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  Floating Drydock's Plan Book: USS Missouri BB 63, 2 September 1945
    Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Корабли, подводные лодки
Floating Drydock's Plan Book: USS Missouri BB 63, 2 September 1945 title=
Автор: Thomas Walkowiak
Издательство: Floating Drydock
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 0944055079
Количество страниц: 303
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 54.01 Мб
Каталожный номер: 91523
FOREWORD: It’s about time!!, Both you and I say this. This PLAN BOOK was started in 1988 and finally published in 1994. The paper copy of the book was republished over the years until stocks ran out in 2005. With much demand for the book I decided to republish again as an eBook. This eBook follows the same basic format and layout as the “printed” book. The scope of this book makes the overall project very time consuming. After 20 years of gathering information and documents on this and other Naval warships it was time to do this subject. Special thanks to Mr. Robert F. Sumrall for the loan of photographs of the hull area, and to Mr. Chuck Haberline of the Navy Departments Photographs Center with help in obtaining the surrender photographs. Also, Mr. Al Zygier, who did some of the early drawings for this book. All of this I hope, will make this eBook one of the most detailed books of its kind on the USS MISSOURI BB63. If you are building a model, I hope that you will send me photographs of your project. Thomas F. Walkowiak

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