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  Geological field techniques
    Категория: Естественные науки » Науки о Земле » Геология, полезные ископаемые
Geological field techniques title=
Автор: Angela L.Coe, Tom W.Argles, David A.Rothery, Robert A.Spicer
Издательство: Wiley-Blackwell
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 1444330616
Количество страниц: 337
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 32.0 Мб
Каталожный номер: 47815
Working in the field contributes a crucial element to our knowledge and understanding of Earth processes, whether it is the prediction of volcanic eruptions, understanding periods of past climate change recorded in sedimentary deposits, deciphering an episode of mountain building, or working out where to fi nd mineral resources. Without primary fi eld data and geological samples of the highest quality, further scientifi c study such as sophisticated isotope measurements or the reconstruction of past life assemblages and habitats is at best without context, and at worst, completely meaningless. Geological fi eldwork can be both fun and challenging. It provides the chance to work outdoors under a range of conditions and to explore our natural world. It also provides an often unparalleled opportunity to travel and visit localities as more than a tourist. Indeed it often takes you to unspoilt parts of the world that tourists rarely penetrate. Almost all fi eldwork enables us to work as part of a team, often with international partners, and this can be one of the most rewarding experiences of being a geologist because we can learn from each other.

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