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  Луна (сборник под редакцией С. Ранкорна и Г. Юри)
 Категория: Естественные науки » Физико-математические науки » Астрономия, космос
Луна (сборник под редакцией С. Ранкорна и Г. Юри)
Автор: под редакцией С. Ранкорна и Г. Юри
Издательство: Мир
Год издания: 1975
Количество страниц: 304
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF

Экспериментальные исследования Луны последнего десятилетия привели к огромному прогрессу в изучении нашего спутника. Предлагаемая книга охватывает практически все основные направления современных лунных исследовании: вопросы фигуры Луны и её гравитационного поля, особенности поверхности и морфологии Луиы, её петрологи, тектонику, внутреннее строение, проблемы происхождения и эволюции, а также результаты исследований, выполненных с помощью космической техники, в том числе всесторонний анализ доставленных на Землю образцов лунных пород.
Книга представит большой интерес для широкого круга научных работников, инженеров и аспирантов, так или иначе связанных с лунными исследованиями.
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Опубликовал: nbvcxz | 12-05-2010, 06:37 | Просмотров: 1120  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Apollo Moon Missions: The Unsung Heroes
 Категория: Естественные науки » Физико-математические науки » Астрономия, космос
Apollo Moon Missions: The Unsung Heroes
Автор: Billy Watkins
Издательство: Praeger Publishers
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0275987027
Количество страниц: 224
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

"After reading Apollo Moon Missions: The Unsung Heroes, you'll realize how little we all know about those who made the small steps and giants leap possible. " Robert Pearlman, CollectSpace.com, member of the U.S. Space Walk of Fame Foundation Board of Directors "Journalist Watkins takes advantage of decades of close attention as he recounts the stories of some of the thousands of men and women who made getting to the moon their daily work and uncanny passion. He includes the story of a publicist who lobbied for a television camera on Apollo 11, without which we would not have seen Neil Armstrong take that step, specialists on signal-jamming USSR submarines and lightning, and the lucky folks who got to design the Moon Rover. It is clear Watkins would like to acknowledge the efforts of all (picking just 14 must have been agonizing) but those appearing here are truly representative of a breed of scientist and engineer whose pie-in-the-sky thinking actually worked." SciTech Book News "This book is 'new news' to all those who followed Apollo--including me. It not only captures the sense of team spirit and a desire to assure success, but it really brings out the human interest side of the program and highlights the contributions of those removed from the 'firing line.' It's a winner!" Fred Haise, Apollo 13 astronaut "Open up the pages of Watkins' in-depth view of the unsung heroes of the Apollo mission, and you will get a clear idea of why the Apollo Program was so successful. Meet the people behind the scenes of our journey to the moon as Billy Watkins magnificently portrays the human dedication of many people to achieve man's greatest adventure." Jim Lovell, Apollo 13 astronaut "Every story as a heart and a soul, and Billy Watkins hands these rich gifts to the reader with respect and perspective." Lynne Russell "I met Billy just prior to the Columbia tragedy. After one conversation I realized that this was not your typical 'hometown' reporter but someone who could ask me questions regarding Human Spaceflight three or four layers deep and from a historical sense knew more about NASA's accomplishments than I did. Over the years, Billy has become a trusted personal friend and someone I trust to tell the personal side of this highly technical business. I am sure you will enjoy this historical account of the Apollo era." Bill Parsons "Billy Watkins's book is celebration of the devotion of those who worked on the Apollo program. It is a welcome reminder of a single-minded devotion to duty. Our thanks are due to all those who took America to the Moon. This book helps to spotlight some of their stories." Roger D. Launius, former NASA Chief Historian "Watkins has done a great service to space history specifically, and this cultural experiment we call late 20th century America, by giving us fourteen glimpses into the lives of the unsung heroes behind the Apollo mission...
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Опубликовал: nbvcxz | 29-03-2010, 20:27 | Просмотров: 1772  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
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