Автор: Steve Wiper
Издательство: Classic Warships Publishing
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 0974568767
Количество страниц: 74
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
The Type VII U-boat was the most widely used submarine of the German Navy before and during the Second World War period. This volume from the Warship Pictorial series books covers all variants of the Type VII built, from the U-27 Type VII, thru to the U-1308 Type VIIC/41, including both the Type VIID and the Type VIIF. The book covers these submarines with 121 black & white and 6 color photos; plus the addition of 8 line drawings and 13 color computer rendered illustrations. Many of the black & white photos have never been in print before and all the illustrations are new. As with all the books in this series, the history is covered with extensive captions on all photos.
Автор: Steve Wiper
Издательство: Classic Warships Publishing
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 0971068704
Количество страниц: 74
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
74 Pages packed with over 120 photographs with complete career coverage of VC 2 USS Lexington and CV 3 USS Saratoga. This book will provide a definitive visual history of 2 of the USNs mightiest Aircraft Carriers, in a photo album format.
Автор: Gordon E Hogg, Steve Wiper
Издательство: Classic Warships Publishing
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 0971068798
Количество страниц: 73
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
This volume of the Warship Pictorial Series books covers some of the most graceful appearing warships ever constructed by any navy throughout history. Very little history of this type of vessel has been covered in English, until now, packed within the 73 pages of this book are 100 black & white and 10 color photographs with extensive captions, and a brief history of each warship. Many of the black & white photos and all of the color images have never been in print before. This book also contains color computer rendered graphics of all seven vessels of the type in their WW II camouflage patterns, illustrating both port, starboard and overhead view at an amazing level of detail. Combined with the color photographs, there are a total of 16 pages of color in this volume.
Автор: Steve Wiper
Издательство: Classic Warships Publishing
Год издания: 2003
isbn: 097106878X
Количество страниц: 74
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
This book covers the United States Navy battleship USS New Mexico, hull number BB-40 from construction in the 1915 to 1918 period, to her scrapping in the 1960s. This battleship saw extensive action during the World War Two period, both in the Atlantic and Pacific campaigns. Many rare photographs, some never before in print are contained within this publication. Rare color photographs grace the front and back covers. The book is comprised of 74 pages with complete chronological history on this ship. A total of 95 B&W photos throughout, with a color illustration of plan and profile of USS New Mexican in January 1942 in the center spread. There are an additional 20 sets of technical drawings and general statistics contained with the pages of this book. Extensive and informative captions help explain the multitude of photographs in this first time publication on the USS New Mexico.
Автор: Steve Wiper
Издательство: Classic Warships Publishing
Год издания: 2000
isbn: 0965482987
Количество страниц: 64
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Chronicles the Yorktown class aircraft carriers of WW 2, with many excellent photos showing the overall ship and detailed deck shots, The three ships of this class of aircraft carriers were CV-5 USS Yorktown, CV-6 USS Enterprise, and CV-8 USS Hornet. They would play a crucial role in turning the tide of the Pacific War in 1942, by devastating the Japanese carrier force at the Battle of Midway. Although losing two of the three in that year, the Enterprise, would carry on, participating in almost all of the major battles throughout the rest of the war. She would become the most decorated ship in the U. S. Navy, winning 18 battle stars.
Автор: Geoffrey Carter
Издательство: Maritime Books
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 0907771807
Количество страниц: 98
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
First in a series of books featuring the activities of the Royal Navy at its various bases. Here, ninety full-page images record the ships based at or visiting Portland during the 20th Century, from the training ship BOSCAWEN which remained in Portland Roads from 1866 to 1905, visiting Russian and US warships, establishment of a helicopter station and use by weapons research vessels.
Автор: Jak Mallmann Showell
Издательство: Ian Allan Publishing
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 0711029288
Количество страниц: 128
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
German U-boats almost brought Britain to its knees in WWI; twenty years later the story was the same. What was it like to be a member of a U-boat crew?
This book provides the truth behind the image portrayed so convincingly in "Das Boot". After the "happy time" of the early war years, when the U-boats struck seemingly at will and to great effect, the later war years were much grimmer for the Kriegsmarine. Their shore bases bombed incessantly by the Allies, the skies above the Atlantic patrolled by deadly long-range submarine busters like the Short Sunderland and their movements tracked by Ultra decrypts and radar, the U-boat crews went to sea knowing that their life expectancy was short and their fate likely to be a watery grave. This is their story, illustrated by a remarkable collection of rare photographs and illustrations, many in color.
Автор: Neil McCart
Издательство: Maritime Books
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 0907771831
Количество страниц: 113
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
This book charts how the name Vanguard still evokes pride in all those who served on her or who were associated with her. Details her career, from builder's yard to shipbreakers, drawing and many previously unpublished photographs.
Автор: Костриченко В.В
Издательство: Военная книга
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 5-902863-05-8
Количество страниц: 170
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Работа известного историка Советского флота, офицера запаса Костриченко Виталия Васильевича,посвящена знаменитым «альбатросам» - кораблям, не имевшим мировых аналогов. МПК, несущим службу в составе флота более 30 лет.
Достаточно детально представлено описание корабля: устройство, вооружение,
энергетическая установка,различное оборудование. Обстоятельно освещена служба Черноморских МПК и дана справка по «альбатросам» других флотов СССР и России. Упоминается и о кораблях в составе ВМС Украины.
Книга насыщена большим количеством схем и включает более 300 фотографий.
Корабли проекта 1124 ( шифр «Альбатрос») считаются больше всего удачными МПК отечественной постройки 2-го поколения, не имели аналогов в мире и предназначались, согласно проекту, для противодействия подводным лодкам противника в ближней зоне военно-морских баз,портов, рейдов и пунктов рассредоточенной стоянки кораблей, на путях развертывания сил советского ВМФ, для несения противолодочного дозора и охраны кораблей и судов на переходе морем. Семьдесят МПК и двадцать пограничных кораблей из семейства «альбатросов» были получены от промышленности за последние 35 лет и интенсивно эксплуатировались на всех четырех флотах ВМФ СССР, России и Украины. Кроме прямого предназначения им довелось осуществлять слежение за крупными кораблями вероятного противника, совершать межокеанские переходы,применять оружие по врагам на берегу, а боевая служба для черноморских кораблей в Средиземном море и Персидском заливе стала обычным делом.
Автор: В. В. Бешанов
Издательство: Харвест
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 985131367X
Количество страниц: 432
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Энциклопедия содержит исторические и технические сведения о всех авианосцах и авианесущих кораблях, а также о палубных самолетах с начала XX до начала XXI вв.