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  Protect Yourself: Secret of Unarmed Defense
    Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Боевые искусства
Protect Yourself: Secret of Unarmed Defense title=
Автор: Brooks Mendell
Издательство: Nelson Double Day Inc.
Год издания: 1944
Количество страниц: 86
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 15 Мб
Каталожный номер: 97159
In perfecting this system of self-defense in hand-to-hand combat, it has been the writer's goal to make available to anyone a simple set of defense measures designed to be used in any emergency where one's person is in danger of physical assault. Fully explained both in pictures and words in the pages of this book, these holds and throws enable you to protect yourself from the tricks of jujitsu, judo, mugging, and all forms of physical attack. It is a simple and direct science—a matter of knowing how your muscles and joints work, of understanding the vital relation between movement and balance, of knowing what your opponent's weak points are and what your own strong points are. And there is something more, when you have mastered this system—a confidence that comes to you with the knowledge that you have developed a set of mind-directed reflexes that will protect you, even in situations where ordinarily you would not have time to "think" what to do next. The limitations of right- and left-handedness can be ignored, and even the advantage your opponent may sometimes have in strength and size. The old adage—"In knowledge is strength"—was never more accurately applied than to the art of easy, effective self-defense in action.

Похожие публикации:

  • Judo and Its Use in Hand-to-Hand Combat
  • How to Use Jiu-Jitsu for Men and Women
  • Hand to Hand Fighting: A System of Personal Defense for the Soldier
  • Unarmed Defense for the American Soldier
  • Bruce Tegner's Complete Book of Self-Defense
  • Self Defense (The Barnes Sports Library)
  • Combat Judo
  • Judo: The Art of Defence and Attack
  • Hackers Beware
  • Black Medicine. The Dark Art of Death

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