Автор: Michael C. MacCracken, John S. Perry
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 0470853603
Количество страниц: 3371
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Volume One
The Earth system: physical and chemical dimensions of global environmental change
Volume Two
The Earth system: biological and ecological dimensions of global environmental change
Volume Three
Causes and consequences of global environmental change
Volume Four
Responding to global environmental change
Volume Five
Social and economic dimensions of global environmental change
Автор: J. J. Lagowski
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 0-02-865723-3
Количество страниц: 321
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Written at a level accessible to nonspecialists, including high-school students, college students in introductory courses, and the general public, this encyclopedia's purpose is to assist users in acquiring knowledge and understanding of chemistry. The 509 alphabetically arranged, signed articles were written by subject specialists and range from concise definitions to multiple-page overviews. Broad areas covered include analytical chemistry applications, biochemistry, biographies, elements, energy, environmental chemistry, medicine, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, reactions, states of matter, and structure. Examples of specific article titles are Alchemy; Artificial sweeteners; Boron; Clones; Franklin, Rosalind; Isomerism; Mole concept; Nanochemistry; Rubber; Spectroscopy; and zwitterions. In addition to explaining scientific principles, this set relates chemistry to everyday life. For example, Silly Putty (a silicone-based material) is a "liquid solid," the color of hydrangeas is determined by soil acidity, and endorphins may allow marathoners' bodies to endure long races.
Автор: J. J. Lagowski
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 0-02-865725-X
Количество страниц: 327
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Written at a level accessible to nonspecialists, including high-school students, college students in introductory courses, and the general public, this encyclopedia's purpose is to assist users in acquiring knowledge and understanding of chemistry. The 509 alphabetically arranged, signed articles were written by subject specialists and range from concise definitions to multiple-page overviews. Broad areas covered include analytical chemistry applications, biochemistry, biographies, elements, energy, environmental chemistry, medicine, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, reactions, states of matter, and structure. Examples of specific article titles are Alchemy; Artificial sweeteners; Boron; Clones; Franklin, Rosalind; Isomerism; Mole concept; Nanochemistry; Rubber; Spectroscopy; and zwitterions. In addition to explaining scientific principles, this set relates chemistry to everyday life. For example, Silly Putty (a silicone-based material) is a "liquid solid," the color of hydrangeas is determined by soil acidity, and endorphins may allow marathoners' bodies to endure long races.
Автор: J. J. Lagowski
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 0-02-865725-X
Количество страниц: 422
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Written at a level accessible to nonspecialists, including high-school students, college students in introductory courses, and the general public, this encyclopedia's purpose is to assist users in acquiring knowledge and understanding of chemistry. The 509 alphabetically arranged, signed articles were written by subject specialists and range from concise definitions to multiple-page overviews. Broad areas covered include analytical chemistry applications, biochemistry, biographies, elements, energy, environmental chemistry, medicine, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, reactions, states of matter, and structure. Examples of specific article titles are Alchemy; Artificial sweeteners; Boron; Clones; Franklin, Rosalind; Isomerism; Mole concept; Nanochemistry; Rubber; Spectroscopy; and zwitterions. In addition to explaining scientific principles, this set relates chemistry to everyday life. For example, Silly Putty (a silicone-based material) is a "liquid solid," the color of hydrangeas is determined by soil acidity, and endorphins may allow marathoners' bodies to endure long races.
Автор: Stanley A. Wolpert
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 0-684-31349-9
Количество страниц: 428
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Home to a fifth of the world's population and the largest democracy in the world, India holds a prominent place in current events yet remains misunderstood in many ways by students, professionals and others who seek a single, authoritative source for information on this important region. The Encyclopedia of India meets this need, encompassing the history, cultures, geography and religions of India from ancient times to the present day. Across the four volumes of the Encyclopedia, readers are invited to explore India in a comprehensive reference work of more than 600 alphabetically arranged, illustrated articles. As India's role in global politics and economics continues to grow, readers will find the historical and cultural information contained within this work an indispensable tool to gaining a greater appreciation of India and its place in our modern world.
