Автор: Зигель Ф. Ю.
Издательство: Детская литература
Год издания: 1972
Количество страниц: 207
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Книга известного писателя-популяризатора кандидата педагогических наук, доцента Ф. Ю. Зигеля «Виновато Солнце» знакомит школьников с новой отраслью естествознания — гелиобиологией. Живо и увлекательно рассказывает автор о воздействии Солнца на многие процессы в биосфере Земли, о перспективах защиты людей на Земле и в космосе от вредных воздействий Солнца и о множестве других интереснейших проблем гелиобиологии. Издательство и автор глубоко признательны доктору биологических наук, профессору П. А. Коржуеву за ценные указания, которые способствовали улучшению книги, а также Нине Вадимовне Чижевской, предоставившей возможность автору познакомиться с интереснейшими архивами ее мужа — профессора А. Л. Чижевского.
Автор: Dirk Schulze-Makuch, Louis N. Irwin
Издательство: Springer
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 3540768165
Количество страниц: 252
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Energy, chemistry, solvents, and habitats - the basic elements of living systems - define the opportunities and limitations for life on other worlds. This class-tested text examines each of these parameters in crucial depth and makes the argument that life forms we would recognize may be more common in our solar system than many assume. It also considers, however, exotic forms of life that would not have to rely on carbon as basic chemical element, solar energy as a main energy source, or water as primary solvent. Finally the question of detecting bio- and geosignature of such life forms is discussed, ranging from Earth environments to deep space. While speculative considerations in this emerging field of science cannot be avoided, the authors have tried to present their study with the breadth and seriousness that a scientific approach to this issue requires. They seek an operational definition of life and investigate the realm of possibilities that nature offers to realize this very special state of matter and avoid scientific jargon wherever possible to make this intrinsically interdisciplinary subject understandable to a broad range of readers. The second edition thoroughly updates this text in view of the rapid progress in the field and a substantial amount of new material has been added, in particular sections and chapters on adaptation to extreme environments, the future and fate of living systems, life detection concepts based on the thorough analysis of the Viking missions and the issue around the meteorite ALH 84001, and - last but not least - recommendations for the optimization of future space exploration missions.
Автор: Mario Biagioli
Издательство: University Of Chicago Press
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 0226045625
Количество страниц: 316
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
In six years, Galileo Galilei went from being a mathematics professor to a star in the court of Florence to a target of the Inquisition. And during that time, Galileo made a series of astronomical discoveries that reshaped the ideas of the physical nature of the heavens and transformed him from a university mathematician into a court philosopher. Galileo's Instruments of Credit proposes radical new interpretations of key episodes of Galileo's career, including his telescopic discoveries of 1610, the dispute over sunspots, and the conflict with the Holy Office over the relationship between Copernicanism and Scripture. Galileo's tactics shifted as rapidly as his circumstances, argues Mario Biagioli, and these changes forced him to respond swiftly to the opportunities and risks posed by unforeseen inventions, other discoveries, and his opponents. Focusing on the aspects of Galileo's scientific life that extended beyond court culture and patronage, Biagioli offers a revisionist account of the different systems of exchanges, communication, and credibility at work in Galileo's career. Galileo's Instruments of Credit will fascinate readers interested in the history of astronomy and the history of science in general.
Автор: Bernard Barbie, Hervé Martin), Jacques Reisse
Издательство: Springer
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 3540290052
Количество страниц: 792
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
This is the first of a divided two-part softcover edition of the "Lectures in Astrobiology Volume I" containing the sections "General Introduction", "The Early Earth and Other Cosmic Habitats for Life" and "Appendices" including an extensive glossary on Astrobiology."Lectures in Astrobiology" is the first comprehensive textbook at graduate level encompassing all aspects of freeduan.com the emerging field of astrobiology. Volume I of the Lectures in Astrobiology gathers a first set of extensive lectures that cover a broad range of topics, from the formation of solar systems to the quest for the most primitive life forms that emerged on the Early Earth. This is the second of a divided two-part softcover edition of the "Lectures in Astrobiology Volume I" containing the sections "General Introduction", "From Prebiotic Chemistry to the Origin of Life on Earth" and "Appendices" including an extensive glossary on Astrobiology. "Lectures in Astrobiology" is the first comprehensive textbook at graduate level encompassing all aspects of the emerging field of astrobiology. Volume I of the Lectures in Astrobiology gathers a first set of extensive lectures that cover a broad range of topics, from the formation of solar systems to the quest for the most primitive life forms that emerged on the Early Earth.
