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  Chi Kung. Way of Power
    Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Боевые искусства
Chi Kung. Way of Power title=
Автор: Kam Chuen Lam, Lam Kam Chuen
Издательство: Human Kinetics Publishers
Год издания: 2003
isbn: 0736044809
Количество страниц: 161
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 5 Мб
Каталожный номер: 9669
Benefits of stimulating the flow of chi are well known in the Eastern hemisphere. Now, for the first time in print in the Western world, Master Lam Kam Chuen presents this advanced method for improving focus, breathing, and creativity. The practice of chi kung is founded on the five energies system of Chinese philosophy. Through Master Chuen's careful direction, you will master key positions and movements that will boost your energy, decrease stress, stave off illness, and enhance your overall fitness. Chi Kung is both an expertly crafted instructional guide and a potentially life-enriching experience. Follow the master's teaching and insights to perform each purposeful technique. Feel your muscles grow firmer while your mind becomes more aware, yet at ease. In opening this book, you open yourself to the tremendous power of chi.

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