Автор: Iain Abernethy
Издательство: Neth Publishing
Год издания: 2004
Количество страниц: 32
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Pinan / Heian series are often the first katas taught in the majority of modern dojos. This can lead to the Pinan / Heian katas being thought of as nothing more than introductory katas that are really only suitable for children and junior grades. However, it is my belief that the Pinan / Heian katas are grossly undervalued and do in act represent a coherent fighting system
Автор: Masatoshi Nakayama
Издательство: Kodansha America
Год издания: 1979
isbn: 0870113798
Количество страниц: 143
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Kata, the formal exercises of karate training, were the essence of practice in Okinawa and China, and are the core training method even today. Detailed here in 1500 sequential photos are the five Heian and three Tekki kata, mastery of which is necessary to attain first dan. Demonstrated by the author and Yoshiharu Osaka.
Автор: D. Valera, A. Piñero
Издательство: Karate Kan
isbn: 8430010769
Количество страниц: 120
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF (scan)
Indice: Prologo. El karate y su historia. El karate contemporaneo. El espiritu y el karate. Introduccion. La cultura fisica. Relajamiento musculacion. Ejercicios respiratorios. Los puntos vitals. Ataques de puño. Golpes de pie. Desequilibrio. Barridos. Apendice.
Автор: Bruce Tegner
Издательство: A Bantam Book
Год издания: 1970
Количество страниц: 255
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Two complete courses: Self-Defense karate: a complete manual of practical karate - effective street defenses. Sport karate: step-by-step illustrated sport karate from beginner to black belt.
Автор: Moja Rone
Издательство: Lancer books
Количество страниц: 191
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Fully illustrated for self-teaching. Illustrations by Madeline R. Sorrentino. This is the best-selling book on the sensational self-defense system now sweeping the world. Over 200 pictures teach you to ward off any attacker, no matter how big or powerful. Contents: The story of karate. Offensive thrusts. Karate stance & posture. Defensive fighting stances. Karate blocking techniques. Karate blocking and counter attack. Karate defenses against street attacks. Karate self-defense especially for women. Karate training equipment. Calisthenics. Breathing exercises. Diet. Karate and good health. Pressure targets and vital nerve centers.
Автор: Doshin So
Издательство: Japan Publications
Год издания: 1973
isbn: 0870401777
Количество страниц: 132
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Shorinji Kempo is a martial art than can be enjoyed by anyone of any age, sex or size. The techniques exploit the use of balance and specific pressure points (vital points) of the body. This means that strength is not required to perform any of the techniques. But Shorinji Kempo goes beyond the limits of Self-defence. It's main practice is designed to benefit it's students in three main areas: Self-defence, improved health and spiritual development. The physical techniques are split in to two families Juho and Goho. Generally Goho techniques are used against an opponent who attacks with a punch, kick or strike, and Juho techniques are used when an opponent has grabbed or pinned the defender. During his training in China, Doshin So realized that all techniques used in martial arts consist of three fundamental movements; the circular, the straight and the curved. These movements can be found in all Shorinji Kempo techniques.
Автор: Horst Wolf
Издательство: Sportverlag
Год издания: 1958
Количество страниц: 197
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF (scan)
Inhaltsverzeichnis: Einleitung. Die Notwehr. Bemerkungen zur Methodik. Die Hebeltechnik in der Judo-Selbstverteidigung. Fingerhebel. Fuβ- und Beinhebel. Armbefreiungen. Abwehr gegen Anrempeleien und Belästigungen. Befreiung aus Umklammerungen. Befreiung aus Würgegriffen. Abwehr gegen Faustschläge. Abwehr gegen Stockschläge. Abwehr gegen Angriffe mit einem Stuhl. Abwehr gegen Messerstiche. Abwehr bei Bedrohung mit der Pistole. Abführgriffe. Abwehrmöglichkeiten in der Bodenlage. Literaturangabe.
Автор: Minoru Mochizuki
Издательство: Institut International Judo Aikido Karate
Год издания: 1957
Количество страниц: 120
Язык: другой
Формат: DJVU
Table des Matieres: Histoire de I' Aikido. Avant l'entrainement. Atemi ashi waza. PRINCIPE FONDAMENTAL: Suwari waza. Te hodoki. Kamae. Aruku. Les quinzes attaques. KOTE-GAESHI. SHIHO-NAGE. YUKI-CHIGAE. TENBIM-NAGE. HATCHI-MAWASHI. ATMI-TE-WAZA.
Автор: Gunji Koizumi
Издательство: The Budokwai
Количество страниц: 44
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Двенадцать бросков дзюдо и Цукури (Цукури - приведение к положению (создание предпосылок) для выполнения броска). Contents: Foreword. JUDO. - Methods of Training. - Grading. - Balance. - Body-mechanism and its Efficiency. - Tsukuri and Kake. - Breakfalls. - Dojo. - Keikogi or Judogi. TECHNIQUES. - Tsukuri to the front. - Tsukuri to the right front corner. - Tsukuri to the right side. - Tsukuri to the right back corner. Hand throw (tewaza) to the right front corner. Advancing ankle throw (de-ashi-harai). Drawing ankle throw (tsurikomi-ashi). Sweeping ankle throw (o-kuri-ashharai). Major outer reaping (o-soto-gari). Shoulder throw (seoye-nage). Hip throw (o-goshi). Body drop (tai-o-toshi). Spring hip throw (hanegoshi). Winding spring hip throw (maki hanegoshi). Stomach throw (tomoe-nage). Side body throw (yoko-sutemi).
Автор: Сидоров Георгий
Издательство: Концептуал
Год издания: 2014
isbn: 978-5-905692-61-1
Количество страниц: 251
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Десятилетиями русские люди изучали боевые искусства азиатских и европейских народов — Китая, Кореи, Японии, Тайланда, Греции, Англии. Не подозревая о том, что в сердцевине русского народа хранится память о древнейшей воинской традиции, которая не знает себе равных. Наши предки сумели захватить и удерживать в течение многих столетий гигантские территории — от Амура до Дуная.