Издательство: Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 075030815X
Количество страниц: 528
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
There are many planetary systems other than our own, but it is only through a detailed understanding of the relatively accessible bodies in our solar system that a thorough appreciation of planetary science can be gained. This is particularly pertinent with the recent discovery of extra-solar planets and the desire to understand their formation and the prospect of life on other worlds.
Автор: Черногор Л.Ф.
Издательство: ХНУ имени В.Н.Каразина
Год издания: 2009
Количество страниц: 500
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Изложены общие сведения по основам статистической теории радиотехнических систем, теории дистанционного радиозондирования и технических средств радиозондирования околоземной и космической сред. Для студентов старших курсов, аспирантов и научных сотрудников радиофизического и радиотехнического профилей.
Автор: Pamela Walker, Elaine Wood
Издательство: Facts on File
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 0816078092
Количество страниц: 152
Язык: english
Формат: DJVU
The field of space and astronomy is devoted to the study of the heavenly bodies, their behavior, and characteristics. As the oldest natural science, knowledge of astronomy has come from some of the world's greatest scientists, including Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, and Einstein. Astronomy experiments are not only historically important, but they also provide knowledge of basic scientific principles, such as how early thinkers disproved the notion that Earth is the center of the solar system. Modern astronomy relies on technology that has been invented in the last few decades, and current research includes space travel, satellites, and telescopes that interpret radiation from all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. "Space and Astronomy Experiments" provides teachers with 20 new and original experiments that help students learn basic scientific principles and important skills. Presenting experiments from all areas, including physics and geology, the text contains proven classroom experiments that broaden understanding of both science facts and the nature of space and astronomy. Full-color line illustrations, tables, and charts round out this comprehensive resource.
Автор: Peter R. Wilson
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 1994
isbn: 052143081X
Количество страниц: 292
Язык: english
Формат: DJVU
This book describes the phenomena of cyclic activity as they are observed in the Sun and solar-type stars. Although there are many books currently available on the Sun, solar activity, and activity phenomena in stars, this is the only one that links these topics and attempts to define stellar parameters that are conducive to activity in general and cyclic activity in particular and to descibe the mechanisms responsible for the various modes of activity. The first seven chapters review our basic knowledge of the Sun, of the solar activity cycle, and of stellar activity cycles. Chapter 1 also describes some of the terrestrial effects of solar activity and stresses the importance of reliable predictions of the parameters of future cycles. Chapters 8 through 13 describe some of the latest research into the solar cycle, including extended activity cycle and the polar fields reversal. The latest contributions from studies of dynamo theory, of helioseismology, and of chaos theory are also covered. The last chapter discusses the methods currently in use to predict parameters of future cycles and their success (or failure) for the maximum of cycle 22.
Автор: T. W. Hartquist
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0521017270
Количество страниц: 504
Язык: english
Формат: DJVU
This self-contained introduction to molecular astrophysics is an excellent summary of present knowledge and outstanding questions, one that will be valued by scientists who wish to become familiar with this field. The contributors describe the distributions and types of molecules observed in galactic and extragalactic sources, including those in the vicinity of diffuse and dense clouds. In addition, chemical reactions in shocks and dynamically evolving clouds are considered. This is a highly suitable text for astrophysicists, physical chemists, atomic and molecular physicists, atmospheric scientists, and students in advanced postgraduate courses on interstellar matter.
Автор: Тринх Ксуан Тхуан
Издательство: АСТ, Астрель
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 5-17-009507-4, 5-271-02713-9, 2-07-053145-7
Количество страниц: 160
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Около 15 миллиардов лет назад ослепительный взрыв, Большой взрыв, дал рождение Вселенной, пространству и времени. С тех пор беспрерывно продолжается эволюция от простого к сложному. Огромный космический ковер появился из микроскопической пустоты. И теперь в фантастическом балете участвуют сотни миллиардов галактик, каждая из которых населена сотнями миллиардов звезд. Затерянная в дальнем уголке нашей галактики, которая называется Млечный Путь, одна звезда, наше Солнце, щедро делится своим теплом с 9 планетами, которые ее окружают. На одной из них, Земле, с позволения Солнца и поддерживается жизнь. Рассказывая о расширении и становлении Вселенной, астрофизик Тринх Ксуан Тхуан напоминает нам, что человек является лишь частицей звездной пыли. Снимки, сделанные радиотелескопами и космическими телескопами, показывают нам красоту космического пространства. Всего 170 иллюстраций.