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  Superior Dumbbell Workout
    Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Бодибилдинг
Superior Dumbbell Workout title=
Автор: Coach Eddie Lomax
Издательство: Optimum Fitness Network LLC
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 225
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 4 Мб
Каталожный номер: 67900
The most comprehensive guide for dumbbell workout in recent times loaded with real time experience of Coach Eddie Lomax, founder and president of Optimum Fitness Network LLC.
This two hundred twenty five pages e-book will show you the right way to walk in. Now-a-days internet has been filled up with bodybuilding scams and this is quite tough to find out a real mate from this dirty hall. But don’t worry as you have landed on this page so now this is our duty to guide you.
‘Superior Dumbbell Workout’ has been based on a scientific theory known as ‘bilateral deficit’ which will help you to recruit more muscle and lift more weight using one limb. And if you know the proper way of weight lifting then you will understand this is not that much of hectic task.
Let’s have a look what Eddie says on this context, “Here is a simple example of the bilateral deficit phenomena. Let’s say a trainee can lift 50 pounds during a single-arm dumbbell curl. This trainee probably cannot lift 100 pounds during a two-arm barbell curl. I know, it goes against common sense, but it’s true. When performing single limb exercises, your body recruits more muscles to help stabilize the weight, resulting in higher force output. So, dumbbell training is a perfect way to take advantage of the bilateral deficit and build bigger, stronger muscles!”

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