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  The Corps of Discovery: Staff Ride Handbook for the Lewis and Clark Expedition
    Категория: Военное дело » Прочее
The Corps of Discovery: Staff Ride Handbook for the Lewis and Clark Expedition title=
Автор: Charles D. Collins
Издательство: Combat Studies Institute
Год издания: 2004
Количество страниц: 299
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 28 Мб
Каталожный номер: 72696
Since the early 20th century, officers of the US Army have honed their professional knowledge and skills by conducting staff rides to historical battlefields. In most cases, these educational exercises have focused on the tactical and operational levels of war, through a detailed examination of a major battle or campaign. The Lewis and Clark staff ride presented in this booklet, by contrast, focuses on a US Army mission to explore the unknown during a time of peace.
In many ways, Captains Lewis and Clark faced a more daunting leadership challenge in their journey into the unknown than that faced by the crews of the Apollo missions to the moon. In their epic journey to the Pacific and back, they had no communication with “Houston Control” and had to rely completely on their own skills, judgment, and resources. Fortunately, they were equal to the challenge, and they had their commander’s clear intent from the president. They serve today as outstanding examples of what an Army leader must Be, Know, Do. They understood what a leader must be, a person of character; they demonstrated what a leader must know, mastery of the profession; and they exercised what a leader must do, take charge and motivate others to accomplish the mission, however daunting the obstacle.

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