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  OECD Economics Glossary / Glossaire de l’conomie de l'OCDE
 Категория: Энциклопедии и словари
OECD Economics Glossary / Glossaire de l’conomie de l'OCDE
Автор: коллектив OECD
Издательство: OECD
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 9264035850
Количество страниц: 562
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

This updated and expanded edition contains some 30 000 terms and expressions, covering a wide range of subject areas: general economics, statistics, finance and banking, trade, management, accounting, insurance, manpower and employment, development and tax.
Cette dition revue et augmente du Glossaire de l’conomie anglais-franais publi en 1992, contient quelque 30 000 termes et expressions et couvre une trs large varit de domaines : science conomique proprement dite, statistiques, finance et banque, changes, gestion, comptabilit, assurances, emploi et main-d’oeuvre, dveloppement, fiscalit.
The glossary also explores new fields, such as money laundering and financial engineering. It gives brief descriptions of four specialist areas (financial analysis, money laundering, credit derivatives and transfer prices) and the English equivalents of the basic concepts.
L’ouvrage explore galement de nouveaux secteurs, comme le blanchiment de capitaux ou l’ingnierie financire. Il comprend des encadrs qui dcrivent succinctement quatre domaines spcialiss (analyse financire, blanchiment de capitaux, drivs de crdit et prix de transfert) et donne les quivalents en anglais des concepts fondamentaux.
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Опубликовал: semenivans | 17-01-2012, 19:40 | Просмотров: 695  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security
 Категория: Экономика. Бизнес. Управление, Прочая экономическая литература
Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security
Автор: Burton Rosenberg
Издательство: Ch..an and H.ll/C.R.C
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 1420059815
Количество страниц: 631
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

The Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security elucidates the theory and techniques of cryptography and illustrates how to establish and maintain security under the framework of financial cryptography. It applies various cryptographic techniques to auctions, electronic voting, micropayment systems, digital rights, financial portfolios, routing networks, and more.
In the first part, the book examines blind signatures and other important cryptographic techniques with respect to digital cash/e-cash. It also looks at the role of cryptography in auctions and voting, describes properties that can be required of systems implementing value exchange, and presents methods by which selected receivers can decrypt signals sent out to everyone.
The second section begins with a discussion on lowering transaction costs of settling payments so that commerce can occur at the sub-penny level. The book then addresses the challenge of a system solution for the protection of intellectual property, before presenting an application of cryptography to financial exchanges and markets.
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Опубликовал: nbvcxz | 1-01-2011, 21:25 | Просмотров: 858  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Financial Services Anti-Fraud Risk and Control Workbook
 Категория: Экономика. Бизнес. Управление, Финансы. Инвестиции, кредит, страхование
Financial Services Anti-Fraud Risk and Control Workbook
Издательство: Wiley |
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 0470498994
Количество страниц: 288
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

Myth-busting guidance for fraud preventionin a practical workbook format An excellent primer for developing and implementing an anti-fraud program that works, Financial Services Anti-Fraud Risk and Control Workbook engages readers in an absorbing self-paced learning experience to develop familiarity with the practical aspects of fraud detection and prevention at banks, investment firms, credit unions, insurance companies, and other financial services providers.
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Опубликовал: nbvcxz | 2-09-2010, 11:58 | Просмотров: 1045  Подробнее и с комментариями (0)
  Financial Products: An Introduction using Mathematics and Excel
 Категория: MS Office, Excel
Financial Products: An Introduction using Mathematics and Excel
Автор: Bill Dalton
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 978-0521682220
Количество страниц: 408
Язык: english
Формат: PDF

Financial Products provides a step-by-step guide to some of the most important ideas in financial mathematics. It describes and explains interest rates, discounting, arbitrage, risk neutral probabilities, forward contracts, futures, bonds, FRA and swaps. It shows how to construct both elementary and complex (Libor) zero curves. Options are described, illustrated and then priced using the Black Scholes formula and binomial trees. Finally, there is a chapter describing default probabilities, credit ratings and credit derivatives (CDS, TRS, CSO and CDO). An important feature of the book is that it explains this range of concepts and techniques in a way that can be understood by those with only a basic understanding of algebra. Many of the calculations are illustrated using Excel spreadsheets, as are some of the more complex algebraic processes. This accessible approach makes it an ideal introduction to financial products for undergraduates and those studying for professional financial qualifications.
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Опубликовал: djin_ | 10-05-2010, 17:35 | Просмотров: 898  Подробнее и с комментариями (1)
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