Jeet Kune Do: Entering to Trapping to Grappling |
Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Боевые искусства |
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Автор: Larry Hartsell
Издательство: Unique Publications
Год издания: 1984
isbn: 0865680515
Количество страниц: 210
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
This book does a pretty good job of presenting techniques from a clinch, or another situation where one is close enought to use Wing Chun-style trapping techniques. It also covers moving into a clinch possition, as well as several takedowns and throws from said possitions. It covers using these techniques both offensively and defensively. Also covered is basic fighting stance and footwork, some standing submissions, and some leglocks for securing a person on the ground. |
Physical Culture and Self Defense |
Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Боевые искусства |
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Автор: Robert Fitzsimmons
Издательство: Drexel Biddle
Год издания: 1901
Количество страниц: 184
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Born June 4, 1862, Robert Fitzsimmons began boxing first as an amateur n Australia, defeating four men in his debut. He quickly transitioned to professional, and in the late 19th Century met and defeated numerous well known champions of the day including Dempsey, Maher, Hall, Creedon, Corbett, Ruhlin, Sharkey, ‘and others of like note.’ retaining and defending the Heavy-Weight title until June 9, 1899. In retired life, Fitzsimmons taught Boxing, Self-Defense, and Physical Fitness, then known as “Physical Culture.” In 1901, he published his Fitness and Boxing manual titled “Physical Culture and Self Defense” which included material from earlier articles he had written. This book is a faithful transcription by Kirk Lawson of the original text. Special attention has been given to recreating the look and feel of the original document, including similar fonts, the preservation of spelling, hyphenation, and intentionally blank pages. |
Jeet kune do. Il libro segreto di Bruce Lee |
Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Боевые искусства |
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Автор: Bruce Lee
Издательство: Edizioni Mediterranee
Год издания: 1983
isbn: 8827201424
Количество страниц: 158
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF (scan)
Язык: итальянский. Il diario segreto e la guida personale al combattimento che Bruce Lee ha sviluppato e scritto in tanti anni di pratica e di studi. Il Jeet Kune Do è un sistema di lotta "totale", in continua evoluzione, e chiunque riesca a compenetrarsi completamente nei suoi principi e nei suoi insegnamenti diviene pressoché imbattibile. Nella definizione dello stesso Bruce Lee, il Jeet Kune Do può adottare tutte le forme e tutti gli stili: usa tutte le tecniche utili al suo scopo, che è unicamente quello della vittoria finale. Il libro è ricchissimo di illustrazioni dello stesso Bruce Lee, che spiegano chiaramente le azioni e i movimenti da compiere. Le caratteristiche, le qualità e la personalità del vero combattente vengono delineate sotto il profilo tecnico, pratico e psicologico. L'opera si rivelerà pertanto preziosissima per tutti coloro che praticano le arti marziali (dal Ju-Jitsu al Judo, dal Karate al Kung-Fu), o comunque uno sport di combattimento che li pone di fronte ad un avversario, quali il pugilato, la lotta, la scherma e simili. Тайный дневник и личный гид по борьбе Брюса Ли, был разработан и написан им за много лет практики и исследований. В определении Брюса Ли, Джит Кун До может принимать все формы и все стили: использовать все навыки, полезные для своей цели, которая состоит исключительно для окончательной победы. Книга окажется ценной для всех тех, кто практикует боевые искусства (от джиу-джитсу по дзюдо, каратэ или кунг-фу), или другой боевой спорт, который ставит перед противником, такие как бокс, борьба, фехтование и тому подобное. |
American Combat Judo |
Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Боевые искусства |
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Автор: B. J. Cosneck
Издательство: Sentinel Books
Год издания: 1944
Количество страниц: 125
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
