Автор: Andreas Brekken and Kjetil Aakra
Издательство: Ian Allan Publishing
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 978-1903223901
Количество страниц: 163
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Luftwaffe s campaign in Scandinavia and the Far North the Eismeerfront from 1940 to 1945 can still be regarded as largely uncharted territory in terms of historical research. Air operations over the Far North were demanding and intensive, with the two main German fighter units, JG 5 and JG 77, engaged against both the RAF and the Russians. Lesser-known units also took part, and this book examines all these units aircraft, many of which were engaged in attacking British and Soviet-held aircraft, airfields, bridges, communications lines and transport, as well as enemy maritime targets throughout the area. The main emphasis of the book is on camouflage and markings, but it also details the structure and organization of the units as well as operations, losses and accidents, and includes information on the senior and junior commanders involved. Focusing on the Luftwaffe fighter force in Denmark, northern Finland and Norway, the authors have spent many years collecting information and photographs for this exhaustive study. Much of the photographic material reveals a treasure-trove of fascinating, previously unseen and often unknown fact-busting material that will appeal to the military and aviation enthusiast as well as historians.
Автор: Латышина Д. И.
Издательство: Гардарики
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 5-8297-0104-9
Количество страниц: 603
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Обстоятельно излагаются содержание и особенности воспитания и образования в зарубежных странах и в России, детально освещается просветительская деятельность выдающихся зарубежных и отечественных педагогов. Впервые убедительно показано влияние быта и обычаев народа на воспитание детей.
Автор: Stephen Turnbull, Steve Noon
Издательство: Osprey Publishing
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 978-184603-381-0
Количество страниц: 65
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
It has been said in China that a city without a wall would be as inconceivable as a house without a roof. Even the smallest village invariably had some form of defensive wall, while the Great Wall of China was an attempt to build a barrier along the most vulnerable border of the entire country. Yet the finest examples of walled communities were China’s walled cities, whose defensive architecture surpassed anything along the Great Wall. This book traces the evolution of the walled city from the 3,000 year old remains of the beaten earth walls of the Shang dynasty to the huge stone fortifications of the Ming dynasty. Stephen Turnbull, expert military historian, reveals the defensive structures from all the major ancient Chinese cities, and discusses how they protected entire communities, and not just castle dwellers, with colour artwork reconstructions, maps and archive photographs.
Автор: David Nicolle
Издательство: Osprey Publishing
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 1846035066
Количество страниц: 64
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Ottoman Army was the first to employ the 'triangular division', starting from 1910, which contained three infantry regiments of three battalions supported by an artillery regiment of three battalions. This structure went on to become the world's standard. In the years immediately prior to the outbreak of World War I, the Ottoman Army undertook a massive retraining program to rebuild its forces following the Balkan Wars of 1912-13.
Автор: Terry C. Tread Well, Alan C. Wood
Издательство: Brassey\'s
Год издания: 1996
isbn: 1857531221
Количество страниц: 152
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
A pictorial history of the war in the air of 1914-18, this book covers the war from the first tentative acts of aggression in the air in 1914 to the employment of massive air power by the war's end. Subjects covered include: the early attempts to arm aircraft, the Zeppelin raids, the appearance of fighter "aces", the early employment of carrier-based aircraft, the development of the heavy bomber and of night flying, the formation of the United States Air Service (USAS), and the creation of the Royal Air Force - the world's first independent air arm - in 1918. Also presented are the exploits of American volunteer pilots flying with the legendary Lafayette Escadrille. The book does not restrict its scope to the Western Front; also covered are air operations in the Middle East and Central Europe, as well as the air attacks on British and German towns and cities.
Автор: Ian Knight
Издательство: Osprey Publishing
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 978-184603-370-4
Количество страниц: 225
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Maori people of New Zealand were experienced field engineers and it was common practice to protect villages with surrounding entrenchments and wooden palisades, known as pas. However, it was not until 1845, with the first fighting between the Maori and the British, that it became clear just how strong and sophisticated the Maori fortifications were. For the best part of 20 years, the Maori held off the dominant and technologically superior British forces, by adapting and developing their defences in response to new British assaults. This book explores the evolution and design of Maori fortifications, and charts the course of a conflict that would ultimately see the British break the Maori pas, leading to a bitter guerrilla bush war.
Автор: Федор Ангели
Издательство: Tipogr. Centrala
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 978-9975-78-539-6
Количество страниц: 642
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Книга востоковеда журналиста-международника- Федора Ангели "Очерки истории гагаузов - потомков огузов (середина VIII- начало XXI вв.)" о истории зарождения и формирования гагаузского народа от времен деревне-тюркских племен до наших дней, а также взаимодействии с народами этносами Алтая, Балкан, Средней и Малой Азии, Буджака, участвовавших в их этногенезе (печенегах, половцами, узами, ногайскими племенами, буджакими татарами, болгарами и др.).
Автор: Н. Червов
Издательство: Олма-Пресс
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 5-224-01633-9
Количество страниц: 382
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
В книге анализируется наиболее критические события первой половины ядерного века: ядерная монополия США - чем она обернулась для человечества; "холодная война" - кто и почему её начал, закончилась ли она; безумная гонка вооружений. Значительная часть книги посвящена переговорному процессу по ограничению и сокращению ядерных вооружений. Также раскрывается в книге подробности трагедий Хиросимы и Нагасаки, Войны в Югославии, а также Горбачёвская перестройка - что и кто выиграл от неё, её результаты, подробности расстрела Белого дома Ельциным. Нынешние дела России и международная обстановка сегодня. В книге использованы фотоиллюстрации из личного архива автора. Для широкого круга читателей.
Автор: Davis Monthan
Издательство: Motorbooks International
Год издания: 1987
isbn: 0879382635
Количество страниц: 149
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Following ihe collapse of Nazi Germany in May 1945 and the surrender of Japan after Uic atomic bomb attacks on Nagasaki and Hiroshima three months later. America's Heels of war-weary aircraft began to return home. By June 1946 almost 34,000 aircraft had arrived at thirty airfields throughout the United Stales. The majority of these, some 26,700 aircraft, were in storage al seven main airfields.
Автор: J. Richard Smith, Eddie J. Greek
Издательство: Classic Publications
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 1903223490
Количество страниц: 288
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Серия «Luftwaffe Colours» издательства «Classic Publications» посвящена краткой, но очень яркой истории ВВС Третьего рейха. Прекрасно иллюстрированный полный исторический обзор Люфтваффе 1933-1945гг. Особенно полезна эта серия будет для моделистов (в книгах дается большое количество цветных схем окраски вместе с цветными и ч/б фотографиями этих самолетов!).