Автор: Mark Stille, John White
Издательство: Osprey Publishing
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 184603440X, 9781846034404
Количество страниц: 98
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Osprey's study of the Battle of the Coral Sea of World War II (1939-1945), which is unique in the annals of naval history. It is the first battle in which enemy fleets never came within sight of one another. Instead, aircraft launched from carrier decks were sent out to attack the enemy with bombs and torpedoes. In May of 1942, the Japanese fleet moved on Port Moresby, the last Allied base between Australia and Japan. Forced to respond, the Americans sent two aircraft carriers to protect the base. In the ensuing battle, one American carrier was destroyed and the other severely damaged. However, the Japanese also lost a carrier and decided to withdraw. Although bloody, it proved to be an important strategic victory for the Allies as the Japanese were forced to attempt future attacks on Port Moresby over land. Using the latest research and numerous period photographs, retired USN Commander Mark O. Stille tells the story of this important and unique battle in the Pacific War.
Автор: Michael McNally, Graham Turner
Издательство: Osprey Publishing
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 1846033683, 9781846033681
Количество страниц: 97
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Osprey's study of Oliver Cromwell's campaigns during the end of the English Civil War (1642-1651). Following the execution of King Charles I in January 1649, the English Parliament saw their opportunity to launch an assault on the Royalist enclave in Ireland. Oliver Cromwell was appointed as Deputy of Ireland to lead a campaign to restore direct control and quell the Confederate opposition. The first battle in Cromwell's bloody offensive was at Drogheda, where an assault on the city walls resulted in the slaughter of almost 4000 defenders and inhabitants. The Parliamentary troops then proceeded to Wexford where battle once again lead to a massacre. After Cromwell returned to England, his son-in-law, Henry Ireton, continued the operation which ended with the surrender of Galway in 1652 and led to the Act for the Settlement of Ireland, in which Irish Royalists and Confederates were evicted and their lands 'settled' by those who had advanced funds to Parliament.
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Центрполиграф
Год издания: 2010
Количество страниц: 12000
Язык: русский
Формат: FB2
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