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  Closely Knit: Handmade Gifts For The Ones You Love
 Категория: Рукоделие » Вязание
Closely Knit: Handmade Gifts For The Ones You Love
Автор: Hannah Fettig
Издательство: North Light Books
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 9781600610189
Количество страниц: 144
Язык: english
Формат: JPG

Замечательный журнал по вязанию. Модели любой сложности, для начинающих и опытных вязальщиц. В номере оригинальные модели для детей, аксессуары и интересные изделия для подарков.
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Опубликовал: Irrena | 18-05-2010, 21:08 | Просмотров: 1014  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  The Cambridge World History of Food. V 1,2
 Категория: Историография, Кулинария, пища
The Cambridge World History of Food. V 1,2
Автор: Kenneth F. Kiple, Kriemhild Coneè Ornelas
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 2000
isbn: 0521402166
Количество страниц: 1958
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

Have the French always enjoyed their renowned cuisine? When did Russians begin to eat pirogi? What was the first Indonesian spice to be cultivated elsewhere in the world? Questions such as these make for good Jeopardy material, but they're far from trivial--just ask anyone with a passion for good food and a curiosity for where that food originated. That person will know instinctively that the best way to approach a culture--and, indeed, the human animal--is through the stomach. For this individual, The Cambridge World History of Food will be something of a bible, and the best of gifts.
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Опубликовал: djin_ | 11-05-2010, 02:14 | Просмотров: 961  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Vogue Knitting on the Go: Quick Gifts
 Категория: Рукоделие » Вязание
Vogue Knitting on the Go: Quick Gifts
Издательство: Butterick Company, Incorporated
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 1-933027-23-1
Количество страниц: 93
Язык: english
Формат: DJVU

Knitters of all skill levels turn to the On the Go! Series for great new patterns by leading designers. Geared to crafters of all skill levels, this new installment fulfills expectations with a variety of fun designs. Quick Gifts includes novel ideas for gifts for women, men, children and infants, including a set of sachets, a baby’s sailor suit, a felted laptop case, a kitty toy, a lush cashmere hat and a necklace made of knitted beads. Using this book, knitters will create treasured gifts for friends and loved ones. What’s more, they will be able to do it On the Go!
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Опубликовал: hellix | 2-03-2010, 13:54 | Просмотров: 1036  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
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