As a student at the University of Illinois, "Barney" Cosneck won two Big Ten wrestling championships. Later he served as Judo instructor in the armed forces, where he co-authored "How to Fight Tough" with Jack Dempsey. In "American Combat Judo" he has adapted the best of Japanese ju jitsu, French foot fighting, Chinese boxing and American wrestling to produce simple but effective techniques for defense and counterattack. Authored in 1944 and illustrated with 188 photo sequences, this book, considered one of the cornerstones of American WWII era "Combatives" is a unique window into self defense theory and the early evolution of combined martial systems. |
Modern Judo. Volume II: Advanced Technique |
Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Боевые искусства |
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Автор: Charles Yerkow
Издательство: The Military service Publishing Company
Год издания: 1947
Количество страниц: 234
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
'The Complete Ju-Jutsu Library.' Illustrated with over 400 photographs by the author and Edward Beck - rather than focusing on the 'tricks' of judo, this book emphasizes the fundamentals on which this martial art is based. Contents of the two volumes set include Breaking the Falls; Judo Principles and the Art of Throwing; Fundamentals of Mat Fighting; Individually Developed Technique; Simple Attacks and Nerve Centers; Science of Self Defense; Body Development Exercises; Sport Technique; Methods for Attack; Self Defense Advanced; Stick Play; For Judo Instructors; How to Apply Principles; Kuatsu or Kwappo-Artificial Respiration. |
Modern Judo. Volume I: Basic Technique |
Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Боевые искусства |
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Автор: Charles Yerkow
Издательство: The Military service Publishing Company
Год издания: 1947
Количество страниц: 295
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
'The Complete Ju-Jutsu Library.' Illustrated with over 400 photographs by the author and Edward Beck - rather than focusing on the 'tricks' of judo, this book emphasizes the fundamentals on which this martial art is based. Contents of the two volumes set include Breaking the Falls; Judo Principles and the Art of Throwing; Fundamentals of Mat Fighting; Individually Developed Technique; Simple Attacks and Nerve Centers; Science of Self Defense; Body Development Exercises; Sport Technique; Methods for Attack; Self Defense Advanced; Stick Play; For Judo Instructors; How to Apply Principles; Kuatsu or Kwappo-Artificial Respiration. |
Ушу. Истоки и направления |
Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых |
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Автор: Сосенко А.П.
Издательство: Интерпрогресс
Год издания: 1989
Количество страниц: 56
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
В пособии представлен обзор древних китайских комплексов психофизического тренинга. |
Доверие души. Записки спортивного психолога |
Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Прочие спортивные издания |
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Автор: Загайнов Р.М.
Издательство: Физкультура и спорт
Год издания: 1986
Количество страниц: 113
Язык: русский
Формат: DOC
Автор - кандидат психологических наук, мастер спорта СССР - знает спорт "изнутри", со всеми его сложностями, радостями, порой противоречиями. Наблюдательность, доброта, сопереживание психолога способны пробудить в спортсмене новые силы, зримо повлиять на результаты тренировок и соревнования - убеждает автор читателя. |
Classical Bujutsu (The Martial Arts and Ways of Japan, Volume One) |
Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Боевые искусства |
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Автор: Donn F. Draeger
Издательство: John Weatherhill Inc.
Год издания: 1976
isbn: 0834800713
Количество страниц: 112
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Evolved amid the incessant warfare of medieval Japan, bujutsu, or "martial arts," provided the warrior with the technical and psychological training that prepared him to use his weapons in actual combat. Classical Bujutsu emphasizes the intensely practical nature of these martial arts. The author describes sixteen major forms of bujutsu, employing a variety of weapons and techniques. |
日本空手道入門 / Getting Started with Japanese karate |
Категория: Физкультура и спорт, активный отдых » Боевые искусства |
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Автор: 藤本贞治 / Sadaharu Fujimoto
Издательство: 浙江人民出版社 / Zhejiang People's Publishing House
Год издания: 1989
isbn: 7213003941
Количество страниц: 290
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF (scan)
Язык: китаййский. Основы японского каратэ: Физическая подготовка, Базовая техника, Учебное кумитэ, Ката, Самозащита. |