey of modern fightind ships, compiled by the editor of Jane's Fighting Ships. Cjvering all the principal navies of the World the warships are arranged by categories - aircraft carriers, battleships, battle cruisers, command ships, cruisers, leaders. destroyers, frigates and destroyer escorts, and submarines - and by classes within the various categories for purposes of easy reference. There are over 1.000 photographs illustrating the ships, and of these, 67 have not appeared in previos editions, being completly new.

Похожие публикации:

  • Warships at a Glance. Silhouettes of the World's Fighting Ships
  • Jane's Fighting Ships 2004-2005
  • The French Navy Volume One (Navies of the Second World War)
  • Italian Warships of World War 2 [Ships of the World 386]
  • Soviet Warships of the Second World War
  • Warships No.10: Essex Class Carriers in Action
  • Warships No.25: Japanese Light Cruisers of World War II in Action
  • Modern Naval Combat
  • Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1947-1995
  • Navies of the Second World War: German Surface Vessels 2

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