Автор: Stanley A. Wolpert
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 0-684-31349-9
Количество страниц: 377
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Home to a fifth of the world's population and the largest democracy in the world, India holds a prominent place in current events yet remains misunderstood in many ways by students, professionals and others who seek a single, authoritative source for information on this important region. The Encyclopedia of India meets this need, encompassing the history, cultures, geography and religions of India from ancient times to the present day. Across the four volumes of the Encyclopedia, readers are invited to explore India in a comprehensive reference work of more than 600 alphabetically arranged, illustrated articles. As India's role in global politics and economics continues to grow, readers will find the historical and cultural information contained within this work an indispensable tool to gaining a greater appreciation of India and its place in our modern world.
Автор: Stanley A. Wolpert
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 0-684-31349-9
Количество страниц: 440
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Home to a fifth of the world's population and the largest democracy in the world, India holds a prominent place in current events yet remains misunderstood in many ways by students, professionals and others who seek a single, authoritative source for information on this important region. The Encyclopedia of India meets this need, encompassing the history, cultures, geography and religions of India from ancient times to the present day. Across the four volumes of the Encyclopedia, readers are invited to explore India in a comprehensive reference work of more than 600 alphabetically arranged, illustrated articles. As India's role in global politics and economics continues to grow, readers will find the historical and cultural information contained within this work an indispensable tool to gaining a greater appreciation of India and its place in our modern world.
Автор: Stanley A. Wolpert
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 0-684-31349-9
Количество страниц: 419
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Home to a fifth of the world's population and the largest democracy in the world, India holds a prominent place in current events yet remains misunderstood in many ways by students, professionals and others who seek a single, authoritative source for information on this important region. The Encyclopedia of India meets this need, encompassing the history, cultures, geography and religions of India from ancient times to the present day. Across the four volumes of the Encyclopedia, readers are invited to explore India in a comprehensive reference work of more than 600 alphabetically arranged, illustrated articles. As India's role in global politics and economics continues to grow, readers will find the historical and cultural information contained within this work an indispensable tool to gaining a greater appreciation of India and its place in our modern world.
Автор: Бабичев А. П., Бабушкина Н.А., Братковский А. М.
Издательство: Энергоатомиздат
Год издания: 1991
isbn: 5-283-04013-5
Количество страниц: 1234
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
В справочнике приведены основные физические характеристики веществ, наиболее часто используемых в практике научных исследований и в технике. Представлены следующие разделы: механика, термодинамика, кинетические явления, электричество и магнетизм, оптика и лазеры, ядерная физика, астрономия и геофизика. Все величины приведены в СИ. Таблицы и графики сопровождаются краткими пояснениями и определениями соответствующих величин. Для научных работников и инженеров различных специальностей.
Издательство: Экономика
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 5-282-02318-0
Количество страниц: 1331
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Вниманию читателей предлагается уникальное энциклопедическое издание, с непревзойденной полнотой и профессионализмом предоставляющее сведения о 235 странах мира.
В работе над энциклопедией приняли участие лучшие в стране специалисты-страноведы Российской академии наук. Авторский коллектив включает известных экономистов, историков, политологов и специалистов других наук из ведущих институтов Отделения общественных наук РАН - таких, как Институт мировой экономики и международных отношений, Институт США и Канады, Институт международных экономических и политических исследований, Институт востоковедения, Институт Латинской Америки, Институт Африки, Институт Дальнего Востока и др. Ряд статей принадлежит перу видных экономистов-международников, политиков, крупных государственных деятелей.
Весь иллюстративный ряд - карты, флаги и гербы стран, впервые включаемый в энциклопедическое издание, выполнен цветным, чтобы повысить его наглядность и информативность.
Эта книга для широкого круга читателей. Ею заинтересуются работники экономической сферы деятельности, бизнесмены, журналисты, ученые, политики, преподаватели, студенты, туристы и многие другие. Словом, люди разных профессий и интересов.